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[IC] Fate/Full Moon


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June 14th, 2030. Fuyuki City/Myama town, Southern district - 8:43 pm

-it is dusk; beautiful and vibrant colors spread through the sky; the atmosphere is tranquil and silent, giving the impression as if the time had stopped

-a group of four people led by a young man dressed in a priest's clothes is walking down the street, slowly advancing towards their destination, a western looking, two-story mansion standing tall next to the street

-the priest carries a small black box under his right shoulder

-once they reach the mansion, they take a look at it: it is surrounded by various trees and bushes, and it looks like it has been left unattained for quite some time, cracks spread through the facade of the house; several windows on both floors are broken

-they walk inside, through the entrance hall and into what seems to be the living room, they raise more dust with each step they take; as they enter the room, they notice how stagnant and dusty the air has become

-the room contains a single coffee table along with a bunch of chairs and a small sofa; an antique cupboards is laying broken on the floor; walls and windows are covered in stains, dust and spider webs... nobody has stepped inside for quite some time

-the priest walks up to the table, blowing away some dust off it before putting the box in the middle

Inside the Tohsaka residence - 8:47 pm

"I know this place doesn't look like much, but It will have to do." The priest turns towards the group of three with a smile on his face. His brown hair is tidy and his green eyes innocent. He claps his hands before moving on with the talk. "Even though we al got to know each other during the trip, I'd like to introduce myself once again, this time formally. My name is father Aaron. I will serve as this Grail War's judge and overseer. I have been appointed by the Holy Church in order to be the impartial third party that would represent law and prevent any mishaps during this conflict, unlike my colleague here," He points at a man in the group. "who was sent to assist us in winning the war and confiscating the Holy Grail." Aaron bents over the table and opens the box. The box contains three objects wrapped in black silk, along with a phone on top of it all. The phone is a thin smartphone with a rather big screen. It is as black as the silk it has ben laid upon. "The box here contains the relics prepared for you by the Mage's Association along with the phone you will be using when making contact with your supervisors. You are to use them in order to summon your designated Servants that will aid you in your quest for victory. After you have all formally entered into the Holy Grail War, you will receive a call from your supervisor." He bows slightly as he moves away from the table, opening the path for them to reach the box. "I will retreat to the church now." He says as he begins walking towards the opened door. Once he reaches them, he turns abruptly, as if he had forgotten something. "Oh," He smiles. "if you ever need any help cleaning up this place, don't hesitate to call me. My phone number should be registered in the phone inside the box." He waves his hand at them, throwing one last smile at them. "Good luck, you all. See you later." And, with that, the man exits the house, leaving the trio alone.

((Go ahead and summon your Servants now, guys. I will update after you've all summoned them and finished up your interactions. The non-MA guys can choose where they want to summon their Servants.

For the MA guys: The Tohsaka residence serves as your base of operations, but you don't have to also sleep there. If you want, you can rent rooms in some hotel or something. When you're done summoning your Servants, have one of you use the phone to contact the MA. I'll take it from there.

And, of course ~ Good luck, and have fun ^^))

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Wilderness around Fuyuki, 2:00 A.M. June 14th, 2030

"This place, it feels right." said a young Woman, with hair as black as night. She had searched for a place in the wilderness to summon forth a servant for the Grail War, a place well connected with the world. She sat crossing her legs to try and get a feel for her surroundings.

"Gebilde" she said, pouring mana into the word. In her hand formed a small trowel, made of a pure black energy. She began to create a Summoning Circle, one with which to summon forth a Servant. Nearly an hour passed while she laboured away. She placed a log in the field behind it.

"Dunkelheit nehmen Gestalt" The women said, this time, forming the pure jet black energy into a longsword. It was plain and unadorned, the shadow of a sword meant to do but one thing, kill. It had perfect balance and weight, like the one she used long ago, a simple tool, but a deadly one. She turned it over in her hand, as she realized it had a bit of am imperfection. She was getting sloppy, probably since it wasn't needed for combat. This sword would be used to affix something, and even more base job then killing. She produced an Old page, written in an Old English tongue, an artifact of rare quality. It was a page to the original writings of Shakespeare, the play known as only "The Scottish Play" in Theater. The Play "Macbeth" siad to be cursed with dark Witchcraft.

She placed it onto the wooden post, stabbing the Blade through the center of it to attach it to the side of the post, being careful not to damage the old document to much.

She took in her hand a glass jar, filled with a silver liquid, a large amount of Mercury. She entered the center of the circle as she began to pour the Mercury into the hole she had dug. She began to recite the words of the ritual.

Fill. Fill. Fill. Fill. Fill.

Let it be filled fivefold for every turn, and may each filling be crushed in darkness as it is made.

For the essence, silver and steel.

For the foundation, stone and the archduke of contracts.

Close the gates of the four cardinal directions.

Come forth from the crown, and follow the three forked road leading to the kingdom.

Let it be declared now.

My will creates your body.

Your sword creates my destiny.

If you heed the Grail's call and obey my will and reason, then answer me.

I hereby swear.

That I shall be all the good in the world.

That I shall defeat all evil in the world.

But let chaos cloud your eyes.

You, that is trapped in a cage of madness.

I would hold your chains.

From the seventh heaven, clad in the three great words of power,

come forth from the circle of binding, guardian of the scales!

A Single Stroke of Lightning struck the Wooden pole, causing it and the page to light aflame, and as it quickly burned down to cinders, in the after math was left something more than Ashes. There stood a Huge Man, with a well trimmed beard of Red and short hair of the same colour. Upon his brow sat a bloodied crown. He wore typical Scottish dress, a simple tunic with a kilt.

The Women smiled wickedly, and she laughed. "Hehehe, wonderful." She said with a spin.

The Man looked at her, his eyes full of paranoia. Bags under his eyes indicted he never slept well, pretty predictable of the man believed to have murdered sleep itself. He said but one shaky word. "M...master?"

"Yes, I am your Master. Great Scottish King, I, Nadia "Umbra" Darke, shall led you into battle." she said, with a quick bow. "Now, we must make haste, I have plans to attend to Berserker. I don't have all day." and with that, Berserker disappeared, taking an incorporeal form.

