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Aphelli last won the day on March 10 2023

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296 Altruist


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    The Eigenvariety
  • Interests
    Math. Reading, and writing to some extent. A little bit of programming, some music, and a sprinkle of gaming.

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  1. Chapter 25 of my Reborn story is out!


    I get significantly more views for my story now. Looks like global lockdown somehow gives people more time to glance at stuff. I kind of wish I knew the proportion of people who actually read, but then again maybe I wouldn't like the result. 


    Also, I have a horrific idea for a Rejuv story. It's so bad it might be funny to plot out, maybe cathartic to write at some points, but perhaps not very entertaining to read. So I don't know if I'm going to pursue it. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Aphelli


      Thank you for the comment! 


      But I'm afraid it wouldn't be the same thing, actually... 


      I thought of my Reborn story when I realized that a lot of protagonists I had read had a lot of certainties -- who they are, what they want, what they're going to do, why, how and how much they fight, the fact that they're (as per canon) outstanding Trainers. And I wanted to challenge all of that while still remaining in the framework of the Reborn story.  


      But that idea for Rejuv, it's not really about love (I've got a much more complicated relationship with the plot, I guess). It's more like... (warning, terrible metaphor ahead) 

      A blindfolded team that tries to thoroughly redecorate the ground floor of a skyscraper.

      It may become something entirely different, and, well... it may collapse.  


      But I'll certainly be thinking on about this. If I think it holds, if I have enough time, maybe I'll give it a go. 


    3. Bunni Blair

      Bunni Blair

      Yeah, I realized that too. That's why I wanted to write Melanie as unsure and nervous at first, instead of the "outstanding trainer" at first. I wanted her to be different.


      Also, to tell you the truth - I kind of have complicated feelings about Rejuvenation's plot too. So, it's ok. It's also ok to be different with your story. Not everyone has to do a long retelling of game's plot, for ether games.

    4. Candy


      I’d say if you have time and the ability to keep two stories afloat, you should write it. Whether or not people read it, you’d have fun bringing your imagination to life. As for me, I realized early on that I can’t do two Pokémon stories at once (lol I barely can do one) so won’t be writing a Rejuv story until Vanini’s story is complete. By that time I’m sure Rejuv will also be complete 🤣

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