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Pokémon Academy: Ch 2a: Dragons [IC]


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"Well, you don't seem to want to leave. Hey James, think we should chase them off?" Claude suggested to the other boy. He called Colere out of her pokeball. "Hey, you up for another fight?" He asked the small dragon, who nodded approval, though somewhat warily. She still wasn't sure about his batling skill, but she knew he could be capable.

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"Quick Jet, intercept that Slash with a Wing Attack." Suprised by the added speed of the other Gible, Jet was barely able to get the attack off, causing each side to exchange blows, with Jet being in a very rough position. As soon as the order came out, Robert responded to Sissy's earlier comment. "Yeah, I guess we do need a better plan. If you've got one, I'm all ears." His mind went straight onto how to do so. 'Oh, great. Even if she does have a plan, the Gibles have us separated and are picking us off how they see fit. Okay, the second the Gible 'holds back,' all focus goes straight on joining together.'

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Slade let out a big sigh, "I maybe all that you said," He paused for a moment, "I may want power or to prove something to my parents, but I will never stoop so low as to join you! If I want power I'll get it a different way, if I want to protect people I'll gain other things besides power to protect them!" Slade said with a fiery passion. He was starting to get pretty annoyed with these two, 'Maybe if Sasuke put up a smoke screen I might be able to get out of here, I'll just need to find a good moment to do so.' Slade thought to himself.

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"Sure,Dratini let's roll!"James replied as he threw the pokeball with his newly caught Dratini out.Said serpent was confused as to her new surroundings but when she saw James behind her,she grew slightly agitated."Uh sorry i caught you,but i really need your help right now.There are some Ekans and Arbok attacking us and Shade's kinda low on health right now."James explained as the Arbok prepared to attack.The Dratini turned around to face the Arbok and Ekans with a Determined look in her eyes."Ok,Start us off with Twister on the Ekans,Get rid of the Small fry first!"He shouted out as a small tornado appeared infront of Dratini and shot at the Ekans.

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Claude nodded, ready to battle. "Colere, support the Dratini and set up stealth rocks, make sure those Arbok don't support their friends!" Colere paused for a second, before stomping on the ground and sending a hefty amount of small, sharp rocks around the edge of the battlefield.

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"Oh, no. Quick Sherlock use Curse, and follow it with Yawn." Sissy said as the Gible came out from behind her pokemon. Sherlock started glowing, making its defence slightly go up. Once the light wore off, he opened its mouth and unleashed bubbles of yawn, colliding with the Dragon Rage attack from the Gible.

The dragon attack hit him, but it wasn't strong enough to knock him out, thanks to both the curse and the yawn which worked as shields. Great, how will we win those two if they try to seperate us....? Got it! "Robert, can you tell Jet to wipe out this sandstorm?" She looked at the boy, hopping her plan could work. "Sherlock use Yawn once again, and this time control the bubbles with your Confusion, making sure you hit your target." Sherlock started releasing bubbles while controlling them with his psychic power. The bubbles were after the Gible, that attacked him, making it inevitable to dodge as if it was about to run they will follow it.

"We need to take out one of them first, then the other will be easy." Sissy said at Robert. "First, once the sandstorm is over, we will combine our water with your gust, giving out a lot stonger water gun, targeting the Gible that can't use dig anymore. If it can't dodge it by going underground it will have to take it head on." She sounded excited about the plan, hoping it might work.

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'Okay, so we either need to stall or find a way to end the sandstorm.' Snapping his full attention back to Jet immediately, he knowing that he had to lower the sandstorm quick, and he might just have a way to do so. "Jet, we're going on the defensive. Use Supersonic." Jet did so on the close Gible, with Robert's hope that it would help catch the Gible of guard long enough to deal with the sandstorm.

Edited by TurboAura
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"Something wrong?"