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Siegfried walked up to the box and took out the artifact he had requested. He would have preferred to locate it himself, but the timing hadn't been ideal. It was a piece of petrified wood, with little significance to someone who didn't know its origin. However, this particular bit of wood was from the legendary hall Heorot, the dining place of many ancient Saxon heroes, but connected to one in particular. He briefly cast a look over the other two mages, then turned away. "I'll be in the basement," he said over his shoulder, a curt tone sounding through his deep, somewhat gravelly voice. Siegfried made his way down to the basement and withdrew a vial of mercury from within his coat. That's a perk, I guess. I don't care to explain to non-mages what I need this for.

Drawing the summoning circle came easily to him. It was not dissimilar to a few of the runes he used regularly, though he wouldn't have even attempted something of this magnitude without the Grail's assistance. It didn't take long; he had studied and practiced drawing the circle to ensure he didn't muck anything up. After he was done, he placed the timber and began the chant.

Fill. Fill. Fill. Fill. Fill.

Let it be filled fivefold for every turn, simply breaking asunder with every filling.

For the essence, silver and steel.

For the foundation, stone and the archduke of contracts.

Close the gates of the four cardinal directions.

Come forth from the crown, and follow the three forked road leading to the kingdom.

Let it be declared now.

My will creates your body.

Your sword creates my destiny.

If you heed the Grail's call and obey my will and reason, then answer me.

I hereby swear.

That I shall be all the good in the world.

That I shall defeat all evil in the world.

From the seventh heaven, clad in the three great words of power,

come forth from the circle of binding, guardian of the scales!

As he spoke, the silvery fluid on the floor began to glow brighter and brighter with an internal light, rising to a magnitude that was almost blinding to look at. With the last line, there was a flash, and the wood in the center of the circle had been replaced by a tall, muscle-bound man with dark, raggedly cut hair and a simple chestplate that appeared to be made of iron, with accompanying greaves and trousers. His shirt had no sleeves, showcasing the immense power held in his arms. At his belt was an ornate scabbard containing a sword, contrasting with the rest of his outfit. The Servant wore an amulet in the shape of the hilt of a sword, and beyond that no other decoration. The man looked down at Siegfried (a bit unsettling, since Siegfried was considered fairly tall himself) and spoke. "Are you my Master?"

"Indeed, I am the one that summoned you, King of the Geats. Together, we will seek the Grail, and crush our enemies before they have a chance to bend it to their own ends." Both of them looked the other over. Siegfried smiled. Saber - better known as Beowulf - had all of the overwhelming strength he had possessed in his legend. "We have much to do before we engage in combat." Saber nodded, and faded away into spirit form.

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June 13th, 2030. Sydney 6:43 PM.

"Alright, lets get started" Andrew says, an edge of nervousness in his voice. He's standing next to his wife Marie in the center of the stone room. Even though they are using the cellar the entire space is illuminated clearly by electric lights hanging from the ceiling. Moving to the wall he grabs a large flask full of an unmistakable red liquid. Andrew stares at the flask he is holding lost in thought, his eyes softened by a hint of possible regret. "I'm still not sure this was the right choice Marie, draining our own son for this damned ritual" he says. "Daniel insisted, there's no way you could have talked him out of it" comes the reply from his wife.

"That's right" thinks Andrew, recalling the argument of months ago like it had just occurred. "He has the potential to be a far more powerful magus than myself, and as such he insisted that his own blood be used for the calling in order to increase my chances of summoning a winning servant."

Carrying the flask of blood Andrew approaches the symbol engraved as a depression in the stone floor and pours it in. "Now for the catalyst" he says to his wife, who hands him a small earthen jar at his prompt. He empties the contents, what seems to be a pile of dust, into the middle of the magical circle now defined by a trail of blood and steps back. As he does so Andrew murmurs "The dust of his chariot, collected and preserved after it was destroyed following the events of the Kurukshetra war. Hopefully this, and the power in Daniel's blood will be enough to summon the servant we're aiming for." He stretches out his hand, closes his eyes, calms his mind, and pictures his trigger. A tidal wave crashing over a desolate beach. With this image of pure chaotic destruction in his mind Andrew painfully feels his magic circuits slot into place.

He chants the memorized lines:

"Fill. Fill. Fill. Fill. Fill.

Let it be filled fivefold for every turn, simply breaking asunder with every filling.

Let the essence be silver and steel.

Let the foundation be stone and the archduke of contracts.

Let my great master Sophia act as the ancestor.

Close the gates of the four cardinal directions.

Come forth from the crown, and follow the three forked road leading to the kingdom.

Let it be declared now.

Mine will creates thy body.

Thy sword creates my destiny.

If you will heed the Grail's call and obey my will and reason, then answer my summons.

I hereby swear.

That I shall be all the good in the world.

That I shall defeat all evil in the world.

Let thine eyes be sharp and thy aim be true.

Warrior of the string.

I would behold thine glory.

From the seventh heaven, clad in the three great words of power,

come forth from the circle of binding, guardian of the scales!"

With that the room is filled with a great storm of wind, and surprisingly water. As suddenly as it appears, it recedes into nothing but puddles on the floor, and in the center of the circle of blood there now stands a man. He is tall and lithe, his frame unmistakably powerful but at the same time thin. His face is handsome and youthful, appearing as if the man is in his mid twenties. His hair is a light brown and while short and scruffy around his head, it also trails down his back in a short ponytail. The man is clad in black, close fitting clothing overlain by bronze tinted armour at the torso, shoulders, forearms, upper arms, thighs, and shins with gold patterns inscribed across it. Even Andrew, with little knowledge of armour, can see that this is designed to provide moderate protection while remaining mobile.

The man looks up and speaks in a light voice "Which of you is my master?"

Andrew replies "I am the one who summoned you to fight. What class do you belong to heroic spirit?"


"What is your name Archer?"

"Arjuna Pandava"

At these words Marie gasps and Andrew's eyes widen in amazement, "we've done it" he whispers. "One final question Archer, have you ever been defeated in combat by a mortal hand?"

The man called Arjuna stared straight into Andrew's eyes. "No."

June 14th, 2030. Fuyuki City 4:05 PM.

Andrew steps off the plane, walks out of the terminal with his luggage, and hails a taxi. He tells the taxi driver to take him to a local hotel that is around middle class, and upon arriving books a room there for the next month. Once inside his room he calls out "Archer, it's safe to come out now" and seconds later his servant materializes. "Feel free to make yourself comfortable Archer, this is where we'll be staying for so long as we go unnoticed. Now, I'll be spending the rest of the day setting barriers and the like so you'll need to entertain yourself for now." So saying, Andrew gets to work.

