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Everything posted by Newt

  1. Jace is the only one who posted something that doesn't add anything to the game, just for post requirements i believe I'm not unvoting him Also pls no lynch is an awful choice
  2. Phatogenic bacteria can cause certain types of diseases like tuberculosis and pneumonia (according to wikipedia) so maybe they are like a poisoner or a vigilante?
  3. Dude, no offense, you should visit a psycho.
  4. You say you are superior but still puts the all the blame on the opponent. Clearly, standards aint that high.
  5. I'm sorry for dicussing with you, oh great and wise Lord Drakyle. Forgive me my rudeness, as how can a pleb like me talk with such audacity to someone clearly so superior and intelligent than me.
  6. Oh you also forgot the difference that I don't have a superiority complex
  7. You forgot the difference that people actually read my posts and not just glances over it and says they read
  8. Maybe that's why people bandwagon me every game
  9. Can someone explain to me why Drakyle is playing like we are in a Day Seven LyLo
  10. Ok guys I swear I've read every wall of text and analyzed each one of them, and finally reached a conclusion: [Eliminate] Lord Drakyle Do you know the usual mafia strategy of appearing to help the town but actually mislead them? I believe Drakyle is doing that with his posts. I mean, after 5 pages of walls of text, what have we got? Nothing. Just wasted time. and even if he is town this is a win-win cuz i know most of you are lazy like me tldr: voting drak for making me suffer
  12. 1st - Why wasn't there any announcement of D1 in the server 2nd - Wtf are those walls of text D1tldr please? 3rd - @Walpurgis rest in rip 4th - WTF ARE THESE WALL OF TEXTS
  13. @DigitalAmber @DigitalAmber@DigitalAmber@DigitalAmber@DigitalAmber@DigitalAmber@DigitalAmber@DigitalAmber@DigitalAmber@DigitalAmber@DigitalAmber@DigitalAmber@DigitalAmber @DigitalAmber@DigitalAmber@DigitalAmber@DigitalAmber@DigitalAmber@DigitalAmber@DigitalAmber@DigitalAmber@DigitalAmber@DigitalAmber@DigitalAmber@DigitalAmber @DigitalAmber@DigitalAmber@DigitalAmber@DigitalAmber@DigitalAmber@DigitalAmber@DigitalAmber@DigitalAmber@DigitalAmber@DigitalAmber@DigitalAmber@DigitalAmber
  14. You should stop stealing everybody's mans

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Candy


      It's not Caimie-chan's fault that y'all's men are weak of heart and sway to a beautiful lady 😉

    3. Caimie


      Candy really is one of a kind what a lovely lady ❤️ 

    4. Newt


      ikr we should threaten caimie to stay away from all guys or she can hurt their emotions

  15. "There's someone behind this wall. Be careful." Desmond telephatically tells Nadine, who was the closest one, as he ignores the other two kenkus that just entered the room.
  16. "Yes- I've heard it as well." Desmond approaches Gael and the bookshelf, and violently taps and shoves literally every book in it (he counted them too, there are 19 of them, mostly in alphabetical order) but no cliche secret trapdoor appears. "Well, let's try this, then." Desmond goes to the lateral side of the shelf, and starts to try to push it. For his surprise, it wasn't that heavy, as he easily pushes it from the wall. Behind it, he sees a discolored portion of the wall with an odd segment jutting out of it. A small crack runs along the center of it. "You might want to see this." Desmond refers to the rest of the group.
  17. Guys If you don't have any leads Lynch me I'm mafia I'm not joking
  18. Guys If you don't have any leads Lynch me I'm mafia I'm not joking
  19. Desmond yawns, clearly tired of this. "Can't we skip the sad and cliche story? Just tell us who is this "G" woman and where she is."
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