Kage rubbed his head. "Um, yeah, a few things. I'm not really sure how to respond to this, but I met this Pokemon. It was really hurt, but it seemed like it wanted to tell me something. It's a Psychic-type, and it projected this vision into my head." He swallowed and paused for a moment before continuing. "I know this sounds crazy, but in it I was hurt pretty bad. Ryan. . . Ryan was gone. Glacien and Feroces were fully evolved, but he was gone." Tears started to well up in his eyes, before he forcefully wiped them away.

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'So much for the cool fairy resistance~ Henry's Vulpix managed to step in with a Quick Attack to skew the Deino's attack.' Danielle thought as she resisted the urge to laugh at Zared's baffled expression. 'And they managed to win despite the disadvantages. Not bad at all~' "Great job Henry! You and you Pokemon were amazing~" Danielle clapped politely at Henry's victory. Hearing his master's clapping, Zared snapped out of his daze and quickly clapped along, giving a cheer towards the Pokemon that participated in the heated match.

Danielle suddenly felt a bump on her legs and looked downwards to find herself a lost Deino. "Hey there, little fellow~ Your friends are over there, silly." she greeted the Deino as she pointed his head towards her right side. Before he was able to go off, however, Avis had flown in front of the little Deino and began to talk rapidly in their Poke-language. It looked like Avis was asking the dragon for a favor. The female coordinator looked back at the Deino horde and the big Deino that was approaching them, but the little Deino was nowhere to be seen... 'Unless he is at my feet right now! And he is the one with Dark Pulse!' Danielle quickly opened up her backpack to fetch out one of her last Oran berries and offered it to the small Deino. "I know it's a weird thing to ask, but could you really help Avis with her Dark Pulse? She's been having trouble controlling it and... Seeing how you released it so well in that battle, I figured you would be the best Pokemon to ask for advice! What do you say?" Danielle pleaded with the Deino that is now sniffing her hand cautiously. "I still have some of these if you want them~" Avis also gave a few, modest cries, acting as Danielle's interpreter.

Although the small Deino is blind, his auditory and olfactory glands are more than enough to compensate for this disability. The little dark dragon listened to the Murkrow's plight before he smelled food near this trainer. From his remaining senses, he could tell that the Murkrow and this trainer was sincere about their offer for letting him be a teacher for the next few hours. Normally, he would just take the food and run but, since it was a fellow Dark type that asked for his assistance, he felt responsible for helping the bird out.

"Dei!" he bellowed before he gulped down Danielle's Oran berry from her hand. Once it's down in his stomach, the Deino sniffed around for the trees. He knew that there are a lot of good target practices in there; he and his Deinos buddies would always go to them to fool around when their parents are out hunting. As soon as he sniffed out a familiar scent, the Deino then ran behind the Murkrow and began pushing her towards the trees. After pushing her a few feet, he then threw the surprised Murkrow up onto his back and began running off with her, as he deemed her to be too slow.

"Thanks little guy!" Danielle laughed as she watched the Deino sprint towards the forest. Zared cried after the duo of dark Pokemon; he didn't want to be left behind! He tugged on Danielle's pant leg and pointed to them before he ran off too. "Well Henry, I would love to stay and chat, but that takes priority. I'll catch up with you later~" That being said, Danielle ran off after her Pokemon. "Wait up, you three~"


The small Deino had taken them to his playground: A small clearing with beaten up sticks, stones, boulders, fallen trees... Anything and everything broken seemed to have ended up here. There was no doubt that many tussles have taken place in the past. After shrugging off the Murkrow from his back, the small Deino stepped in front of a huge, dented boulder and waited for his students to pay attention. As soon as there was silence, the Deino gave a roar before his mouth emitted many dark, purplish rings that is the signature of a Dark Pulse. The dark energy crashed into the rock and sent many smaller stones flying into the distance. With a resounding cry, he then stepped aside and waited for Avis to try it out.