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An Abandoned House in Fuyuki City, Midnight June 14th.

"Okay, lets see that should be it" a blonde man said as he sat into a chair looking at the stone floor with a Magic circle carved into the stone.Spinning the chair around the man looked at the only other piece of furniture in the room. On it sat three things a lab top with strange text upon it, a case containing different components for curses, and finally a box with the letters S and M carved into it.

"Hmm, lets see i where is that mercury?" the man dug though his case."Hmm..looks like I didn't bring it with me. Guess I will have to use blood then. Seems more fitting anyway." The man muttered to himself as he pulled a small knife from the case.

Grabbing the box off the desk and rolling the chair to the middle of the circle, the man opens the box and pulls out a hair brush from within it. The man then sets the box down on the ground and the brush on top of it. Raising his hand one empty and the other with the knife the man cut his empty hand drawing a flowing line of blood. The man drizzles the blood around the box and brush in a circle. Once he finished the blood circle the man rolled his chair back to desk well muttering a simple spell to heal is cut.

"Okay, circle and catalyst prepared all that's left is the evocation to call the servant lets see...here it is." The man said with a smile as he found the words as he scrolled down the text on the labtop. "And with that its time to being!" The man said with a spin of the chair grabbing a simple wooden bat that was leaning against the desk, and the labtop.

Spinning to the circle with the labtop held in his left hand and the bat in his right pointed straight towards the circle he began the evocation.

"Fill. Fill. Fill. Fill. Fill.

Let it be filled fivefold for every turn, simply breaking apart with every filling.

Let the essence be silver and steel.

Let the foundation be stone and the archduke of contracts.

Close the gates of the four cardinal directions.

Come forth from the crown, and follow the three forked road leading to the kingdom.

Let it be declared now.

Mine will creates thy body.

Thy sword creates my destiny.

If you will heed the Grail's call and obey my will and reason, then answer my summons.

I hereby swear.

That I shall be all the good in the world.

That I shall defeat all evil in the world.

From the seventh heaven, clad in the three great words of power,

come forth from the circle of binding, guardian of the scales!"

As he chanted the words the circle begun to glow slowly increasing in magnitude as he neared the end of the evocation.Tell the final words the light collapsed upon its self into the middle exploding in a blast of mist sending the man sliding a bit.

From the center of the circle a figure stood up within the mist holding the brush in her hand. Looking at the man the figured smiled as the mist cleared revealing a young pretty woman somewhere between her late teens to early twenties, with light brown hair and eyes wearing a colonial dress.

"Hmm...so my hair brush lasted this long that's good to know" the woman said well turning the brush in her hands."Umm..." the man started to say something but was stopped buy he woman's voice speacking first " Ah...that's right the contract. You know you summoned the furthest thing from a hero to fight with you in this war, My master. Please tell me I will be able to call you something else other then that?" The woman said with a smile to the man as she ran the brush though her long hair.

The man smiled at that comment knowing that the summoning succeeded in bringing forth the servant he wanted Abagail Willams the first accuser of the Salem Witch Trials.With a knowing grin the man responded"That was the plan from the start bring someone the other masters and servants would never think about. A spirit who wasn't old but infamous enough to have been record by the grail and who would be better then a villain to fit that roll, and yeah you can call me Josh. Being called master by someone just doesn't sit well with me. So what should I call you then?" He asked with a smile.

Abagail began to walk forwards towards Josh. "Smart plan hopefully I will live up to your image of me. Though I should call you master well we are around other pairs and you may call me Caster at that time as well. Though when its just you and me you can call me Abby or Abagail if you wish." stopping in front of Josh giving him a warm smile. Nodding Josh spoke once more "So Abby what do you think our next move should be then?" With a surprised look on her face she replies "Well for that I will need to see this city, but trust me what I can do will surprise the likes of even the most ancient of heroes."

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A bald man in his early twenties watched one of his so called allies grab his artefact. Vincent waited a little longer until the man left before walking over to the box and grabbing an old book in a foreign language. “I’ll be upstairs,” he informed the last remaining remember of their little alliance.

Vincent entered a dusty bedroom with not much in it except a bed, a desk and a wardrobe. He put his luggage down and immediately started to draw the summoning circle. It was done rather quickly so he searched his luggage for a flask with his own blood he prepared a few days ago. He took the flask and the old book and studied it a little. He was excited to summon a powerful servant, preferably a king that created his own empire by conquest. He didn’t recognize the writing or the language, but he assumed the MA had done exactly what he asked for. So maybe the writing was ancient Macedonian? How awesome it would be to summon the King of Conquest himself, but no matter how he looked at the words, it looked like some sort of Asian language. It could be a book about Atilla the Hun… Vincent wasn’t sure if the guy ever reached Europe or Russia. He placed the book, still wondering about who it could be, and poured the blood on the magic circle. A red snake made its way on the ground, spreading to fill the entire circle and a faint red glow could be seen.

“Fill. Fill. Fill. Fill. Fill.

Let it be filled fivefold for every turn, simple breaking asunder with every filling.

For the essence, silver and steel.

For the foundation, stone and the archduke of contracts.

Close the gates of the four cardinal directions.

Come forth from the crown, and follow the three forked road leading to the kingdom.

Let it be declared now.

My will creates your body.

Your sword creates my destiny.

If you heed the Grail’s call and obey my will and reason, then answer me.

I hereby swear.

That I shall be all the good in the world.

That I shall defeat all evil in the world.

From the seventh heaven, clad in the three great words of power,

come forth from the circle of binding, guardian of the scales!”

A bright flash appeared, blinding Vincent. Smoke filled the room and when everything cleared a tall slender man stood in front of him. The man wore dark clothes and his face was hidden. The only thing that Vincent could see, were the man’s dark eyes. “Are you my Master-dono?” the man asked.

“Yes I am!” Vincent replied. “What was your name when you were still alive?”

“Hattori Hanzo, Master-dono.” The Assassin made a bow to show his respect.

“Who?” Goddammit! Those idiots from the MA screwed up! I asked specifically for a heroic spirit who was known for his combat skills and military power! What do I get? A no-namer! And what’s with the dono?”

“I am a man who lived in Japan. In my lifetime I was known as a ninja, samurai and general, Master-dono.”

Vincent mood changed from disappointment and rage into impressed. He wasn’t all that familiar with Japanese history but ninja’s were bad-ass in his books. “How did you die?” his tone became slightly more interested.

