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Reborn Development Blog

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Status Updates posted by Dragoknight

  1. Greetings laddies and laddin'ts! We have entered a new era!

    Where were you when e19 dropped?

  2. I have the pingas
    hi king

    1. Kingoflife24


      Hi Drago, good to see you!

  3. you can't stop the oarientation

    1. Dark Legend

      Dark Legend

      no no no you cannot stop it

  4. hello world of Reborn

    I am now back to haunt you

    and also play Deso v5 since I finally have some free time and love that game

    should probs start a brand new run cuz I can

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dragoknight



      rip Schnappi, 2018 - 2020


      well anyway after like 30 min of soft resetting I managed to get this girly


      goin for a duskanroc

    3. SilverAngelus


      OwO She's beauty!


      (I take it Schnappi was a Sandile)

    4. Dragoknight



      Schnappi das kleine krokodil (all I remember is that show's theme song lmao)

  5. Aye Sol!



    Happy birthday m80

    Hope you have a great one~

  6. This is the greatest picture ever. I have now found my sig.


  7. Happy New Year peeps~

    hope everyone has a happy 2019

    1. SilverAngelus


      Happy New Year's! 🎉

      Here's to a successful year 👍

  8. Totally I forgot I exist again..... now that I'm all done with uni things I should post here more often.


    On a side note, Rejuv v11 is out? Christmas has come early! Thank you Jan senpai!

  9. Just finished my gauntlet of exams...... am tired now.

    Why do professors all schedule tests all in the week before break?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Candy


      Happy Thanksgiving to you too, and may your mashed potatoes never run out~ 🍭

    3. GenEric


      shit when is thanksgiving

      i need to stuff my turkey up its ass

    4. Dragoknight


      oh yeah fill that hole

      try not to stuff it too hard or you'll make a mess 😉

  10. Happy Candy day prince! Do enjoy, uh, candy, on this annual commemoration of your birth!~

    1. Candy


      Thanks Drago~ I ate a donut and was yummy 🍭

  11. Hallo world, cousin got married, party was amazing, and now I tired.

    Next milestone: Become an uncle.

  12. So.... haven't posted here in quite sometime. Have a terrible habit of just disappearing sometimes.
    Y'know, lack of motivation and all. Well I have returned! Hello all!

  13. 'Tis been awhile since I posted here! tbh I have been quite lazy and have been slacking o my duties

    However, I can now say I have some free time from all my school things and I have returned to do..... um........ knightly things on this server again! Such an occurrence deserves a new look to comemorate this event!


    Greetings Turtles.


    1. Candy


      Heyyo welcome bacc~ and looking even more knightly than before 😉

  14. I absolutely can't stand how some people think they're better just because they're "priviledged."


    I just... need a break from things.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Plok


      One system will never fix anything. You gotta take few bits and combine them to make a functional system if you want something to work

    3. Dragoknight


      Heh, not exactly what I had in mind with this, but this works.


      I do suppose a system that relies on an unequal distribution of wealth in order to obtain a max benefit from the sharing of said wealth is simply a product of the need to progress. And while our role may be unfairly determined by this process, and that we can't really change some things, I do suppose it is important for us to be able to accept what we have and be able to work with that.


      Thanks everyone

  15. Oh cool. Just hit 100 rep. Thought I might as well add a cool new profile pic to celebrate. (I literally just added a background to the old one)


    Dragonite has never looked cooler.....

    1. Jess


      Good job! ;) 

      Keep being a nice person! :D 

    2. BandorKitty


      Awesome job! :D Congrats! 

    3. Dreamy


      congrats! and lookin good!

  16. I really don't care too much for this holiday but here's to everyone who dislikes it more than I do!Seal GIF

  17. mudkipbirthday.jpg.a73434beea53421c7744a689fc80b849.jpg

    Uhh... I don't really know you too well, but I think you're cool for always going out and wishing people a happy birthday. Everyone deserves a happy birthday!

    So Mr. Birthday Card, Happy Birthday!


    P.S. You are contractually obligated to listen to this entire song.


    1. LykosHand


      Hahah thanks a lot for your gift xD, that song it's really funny :P. Thanks a lot Dragoknight :D, i really appreciate your words :) 

    2. Dragoknight


      Wow! Three emoji faces? What an honor!

      You're Welcome! Have a great day! even though it still technically is the first for me and you're a day in the future

    3. LykosHand


      Hahaha yeah exactly ;), i'm glad that it's an honor for you :D. Oh i see xD, thanks a lot, i hope that you will have a great day as well :D

  18. Huh. So I come back to the Hurt n Heal palooza to find two of my favourites dead and the third on the brink of extinction.

    What even?

    1. Wolfox


      still better than finding all the ones you actually like dead. which is literally me in 2 of the 3 current hurt and heals :/

      Still better than people just killing off your favorite before the game even get's going (I actually am still a bit salty over what happened to fairy in the types hurt/heal. Eliminated before the game ever really started)

    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      says something about how people generally feel towards said choice/type/pokemon/whatever, I suppose.

      in some cases (read as: glaceon), my general focus is shifted more towards making sure that one of the choices does not win rather than making sure another does win.


      still its just hurt and heal which is basically but a glorified popularity contest.

      glaceon and rowlet are still not winning.

    3. Chim


      As long as you heal Vaporeon everything will turn out well.


      And after Rowlet is dead everything can become a target for me tbh. I like all the remaining ones.

  19. You ever get the feeling when you think things are just starting to go your way, and then your proven just how wrong you are?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dragoknight


      If by that you mean one of those cases of "Live and Learn", then sure. I just feel like a complete idiot atm.

    3. Wolfox


      this is from sonic 06. the music of that game is actually good

    4. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      everyone feels like that at some point. thats alright. sometimes shit happens, sometimes you fuck up, big deal. shit happens to everyone, and everyone fucks up at times. dont worry too much about it.

  20. Finally done with all my holiday season shenanigans. Now I can get back to playing Reborn. Barely even got through any E17 content yet.


    So, albeit a bit late, happy 2018 folks!

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