Avis looked back at her master and at Zared, worriedly. What if she lost control like she almost did the last time? Would they be able to stop her? Zared noticed her apprehension and gave a pat on her back. He then gave a reassuring cry and nudged her to go forward. Danielle nodded and stroked her wing. "Zared is right. There is nothing to be afraid of. Zared is a Steel and Fairy type, so he will be able to stop you if necessary. And, I'm sure the Deino will too." The Deino gave an affirmative "Deino!" before he released a Dragonbreath into the air. "See? Just believe in yourself and you could do anything~"

Sensing their support, Avis gave a small cry before hopping over to the Deino's previous spot. With her eyes on the huge, looming rock, Avis channeled every dark thought that she had held in these past few days. Soon, her beak was cloaked with the black aura and, more surprisingly to Danielle and Zared, her eyes have a crazed look. She wasn't the cheerful, mischievous Murkrow they know and love; Avis looked like a mad murderer that was out to seek revenge on those who had wronged her. With an angry cry, the little bird released a huge Dark Pulse stream that shattered the boulder in front of her. However, unlike Deino, Avis didn't stop. Once the boulder was smashed into pieces, Avis flew up and began sending Dark Pulses everywhere around her, letting out a loud battle cry as she released each of those attacks.

"Avis! No! Stop! You're destroying everything! Avis!" Danielle yelled out in vain as she saw her lifetime partner spin out of control. Her voice, however, didn't seem to register with Avis. The Murkrow has shut Danielle out completely no thanks to her crazed mania. "She's going to cause herself harm soon if we don't stop her... Zared?" The Mawile had placed himself protectively in front of his new master, ready to shield her with a Fairy Wind if a Dark Pulse happened to come too close for comfort. He looked up at her questionably. "Send... Send a Fairy Wind up!" she commanded forcefully.

Zared nodded and snapped his fingers. The air around him began to sparkle with a pink hue as it took up the Fairy's energy. When Zared was about to released it, however, a black and blue blur sent him crashing onto the forest floor, effectively canceling out the attack. Zared growled angrily and was about to retaliate with his horn before he realized it was the small Deino.

Danielle immediately ran to her Mawile's side as he got up. The air that was once surrounding Zared had gone back to its invisible state. "Deino? Why did you stop him? Avis is going to destroy herself it this keeps up!" As if to reiterate her statement, Avis let out another furious cry as she delivered another Dark Pulse. However, Avis seemed to be growing weaker with each attempt; her flapping was uneven and she could be seen panting before she flew towards another object to destroy. "Zared, now is your chance! Use--"

"DEINO!" The small dragon roared at them. Danielle and Zared froze in their places; startled at the dragon's reaction. Did he want to see his toys destroyed? Or was he just amused at Avis' self-destruction? Once he knew that he got their attention, the Deino then took in several breaths to catch himself. He then began to explain his reasoning for letting Avis continue her rampage, turning his head this way and that as if to indicate that the fallen trees, the broken bones, the small stones, and the torn up vines were all a part of the training. By the end of his explanation, Danielle saw Zared nod reluctantly and went to sit down a little ways from the destruction to watch Avis' descent into exhaustion. The Deino then followed Zared and proceeded to do the same thing, although he couldn't see anything.

"Zared, why...?" Danielle asked her partner as she took a place beside him. Her Mawile looked at her sadly before he pointed to Avis and the beaten up playground. Avis was now flying lower than before, but her Dark Pulses are nearly identical to that of the small Deino's. Avis' pent up rage, Danielle guessed, was wearing her out. "So... It needs to be done?" the human girl asked the two Pokemon at her side. The dragon now answered with a sympathetic cry before he put his head down on the cool grass, waiting for Avis to finally collapse. "Alright, if you say so..." Danielle relented as she looked on at the scene before her eyes. 'Avis, I'm sorry for not listening to your anger... I'm so sorry...'
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Jacob smiled as the Skrelp fired an Acid in Arete's direction. Her first defensive action! he thought excitedly. "Arete, use Metronome!" he said quickly. I hope this works better than last time! was the only thing that went through his mind as the Togepi's stubby little arms began to wave back and forth. He sent a silent prayer to whatever might be listening as time appeared to slow down. Just before the Acid attack hit, a blinding flash of light exploded from the Togepi's arm stubs followed by a huge vortex of wind that threw the Acid away from Arete and tore across the lake toward the Skrelp, throwing up a huge amount of water on either side of it. Jacob's jaw dropped as he watched the Aeroblast get fired from the seemingly harmless egg Pokemon. "Holy shit..." he muttered, unable to react any other way.