“In battle at the age of 55, Master-dono,” Hanzo replied with another bow.

This time Vincent’s eyes widened in surprise; a ninja surviving until he reached the age of 55… this guy must’ve been strong in battle, smart and sneaky at the same time. Wait a minute this can work! Most spirits are from European History or Legend so basically I have the wildcard. I don’t think they will have an easy time finding out who he is, especially if they focus on European Heroes. And since he’s obviously Assassin he fits my plans perfectly. I wanted to go after the other masters anyway. I just hope my two associates downstairs can keep the Servants busy. Vincent smiled again. “I’ll just call you Assassin from now on. As for you; call me Master. If you use that dono suffix the others will have an easier time to figure out who you are.”

Assassin made another bow. “As you wish, Master,” he said before disappearing into spirit form.

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Hels stepped out onto the terrace, surrounded by iridescent the candle light he had set up hours before. He had dressed in his holy priest's garbs to commemorate the occasion, yet it felt no different from any other day. To Hels, today was no different from any other day. He was simply acting out the will of the lord, and he intended to see this trial to the end. Having prepared beforehand, the Summoning Circle was already drawn. However, as the hours had past, the liquid had run dry.

"No matter" Hels told himself. "Easily remedied".

In a corner, the source of the dried, crusted liquid slouched and slid to the floor. Hels grimaced. He should have chosen to keep the head on. Those leather shoes were the only thing not completely soiled. As much as he appreciated the connections given by the holy church, it had become a habit of misusing them for petty reasons. He used the sack of bloody meat to finish the summoning circle.

Hels took a small plastic bottle of hair gel from his coat, opening the cap and squeezing a modest amount into his hands, using it to slick his hair back, highlighting the sharpness his widow's peak. The young priest pulled a small ornate marble box from his coat and opened it, taking hold of the small metal rivet that appeared to be nothing but rusted dust. He set the object in its place and extended his hands forward, closing his eyes.

Fill. Fill. Fill. Fill. Fill.

Let it be filled fivefold for every turn, simply breaking asunder with every filling.

For the essence, silver and steel.

For the foundation, stone and the archduke of contracts.

Close the gates of the four cardinal directions.

Come forth from the crown, and follow the three forked road leading to the kingdom.

Let it be declared now.

My will creates your body.

Your sword creates my destiny.

If you heed the Grail's call and obey my will and reason, then answer me.

I hereby swear.

That I shall be all the good in the world.

That I shall defeat all evil in the world.

The fires of war have judged you
The venom of man retains you
He who served the land will serve again.

From the seventh heaven, clad in the three great words of power,

come forth from the circle of binding, guardian of the scales!

Upon finishing the chant, Hels was immersed in a storm of flames so fierce, he could feel the pressure against him. Within moments, the fire subsided into a haze of violet mist, casting a veil over a human figure that towered above the boy. The mist faded to reveal a man Hels had been waiting for. Tall and thin, yet with thick muscles creating his frame, poorly groomed, short brown hair that fell just above his eyes which were a stately dark green. The figure was dressed in robes, covering over leather and iron soldier's leathers connected by thick rope strands. The figure bowed his head but nothing else.

"Celtchar of Ulster, young master. I have answered your call and stand at your behest".

Hels ran a hand through his hair, a habitual gesture he was barely aware of. "Celtchar... No, Lancer. I welcome you into the service of the lord. However, there are two factors you must comply with in order for this to remain a harmonious union".

Celtchar lifted his eyebrows. If he was feigning interest, he was well adept at it. "First, never refer to me as a master. I am no master, I am a servant the same as you, one at the call of God. I am Hels Kurgis, and you are Lancer". Lancer nodded in acknowledgement. "Second, you are not to speak or communicate with the other Servants or Masters without my presence. This is not a leash, I promise you, only a precaution".

Lancer nodded again yet did not respond. After a few moment's silence, Lancer bowed his head and vanished into a shower of silver, taking an ethereal form. "Quite a droll Servant if any..."

Hels' eyes widened, and he cracked his knuckles, breaking out in a smile which was followed by silent laughter. He stared upwards with the look of enticement still on his face, almost as if hearing something in the silence.

"Thy Will be done".

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June 14th - 9:07

- the phone left unattended in the black box begins to ring; it is that simple ringtone usually set as default on most phones, but it is loud enough to fill the whole house and alarm everyone in it

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Siegfried walked back upstairs to answer the phone with a measured pace. A babysitter. Wonderful. As if I couldn't come up with strategy without some buffoon sitting somewhere and watching me. He looked around, not noticing any of the other mages coming to the room. Of course. At least the leadership of this little group will fall to someone competent. The magus picked up the phone but waited a moment to answer. "Get in here," he shouted, loud enough that anyone in the house should have been able to hear him. Then, he slid a thumb across the screen, answering the call. "Yes?"

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Hels had finished his pact with Lancer only minutes prior to the phone call but had made enough of the time to find the upstairs bathroom sink and run some water over his head. The cold water was relaxing, enough to calm his frayed nerves and clear his thoughts. As Hels stood and dried his hair, he could hear footsteps moving up the stairs towards the ringing of the phone, followed by a rather aggressive call for assembly. Hels had figured one of the other two would attempt to claw himself into a position of authority. Hels shook his head and chuckled into his towel, rubbing it over his head.

"Petty, is it not?". Hels mumbled the question, and after a few moments, as if earning an answer, "Yes, you are correct. That's why I'm here. Hopefully, there is a road that will lead him to enlightenment".

With silent steps, the young priest moved to stand in the door way of the room where the phone was kept. He was curious as to if this child would assume his orders were being followed, or perhaps he knew better? Regardless, Hels stepped once more into the room, leaning against the furthest wall with a passive demeanor. In actuality, Hels was excited to meet the other Masters in a hidden desire to find someone he might connect with. After realizing this was most likely not going to happen, Hels cast away any interest there might have been for his fellow Mages.

Hels stood quietly, listening.

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Somewhere in Fuyuki City, Top of a Tall Building. Approximately 7:00 A.M. 14th of June, 2030.

"Shehehehe. I love good prior planning, you are lucky I am your Master Berserker." Nadia laughed to herself, full of delight. "This war will be so much fun, killing other mages is always the best. Didn't get to do it much in the Mage's Association, they didn't really look all that kindly on it, well without good reason anyway. Luckily, I found out all about this little Grail War before I left. Now, they say safety is in numbers, so that alliance will be troubling. No idea which Servants they have, but I figure they picked ones that were suited to working in a team, it would only make sense."

