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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Yahen

  1. I can't believe that i've catched up in such a short time Damn Candy you brightened my dawns. Hurry up and make another one! I, Yahen, demand more. And how did you customize some thingys? I'm new to this stuff I loved the new sprite its pretty cutie cutie but Pikachu still has some sad aura around him im the new queen-o-B00TY rn
  2. Yahen


    Banned for being older than me
  3. Hi, i'm starting a Steel monorun with some specific pokémon Jirachi, Beldum, Klink, Bronzor, Magnemite and type:null with steel memo (no need for the memory tho, pretty sure it is in the game). Would love if someone could add them to the save. I apoligize Game.rxdata (i dont know how early it needs to be so i saved after the train crash)
  4. it's taking a while to train mah boi but he still wants to say a few words for ya "thanks mate my IVs were so bad i was depressed but with your IV train mod and my trainer's obsession i'm feeling powerful!"
  5. So today my mom said "hey ill teach ya how to drive"

    Bad idea mamma, bad idea.

  6. idk if it is possible to get a flame orb in rejuv at the moment, but it would be useful if held by machamp or maybe even a Marvel scale Milotic i would recommend using Night Slash on absol (cause it works well with super luck), relying too much on sucker punch might kill you sometimes, if i would replace something for night slash, it would be megahorn tbh Unless you run some sunny day or drought mon, you should use leaf blade over solar blade, its stronger. im not a fan of submission at all, but if you like it, i dont see any reason why not to use it thats it i guess
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