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"Just a bit of random probability..." Mareek thought to himself as he watched the Togepi's Metronome transform into a powerful Aeroblast and hurtle off towards the Skrelp and Jacob look a bit astonished by it. "so don't go getting so excited, you just happened to get very lucky this time... it could've easily turned into something like Growl or Tailwhip instead of a counter that was actually useful in this situation; the move isn't reliable for things like this, and you're gonna end up getting burned eventually if you let yourself start thinking that it is..."

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Ryan laughed even more when the Gibles began waddling after him. He signaled Flygon to take off, but lower to the ground, so he could have some fun with this chase. Ryna reached down to grab Glacien's pokeball. He clicked the button, and in a flash of light, Glacien popped out with his usual wide grin. However, this time, he wasn't able to hold on so tight to Flygon. Glacien rolled off of the dragon's back, pushing himself and the two Gibles into the pit they had created.

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Gone? "Gone?" Raiza echoed, aloud, as she looked around for said Pokemon. "Was it a malevolent Pokemon or something? I mean, why'd it show you something horrible like that?" But Ryan can't be gone. He was fine...? The last part hung in her head as the events of last night flashed in her head momentarily. The guy did run away into a dark forest. Apparently on top of a mountain. By himself. Arceus knows what that boy was thinking and what made him attempt to do such a thing. Just how much did she even know, and what right did she have to say that he was fine? She didn't know squat about anybody else here-- maybe Lana, but it had been a while since they had seen each other again.

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"No, no, it wasn't mean or anything. It seemed like it was desperate to reach me. I think it was meant to be a warning or something." He shook his head and looked down for a moment. "Hey, do you happen to have a pencil and paper or something like that? I want to get this written down before I forget it." Kage turned about in a circle. "Where did you go, anyway. . . ?"

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Kage flushed almost imperceptibly, realizing his error. "Could you write it down for me? I, uh, don't have very good handwriting." He feigned looking around as he silently asked Lucas to help him find the Pokemon, who had scuttled off while he was distracted. "The Pokemon was one I haven't even really heard of anyone seeing before. Call me crazy, but I think it was a Celebi."

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"Uh... okay... I guess...?" Raiza crouched down and placed the sketchpad on her thigh, pencil in hand. "You've got to repeat what you saw, though... Or, I don't know, what do you want me to write?"

Meanwhile, Lucifer followed Kage around, perplexed. That was it, really.

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"Uh, let me think. It was snowy, as far as the eye could see." With a small, almost imperceptible start, he realized something. I could see? "Um, there were all sorts of tracks all over the place. Two of them were from people, and the rest were Pokemon. I saw a place up ahead that looked like a bomb went off, it was so torn up. All of a sudden, I was up close, and I could see Ryan, Feroces, and Glacien, except those two were fully evolved. There was blood all over, and Ryan wasn't moving. I was on my knees, and I was all torn up and couldn't feel my legs. That was it." He sighed. "I know that's gotta mean there's trouble coming, but how am I supposed to know how to stop it?"

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That's... not just kinda, but messed up, she thought. Only the sounds of graphite scratching the paper could be heard coming from Raiza, for a while. The girl stayed that way for a few minutes, pencil moving like she were writing hurriedly. "Was there anything else that you saw in the vision?" And all of a sudden, as though she were hit with a rock from behind, she straightened up and blurted out, "Did the place look like it could've been the school?"