Berserker grunted in response. "He understood? I thought Berserkers reasoning skills were lost in madness.....maybe this Berserker is somewhat different, interesting. There is definitely some drawback to this if that is the case though....I wonder what it could be?" Nadia thought to herself. "Anyway, Berserker, this is why I have devised a plan you see. Cause we have an ally right here in Fuyuki City, I met him a few times in my work for the Mage's Association. He seemed rather talented, and it just so happens he came to be in this war as well. Shehehe. He is cute too, so that is a bonus." Nadia said laughing to herself.

"Anyway, we need to find him. Josh Elders...I am coming my prince, so don't worry your pretty little head. Your Queen of Darkness will be there for you soon."

((shehehe is her laugh by the way, just going to make sure that is clear lol.))

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Vincent ignored the phone call. He had more important stuff to take care of first like coming up with a new plan. All this time he expected to summon on of the Warrior Classes or Rider or something, but now he had to adjust everything to fit Assassin. In a way it was easier since he wanted to go after the other Masters from the start but he had to avoid direct combat for now. While his Servant obviously possessed some skill, Vincent didn’t want to risk going head to head with the Warrior Class Servants or Berserker.

A yell from downstairs interrupted his thoughts. Vincent was about to yell something back when he figured he should at least find out the other Servants in this little alliance. Once he knew that he could come up with other strategies.

He entered the room silently. He noticed one guy leaning against the wall while the other had the phone. No visible Servants around. I guess I’ll have to ask them later…

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"Siegfried, is that you I'm speaking with?" A feminine voice spoke through the phone. The voice was high pitched, yet calm and serious, even though its owner was already in her forties. A slight note of arrogance could be heard as she spoke up again, after waiting a few moments to confirm who she was talking to. "Good." The woman cleared her throat before moving on. "I need to discuss the nature of our small alliance along with our future plans with all of you, so please put me on speaker. ... You have? Good. Can everyone hear me? Okay, we wil begin now. Oh, and the line is secure and the whole house you are currently in is protected from outside thaumaturgical influences, so it is 100% safe to talk over it.

First and foremost, I have to thank you all for serving us in this war. It is of crucial importanc that we, the Mage's Association, are the one to emerge victorious from this war, so that we can confiscate and investigate the source of it all. As you may know, the Holy Grail has been confirmed destroyed at the end of the 5th Holy Grail War, by none other that yours truly, so whatever is causing this war must be of some different origin, if it's even possible for something other than the Grail to hold such power. But that is why we have to secure it, as it may prove to be an imminent threat to the world of magi. I'm assured you all wil cooperate accordingly as you have signed yourselves up. Any and all errors you make against us are going to be punished severly, understood?

Good. Lets see what's next..." The voice dissapears for a while as the sound of pages turning can be heard on the other end of the line. "Right. I need to confirm the summoning of your Servants. Has everything gone well? If our calculations were correct, the Servants you have summoned are of Saber, Lancer and Assassin classes. Then, if you all have nothing better to do, you should all get to work. Your primary objective should be to confirm the identities of other Masters. For now, we only know about Maria Lockeheart, that girl that tried to kill you. *giggle* Oh, my apologies, I got carried away. Anyways, our theory is that she summoned a Servant of the Rider class, but we have no idea about his actual strenght. Though... Servants summoned under that class usually have lackluster parameters, so you shouldn't have too many problems against them. But be wary, she might not seem strong but she is not a pushover. Master of Assassin," The voice turns sharp all of a sudden. "have your Servant dispatch and track down enemy Masters. As I said, your primary objective is to identify them. If you find out anything, you are to write it down somewhere and report it to me in the next three days. Then we will be ready to initiate the next phase of our plan. We are eagerly expecting results. Goodbye now, and may the luck be at your side. And if you have any problems or issues... feel free to tell us or father Aaron as we are here to assist you. That should be all."

The phone goes quiet after a click. The call has ended.

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Siegfried looked around at the other magi again, a faint look of distaste showing on his hard face. We're already stooping down to kill Masters instead of Servants? I suppose it was wishful thinking, but perhaps I can still conduct myself with honor. He spoke. "Before we begin, we should inform one another of our Servants and their relative strengths. My Servant and myself shall go first. I assume no one here has ulterior motives." There was a hint of a question with the last, but he continued too quickly for anyone to answer. "Saber, would you kindly show yourself?" The hero's imposing figure coalesced in front of Siegfried, and he offered a greeting.

"Well met, Masters. I am Beowulf, King of the Geats, and servant of Siegfried in this war." He took a step back and gestured at the aforementioned magus. "My lord."

"As you can see," Siegfried began, "Saber possesses overwhelming strength, and is not likely to fall in combat. I believe that luring enemy Masters out of hiding with an open challenge would not likely result in any significant negative consequences for us, and could allow us to obtain the identities of all four of the other Servants. Of course, to form any strategy, I would need to know the capacities of your Servants."

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Fuyuki City atop an apartment building, around 6 P.M. June 14

"So are you ready now Abby? We have been walking around the city all day."Josh asked the girl who was standing near the edge of the roof. "Well if someone woke up earlier then we could of taken care of this before noon." Caster said with a giggle at Josh as he set down a bag he was carrying. "We if someone actually took spiritual form after getting summoned instead of spending all night in my computer, then might not of been so tired." Josh replied to her with a laugh. "Well Master if you wanted to stay in bed then i am quite sure your humble servant could of found something entertaining to do with you in it." Caster said with a wink and a cute smile to Josh.

"Umm..so why are we here anyway Caster?" Josh said turning his head forwards to hide the little red on his cheeks from Caster last remark." Well I told you that I needed to see the city from my abilities to work fully. So I wanted to take that walk for more then having you buy me cute clothes." Caster said with another giggle directed to Josh "Anyway where here because its the best view for where I am going to utilize a Noble Phantasms." she continued. "Your going to use a Noble Phantasms now?! We haven't even meet any other master wouldn't that be best saved for a fight with another servant?" Josh asked with a concerned looked on his face.

