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15 Fledgling


About sdddf4

  • Birthday September 28

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  1. Spoiler


    Eh? This has an 88% chance to male? wut?

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    2. Wolfox


      I actually didn;t need to SR for my Female Primarina in Ultra Moon

    3. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      What ZEL/Ama said. What's considered masculine and feminine for humans might be different than what is for Pokemon, if they even have or care about that stuff. Jan made a really good post about it back in the V9 status thread, but it'd take a while to go and find it.


      Also, I believe that Earth is a simulation and our real planet where we were born and will return to is Cerri. On Cerri, the concept of biological sex doesn't exist and gender is an aura that people are able to pick up on. Gender has no relation to physical appearance/traits/body type at all. So that's another reason it's not strange at all for me. 

    4. sdddf4


      Well I didn't expect this to get much attention. It just seemed funny at the time😅. Ditto what ZEL said. If I was a cute fire magician fox thing I don't think my gender would matter lol.



      I also just realized that I typed "This has an 88% chance to male" instead of "This has an 88% chance to be male". English machine be broke.

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