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Concern made Raiza frown. "Think we should tell the Professors? But... then again, they probably wouldn't take it seriously..." Watching a ton of movies made her think that. And another moment of realization hit her like... well, a rock. "Wait. You said 'Celebi'?"

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Turbo and Tses

The male Gible tried to run away from the Yawn attack and went underground. It stayed there for a while and waited for an opening.

The female dragon wasn’t doing any better. She was too close to avoid the Supersonic and her Slash attack barely scraped Jet because of it. She fell on the ground and walked around with her paws (or claws?) in front of her. The world turned around and she had no idea what was going on. Her Sandstorm died down without her realizing it.

Elf and Azery

The few remaining Ekans were blown away by the Twister. Colere’s rocks kept the four Arbok’s from helping them and made them even angrier. This time they all rose their heads and tried to intimidate their opponents by using the patterns on their hoods.

Suddenly one of them slithered forward and tried to wrap itself around Dratini. Another one was waiting for an opening with open mouth, ready to sink its teeth into the small Dragon (Bite)

The third and fourth stayed a little behind and fired Poisonous Stings at Colere.

Out of view, between the rocks, was a golden one sneaking around. The leader was much bigger and stronger than the ones currently fighting.


The woman sighed. “You’re going to regret this.” Her tone wasn’t threatening. “If you want to stay in the school then stay. You’ll be average at best. It’s a shame really because you’re on the right path and showed potential. The school and their ways will destroy that.” She shook her head in disappointment. “I recognize a lost cause when I see one. Let’s go,” she said to her partner.

The big guy nodded and summoned the Tangrowth. The Pokémon obeyed and followed the two Team Rocket members into the woods as they were reporting back to whoever was on the receiving end of that moderated Pokédex.

Jory and Surge

The forceful wind attack scared Skrelp. It never imagined that a stupid little egg could muster so much power. It quickly went underwater but was still blown away by the strong torrents. When it came back on the surface it started to pant heavily and barely managed to keep going. Another blob of Acid made its way to the Togepi while Skrelp could only hope it would knock out the egg.

Zephyr and Murdoc

Lana’s hand was covering her mouth for a while now. She was shocked when she heard Kage’s story and a part of her just wanted to cry. Another part, the curiosity, wanted to hear more.

Celebi peeked from behind a rock while making sure to stay out of Lana and Raiza’s field of vision. The time traveler was surprised Kage was so open about what it showed him and was willing to share it with two complete strangers. Of course there had been other humans fighting alongside them, but Celebi never showed itself to anyone except Kage and Ryan. And even then the latter only saw it once because of Kage’s request.


The two Gibles that fell in the pit started to laugh and roll around with Glacien. They managed to get on top of the Ice type while a third stood in front of it, waving its paw (claw?) to forbid Ryan from entering. Two others joined him and pretended to stand guard. The remaining two still chased after him and tried to push him away from where Glacien was.

The game had changed. Glacien was their ‘prisoner’ and Ryan had to try and save his Pokémon.

((7 in total))

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This wasn't good. "Colere, go support the Dratini, jump into the air and Stomp the one that's binding it!" Colere nodded, using her powerful legs to jump out of the way of the poison stings, across the battlefield, to try and land with all her bodyweight onto the head of the Arbok wrapping Dratini.

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Sissy turned to Robert once again. "Okey, this is our chance." and then back at her pokemon. "Sherlock use water gun on that Gible!" She pointed at the Gible that was attacking Jet a while ago.

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Watching as the Sandstorm died down, Robert responded quickly to the plan. "Jet, use your Gust Attack to spread out the Water Gun's range." As soon as he heard it, Jet flew in the direction of the incoming Water Gun, a short distance away from the Gible, and started up a Gust to make it even harder for the Gible to escape the Water Gun.

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