"Most Noble Phantasms would be best saved for fight, not this one though. This one is one that makes me more powerful the longer its in effect so its best used at a time like this. Where it can grow without unhindered. Don't forget Master that you summoned the Caster class servant we are at our best when fighting within our claimed territory. And this lets me utilize mine even better then others of my class. After all you summoned a spirit who didn't fight with a sword or spell but with the very minds of men around her." Caster said with a serious look on her face. "Okay, okay then don't let me stop you Abby. You know your abilities far better then I ever could so I will leave it within your capable hands." Josh said well raising his hands up in surrender to her. "Thank you Josh most Masters wouldn't even consider that." Caster said as she turned back to the city beneath her. Holding out her hand she began to chant.

"Grow in the minds of those within the boundaries of my influence. Chain them in a cage created by there own fear and mistrust. Take Root my Hysteria"

With the last word a surge of magic spreads outward in all directions stopping only at a bound field that appeared briefly as the Noble Phantasm was used. Both the bound field and magic surge just vanishing as suddenly as they happened.

"There Master its done." Caster said visually drain from the activation of Hysteria."I'm going need to take spirit from now, but first." Caster says, with a mischievous look in her eyes she leans into Josh giving him kiss before dissipating into spirit form "Don't worry master it was only a spell so that the Noble Phantasm wouldn't effect you. Though you need to learn to kiss better most girls don't like taking the lead in that." She says as she fully vanishes leaving Josh looking dumbfounded.

Shaking his head Josh laughed to himself as he walked down the apartment building stairs "Well this is definitely going to be an interesting experience" He says as he walks down the street towards the abandoned building he called home for now.

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Saber and Lancer are on my side? That’s quite a relief. They can do the head-on battling with the other Servants. Hopefully they can at least take out Berserker or Archer soon. As for that traitor with her Rider; I don’t think even she can win against a Ninja Servant. That leaves Caster…

Vincent’s thoughts were interrupted as a giant man with a sword appeared out of nowhere. “Beowulf, huh?” Vincent remarked. It was more meant as a mental note but still clear enough for everyone to hear. “Well, my Servant isn’t anything impress as yours,” he replied. “Assassin, you heard our task. Try to find out the identities of the other Masters. Do not engage in combat or anything else that might harm you. We’re only scouting for now.”

A man covered in black, almost ninja-like, clothing appeared for a few seconds. “Yes, Master!” he said before disappearing again.

June 14th around 9.20 PM

Assassin stood on a high building in Miyama Town. He tried to locate the faintest hint of Mana but didn’t seem to find anything close by. He crossed the bridge and his senses pushed him into a certain direction. He was close to the edge of Hysteria and felt uneasy. Something was definitely wrong here. He took a few more steps before his head started to burst. A flash appeared in his mind. He saw himself walking a few more meters before collapsing to the ground, grabbing his head and screaming it out like he lost all sanity. He could almost feel the pain he would surely meet ahead. Deciding this was one of those things that could harm him, he returned to his Master.

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June 14th 9:00 PM, Andrew's room in Shinto.

Archer materializes in front of a startled Andrew, causing the book he was reading to go flying across the room. "Ah, my apologies Master. It was not my intention to surprise you."

Andrew chuckles in relief that it is Archer that has appeared before him, and not an unwelcome visitor while he crosses the room to retrieve his novel. "You can call me Andrew, or Whitey if you want. I imagine you aren't particularly accustomed to calling another man Master."

"Then you imagine wrong Andrew, even though I was royalty my brother was my king and I his subject."

That rebuttal caused Andrew's face to form the features of a man in contemplation. "Hmm... well it'd probably suit me better if this relationship was one founded in mutual respect rather than that of a master and servant in more than just name."

"On that we can agree" said Archer with a wide grin across his face. "I was renowned as both the most powerful warrior and the smartest general of my people, wherever I marched cities fell and even my king knew better than to override my decisions on the battlefield, so it would sit poorly with me to have a disrespectful master."

"Now welcome back Archer, how did you find the modern world?" Asks Andrew in a curious voice.

Archer responds with "If I'm honest the world really hasn't changed that much in my absence. The technology's improved, and there's more of just about everything, people, noise, but the people themselves haven't changed. Everyone is still focused on themselves, living out their daily lives with no idea of what is about to happen."

"That's surprisingly observant of you, coming from a warrior" said Andrew, genuinely astonished.

"Hah, perhaps that's because I'm much more than just a simple warrior" Archer replied. "Though it is true that I never sat on the throne of Hastinapura, I was still a leader of men, not to mention a scholar and philosopher in my spare time."

At those words Andrew fell silent. "What is it Andrew?" Archer asks. "Have I failed to impress?"

"No, you are every bit as impressive as your name warrants Arjuna, 3rd prince of Hastinapura and general of her armies, more even, and that is the reason I did not speak. Your words stunned me into silence" Andrew answers with a smile. "Still, I think it's about time you ate don't you? There's some leftover food on a plate in the fridge." At those words Archer moved in a rush to the kitchen, he had not said anything but was secretly starving.

"While you eat I think it's about time we discuss our plan of action" says Andrew, all traces of the prior light conversation leaving him. "Is it safe to assume that you are the strongest servant summoned here in this war?"

"I think so" replies Archer "I am of the very highest class of servant. There are not many that could defeat me easily" he said with pride. "However, even the strongest servant may fall if the circumstances are against him."

"Even so" says Andrew "I think it's far more likely for me to be defeated before you are, don't you agree?"

"I do not. If you fall before I myself do then I have failed you in my most fundamental duty as your servant, and I can assure you that will not happen" states Archer with passion.

Andrew retorts "and what of the Assassin class servant? What if he were to find me while you are busy fighting?"

Archer answers with "then surely you will use a command seal to summon me to your side. Assassin will be vanquished at the cost of that command seal."

"And if he escapes? What if this happens multiple times?"

At that it is Arjuna's turn to fall silent with his eyes closed. After a moment of consideration he opens them again and says "you will probably die."

Andrew breaths a sigh of relief and says "good, you are not the sort to consider yourself infallible. You really are a most agreeable servant for me you know that?"

"I am glad you think so" Archer replies happily "and I think I know where you're going with this scenario of yours too. You believe Assassin to be the greatest threat to our attempt at the Holy Grail and are interested to have my opinion."

Andrew lifts his eyebrows, once again impressed by his servant, "and?"

"I believe you are right. Without knowledge of the other servants Assassin should be our top priority. Once we know more about the others, other threats may or may not present themselves."

Archer continues "then, do you have anywhere to start looking?"

