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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Status Replies posted by 片思い

  1. Are you kidding me. <_<

  2. #I hate twitter

  3. "The Legendary Pokémon seen but not named in the first Pokémon X and Y trailer have now been named. The deer-like Pokémon is Xerneas and the bird-like Pokémon is Yveltal.". Confirmation video is here :

  4. Allan, give Ame's lamp back.


  6. Board up your windows and batten down the hatches. A storm's brewing.

  7. Magic sucks.

  8. Oh what the fail... PO wont connect!! Sorry Hori and Hikari.. I'll narrate the rest of your deaths later :c yeah.... You still died :c

  9. That moment when you realise you're exactly like your cat and so many things make sense...

  10. Server went down? Blame Ame!

  11. I can't wait for reborn to move to Dota 2

  12. I can't wait for reborn to move to Dota 2

  13. I can't wait for reborn to move to Dota 2

  14. I expected him to pull that. Dammit, Phoenix!

  15. Crystal Maiden! I challenge you to an honorable duel!

  16. A bunch of copycats, all of you!

  17. i shall neve try toi tyepa lomng snetnencers really fats when i;m htin tirefd

  18. i shall neve try toi tyepa lomng snetnencers really fats when i;m htin tirefd

  19. I took statistics, and I know all about how probability works, but this still makes me mad: http://prntscr.com/nnib4

  20. Can't get any sleep? Well, what does every guy here do about his problems? Blame Ame, obviously.

  21. This is why tier discussion is usually viewed as deplorable; people usually don't know shit about what they're talking about and are adamant about thier opinion, which only leads people to be pissed off at each other because people are too proud to admit when they are wrong or to change opinions.

  22. My mind just exploded all over the place. [LoL people] - Bullet just made it to the spectate live area of the ranked matches screen and won in 17 minutes xD!

  23. I want to buy Sonic 06 now, what do?

  24. Guys, I'm sorry for suddenly dissappearing.. Turns out that wasnt the last time I'd hear from mr. Neighbor who hit me until i coughed blood... Good night, and a final Merry Christmas. I'll.. Try not being so hard on myself, and.. Not being that much of an annoyance... For you guys' sake. Tis the gift I can give.. Sorry..

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