"A few leads, but not many" replies his master. "I've been monitoring the movement of mages into and out of this country for a while now and something very interesting happened about a week ago. A plane was destroyed in mid flight, it was carrying 3 mages, one of them a confirmed master. In reality I shouldn't even know of her existence, but having connections in the Mages Association comes in handy every now and then."

"You think these 3 mages are all masters?" Arjuna asks.

"It's possible, likely even" states Andrew "here are pictures of two of them, they are Vincent LeRoi and Siegfried Einar. The third one I don't have a picture of, it was difficult to even get a name and well, I don't really even have that. Patient 0, a confirmed master."

Archer halts Andrew for a second "Was there anyone else of note on this plane?"

Andrew thinks for a moment and says "only the supervisor of the war, one Father Aaron. Regardless, I don't know where any of them are now."

"I see" says Archer "well I think that's enough for one night. We target Assassin with the aim of killing him as quickly as possible."

At that Andrew looks as if he's just realized something "Assassin will not be an easy target to find, do you have any suggestions as to how we go about doing so?"

Archer smiles a knowing smile "Assassin is the type of servant well suited for gathering information. I think we should give them a show of my power, they're sure to come running at that. Hopefully the master will subsequently see you as a threat and order Assassin to find you. That's when we set a trap for them."

"Sounds good" says Andrew "yes, I think that'll work. For now spend the rest of the night scouting the city. Familiarize yourself with both halves and return here at midnight, I'll go out and do the same tomorrow morning. We'll begin the plan to find Assassin tomorrow night."

"You're not worried at being used as bait?" Archer asks.

Andrew responds in a serious tone "risk is a guarantee in this Holy Grail War, if it gives us a shot at removing Assassin then it's worth it."

As Archer is moving to leave he pauses, "oh, what is it you were reading?"

"This?" Replies Andrew holding up the book he had been reading prior to Archer's visit. At Archer's affirmative he says quite simply "the Mahabharata."

"HAH!" Laugh's Archer in total amusement "you're reading my story? I'll have to ask you what you think when you are done." With that, Archer leaves for the night.

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June 14th, the sky above Shinto - 8:59 pm

"Rider, put me down! Put me down or I'll use my Command Seal! Rider!" I scream in desperation as Rider's hand grabs my waist tighter. Not even I can fully discern my voice because of the wind blowing around us as we glide through the sky. Strange, I always thought it would be nice to soar the sky like a bird and watch the ground pass deep below me, but now that I'm actually doing it, I keep my eyes tightly shut and grip my Servant with all the strenght I can muster.

"What did you say, Master? I can't hear you ~" He replied in a nonschalant tone.

"Liar!, Put me down, now! Now!!!"

"Oh, now I hear ya. But, are you sure? Isn't this kind of nice?" I can picture his smug smile even though my eyes only see the darkness of my eyelids now. He must be thinkng all of this is rather funny...

"No, no, no! Down! Now!"

"Haha, if you insist. Roc!" I can suddenly feel that we're slowing down. The wind around me slowly calms down as Rider's gigantic bird descends. After a few minutes, my feet feel the firm ground again, and Rider drops me down. As my balance is off, I waver a bit before collapsing onto my knees. Even though we're safe, I still keep my eyes closed.

"Don- I'm never riding that damn bird of yours again, do you hear me..." I gasp. "Where are we anyways?"

"Dunno. Some rooftop in th-" Suddenly, it's as if a giant weight drops down on my back. My eyes are wide open now, as I gaze in terror. What... what is this feeling? It goes away as soon as it appears. The weight disperses and a wave of relief washes over me. Still gasping, I get back on my shaky feet.

"Rider... Did you feel that?" My voice is a whisper. I cannot even move... as if I had been running a marathon. Somehow though, I manage to turn around and look at Rider. He seems as distresed as I am. He's holding his left hand over his eye, while the other one is wide open. His chest is moving up and down the same as mine. So... it was something that managed to affect even a Servant... Is it a doing of another Servant? "Rider, snap out of it!" As I snap my fingers, he shifts his eyes towards me and breaths out. "Was it the doing of a Servant?"

"I- it could be, but I'm not sure. If anything, it's a doing of a powerful magus."

I nod as his response. I feel much calmer now as the effect of that sensation disperses. I can think straight now again. "We should retreat at once. If anyone were to attack us now, we'd be at a disadvantage."

June 14th, Myama town, "Maria's borrowed house" - 9:18

Rider parks his motorbike outside the house I had claimed when we first arrived. It's a small, plain looking house with two stories, rather close to the Central Bridge, and we have been living there for the past week. "I've been thinking about what happened during our ride." Rider and I enter the house. The house opens up right into the living room which further extends into the kitchen, although both spaces can be dscribed as only one room. The living room is rather big as it takes most of the ground floor space. It contains a big blue sofa, along with a glass coffee table with two remotes on it along with my light blue purse. 'I should probably carry that thing around from now on.' Spontaneously, a mental note imprints itself into my brain.

"It must have been a Servant or a Master that made that bound field, I am certain of it."

"How come?" The two of us make our way to the sofa and we take seats.

I furrow my eyebrows. Ugh, another migraine... It must be because of the bound field. "Well... who else has a motive to do something like that? Think about it, it's only logical. But they sure have gotten down to bussiness quickly. The war hasn't even begun yet."

He nods and sighs. "I suppose you're right." He says as he gets up.

"You're going somewhere." I ask while raising an eyebrow. My sight is set on the black socks on my knees. Somehow, that soothens my headache.

"Yep. To grab something from the fridge."

"Oh. Then bring me a pack of ice."

The echoing sound of his steps comes to a halt all of a sudden. "Another migraine..." He asks in a worried tone. But it's true, my headaches have been growing ever more usual and stronger as of lately. I'd rather not think about it or discuss it though, so I yell at him to hurry up.

"Anyways, it's none of your concerns." A sigh makes its way to my ear before Rider resumes his action. When he comes back, he's holding two sandwiches in his right hand and a pack of ice in his left. "Hmpf. Don't think I'll thank you." As I get up and pull the ice out of his grip, he sighs once again, but I don't leave him enough time to respond. "Who knows, maybe it's you always being in your physical form that's been giving me headaches!" He says somehting in his defense but I ignore it and make my way to the stairs.

"Oi, where are you going?"

"To sleep, of course. If other Masters have already began preparations, then we haven't got any time to waste. We start tomorrow morning. Good night."

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June 14th, Shinto District 8p.m.

"I should find him before tomorrow, I have a feeling the other masters won't be picking fights today." Nadia said aloud, to no one in particular. She didn't have a good lead on Josh's Movements around the city, he had covered his tracks pretty well, even someone as skilled at finding people like Nadia would have trouble. She didn't have much to go on, as he hadn't stayed anywhere long and seemed to be constantly moving. It was pretty typical behavior for one who knew they were going into a battle. She went around looking for places that were good hideouts, places to lie low when you didn't have any friends. As far as Nadia was aware, Elders was a lone party in the war, so it would be best to look in these kinds of locations.

When she arrived in the Residential district, she figured she found a clue. After walking past a certain point she could feel the magic in the air, she walked back out and in again to check to see if there really was a field there. To her the energy felt warm and fuzzy, and it made the inside of her head have this buzzing feeling. It felt nice. "A weird kind of bounding field this is.....makes me feel so good. You would figure in a Grail War one would put up something to kill. Maybe that is why it feels nice to me....Dark Thoughts are the best ones afterall." She said to herself again. "Shehehe, I am coming love. This has to be his doing, my little Prince is becoming quite the accomplished mage it would seem." And Nadia began to search the area within the Bounded Field.

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Siegfried narrowed his eyes at the Master of Assassin. He had heard what the other man had left out very clearly, and decided that he wouldn't trust this man half as far as he could throw him. "I believe it's your turn," he said, turning to the other magus in the room. "Who have you summoned as Lancer?"

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Josh's and Caster's Base, 9:05 June 14th

"Josh we have a visitor well two but one group left as quickly as they appeared. The other one though has been wondering around in the Hysteria for about an hour." Caster said as she suddenly appeared in physical form. Josh turning around in his desk chair looking a bit annoyed. "So what if someone has been within it isn't that what its suppose to do?" he said calmly."Well normally yes but this person doesn't seem bothered by it, she actually seem to be enjoying it." Caster said with a confused look on her face. "Hmm...and you only thought to tell me this now Abby why is that?" Josh said with a grin at Caster. "Well I wasn't sure if it was something to worry about but the person is getting closer to here now so i thought that they might be worth looking into a bit more." Caster said well sticking out her tongue at Josh. "Well if that's the case then Abby let go and meet this visitor after all we wouldn't be good host if we didn't great our guests." Josh said well gabbing his stuff "I know the perfect place to meet them to." He said well pointing out the window at a construction site a ways away from there base. "I have prepared that place specifically for greeting people." He finished well heading out the door with a grin, well Caster fallowing him grinning as well.

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Somewhere in Shinto, 9:06 P.M. June 14th.

"I am starting to get suuuuuuuuper bored Berserker, I kinda wish you weren't insane so you could at least talk to me during this long sojourn." Nadia said, in a somewhat whiny tone.

"S...S....Sorry." Berserker said into her mind. He seemed to struggle to put that thought into the form of words.

"It is alright Berserker! I understand it is your Madness that makes you so powerful! It is a fine trade-off for me to be a bit bored for that power. I just didn't think it would take this long to find my Prince, he is hiding super well. He must have a Servant that would like to hide, so narrows it down to most likely being Caster or Assassin, and possibly Archer. But, Judging by this bounded field, I would say he has Caster. Shehehe, that is good for us! They would love to have some muscle to protect them! We will have an alliance for sure now. Though our love would have guaranteed it anyway." Nadia said out loud, not particularly caring if some passerby could hear her. Due to the this Bounded Field though, it was doubtful any passersby would be paying any attention to her though.

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Hels rubbed his wrist and exhaled from his nose. He lifted his head to meet the eyes of Saber's master and pushed himself off the wall to stand straight, running a hand through his hair. These mannerisms were all in an attempt to gather his thoughts in a way he could speak and reveal nothing he might prefer under lock and key. However, Hels had realized long before this day that he would have to traverse far beyond his comfort zone if he were to make progress. Hels shook the nerves off of him. He was here, under the service of the divine. There was nothing to fear.

"Beowulf. I've read your legend". Hels extended his hand to the side in an introduction. "Lancer, if you will". In a faded shimmer, the tall, lanky figure of Lancer appeared beside him. Lancer was easily almost seven feet or more, and Hels could feel his discomfort in such a small room. His soldier leathers were fitted poorly, yet still showed the great physical prowess of his body. "Celtchar of Ulster has been summoned under the Lancer class to serve alongside me in this war, I trust you are familiar with his legend? Regardless, Lancer will show to be a valuable partner in combat with Saber. I would prefer our merry band to fight in the same war on the same side, not different wars on the same side. Distrust aside-" Hels cast a moment's glance to where Assassin's master was standing. "Let us work together under the service of the lord".

Hels extended his hand to Saber's master.

((I'm sorry about not being there to post. I had to drive a carpool to Colorado for business and I didn't think it would have taken so long)).

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Vincent couldn’t believe how these other masters trusted each other so easily to reveal the identities of their Servants. Not that he complained. He would read up their legends later to make sure none of them could backstab him during the war. He ignored the glare and subtle remarks towards him and continued watching Lancer’s Master introducing his Servant.

Suddenly Assassin materialized behind Vincent, sooner than he anticipated, and crouched down on one knee. “Master,” Assassin simply said.

“What news?” Vincent asked while continuing to observe the other Masters.

Assassin stayed quiet, uncertain if he could speak where the others could hear him.

“It’s alright; they can hear your information. We are an alliance after all. Did you find out the identities of the remaining Masters?”

“Not yet,” Assassin replied. “But I found a general location. One of them is hiding near the church. I sensed a Bounded Field. However I could not enter it without being exposed or potentially suffer damage. As per your instructions, Master, I returned.”

Vincent thought for a moment. “A location isn’t a bad start, Assassin,” he mused before speaking loud and clear for the other Masters to hear. “I’d say we’re dealing with a powerful Master or Caster. What do you two think?” It was a bit of a turnaround in his personality, but for now he would play along with this alliance.

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Siegfried shook the priest's hand before replying to Vincent. "It's most likely Caster. I don't trust that Bounded Field, but Saber could explore it using his magic resistance. We can't simply let Caster go about their business; there are a host of reasons not to, the least of which is that it will make Caster much harder to defeat if we allow him or her to entrench themselves in a fortified lair. Is anyone against potentially launching an assault to drive Caster out tonight? No one will be expecting a strike on the first night of the war."

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