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Everything posted by lifesapity

  1. to Yautja "Not that I can remember, but something must of scared them into hiding... or ate them..." the elf replies. To Everyone As you plan to leave... You notice the atmosphere over the course of the night has steadily increased as per normal, however over the last minute it has reached a fever pitch. You swear you hear a woman scream outside just as, the town bells start ringing. The gentle hubbub of an evening at the Antler and Thistle tavern is then shattered by the crack of the front door flying off its hinges to land amid the nearest tables. Five goblins rush into the bar, swords outstretched in an attempt skewer the nearest bar patrons. “For Sinruth! For the Red Hand!” they cry.
  2. to Ragash "No........ the heroes split up after the war.................... and Illavrra was.... indescribable.... she managed to raise the name of the Drow, around these parts, out of the mud." "Why do you want to know............ little girl?"
  3. to Althae The bartender scratched the top of his head, "The only desert we have tonight is a sweet fruit tart. Would that be to your liking lass?" to Richard and Ragash The Dwarf says while slurring, "Yes....... Illvarra was the most beautiful woman I ever layed eyes on...........she had hair like snow, you look alot like she did at your age.... though I guess Drow always look young."
  4. Sure but can you teach it hidden power before you trade it to me, or I will forget.
  5. to Yautja As you get closer you overhear the elf saying "It's strange, I wasn't able to find any deer in the forests near Darth. I wonder what happened to them." "I'm sure you were just making too much noise, you daft knife-ear." replies the man. to Ragash After a few minutes of you poking and prodding at his face the dwarf finally wakes back up. "Is that you... Ilivarrra?" he asks questioningly eyes still half asleep. to Althae & Richard The Barman walks over with your two drinks, "That will be 1sp lass as he hands your drinks to you." He turns to Richard and follows up with "Your food should be out soon." to Althae You notice the blue skin of the woman poking and prodding the drunk elderly dwarf at the table across from you, behind Richard
  6. to Maris As you are doing your manual labor, currently chopping/peeling food and washing dishes. Helga turns to you and asks "So what are doing in town monk?"
  7. To Maris "Well I inherited this tavern from my father, he was the one who came up with the idea to give out a free tankard of ale on the eve of the fall. Anyway if you follow Helga into the kitchen she can find some work for you to do, to earn your keep." To Ragash The dwarf in front of you is dressed in the remnants of a very old guard uniform, and he has a small medal on his breast. However he has been drinking heavily and looks well and truely hammered. He looks up at you with half closed eyes "Hey... Little lady... you remind me of someone I used to know.................... Ughhhh..... Lost a lot of my friends back then..... But they took pleanty of those filthy mongrels with them..... Now they dine in they dine in the Great Hall with Moradin..........." He takes a huge gulp of his drink "..................... She was the most beautiful woman I ever saw........ " His head seems to sway back and forth a little "I wonder what became of her......." and he falls face first onto the table, Unconscious.
  8. to Ragash "No sorry honey, that was 60 years ago. But if you want to know more you could try asking the elderly dwarf over there. I think he was a member of the city guard back then." The barmaid replies. She leans close and whispers, "I've heard how people treat your kind back east, but after what that Drow did for us. the people in the Elsir Vale, and Brindol especially, won't treat you like that." "But if you want to stay over here I understand," She adds. "As for the bards, the woman's name is Jessica she has been staying here for the past week. I have no idea who the male is, he only came in just before you." and as she notices her foot tapping to the beat she adds "He plays well though." "Now I better go and finish getting everyone's food ready." She leans in and whispers, "and that man over there looks like he might die of hunger if I take any longer." "The name is Helga by the way." she says over her shoulder as she walks into one of the two closed of rooms, presumably the kitchen.
  9. ill take the fletchling and the cubone i will log on now trade name: lifesapity
  10. To Yisan Everyone in the bar turns to listen to you play. The little girl in the corner stops what she is doing and starts laughing and clapping along with the beat. The four friends bash their tankards together and chug the ale down and order another round. You see a smile pass over the barman's face as he gets back to work with renewed vigor. to Yautja While not the best hand you have ever seen, It does have the Dracolich card in it what raises your expectations of how the game will turn out. Over the course of the next few rounds you manage to earn 1gp and 3sp.
  11. to Maris As you walk through the market square you see the city setting up for a festival of some sort. When you enter the antler and thistle, it is just how you remember it (with a couple of extra dents in the tables), though the barman and barmaid have aged. As you walk in the barman offers you a free tankard of ale for the eve of the fall. After listening to your offer he replies "Sure we can always use an extra hand around here especially around festival days, talk to Helga about what needs to be done," Gesturing to the barmaid. After starting at your face for a few seconds he adds "I swear I have seen you here before, have you passed through this way before?" to Ragash "I'm not sure if we have anything you could carry the leftover stew in, but for you I'm sure we can work something out." She says while smiling. "Ah, you don't know? That explains it. The Fall celebrates the day the army of the Red Hand were destroyed, in large part thanks to a brave group of adventures that sneaked past the front lines and killed their leader Akarr Kul." She then adds in a whisper "One of whom was a Drow like yourself."
  12. to Ragash "Depends what you want lass. Today we have wild boar stew, various roast meats, an ale and lamb meat pie, roasted vegetables and bread. Pretty crystal by the way."
  13. to Yisan: "I have always liked the sound of the harp join me at the start of the next song." Whispers the bard. to Yautja One of the men playing cards in the corner pipes up "Oi Lad, we are playing some three dragon ante right now join us for the next hand." the barmaid then comes and offers you your free tankard of ale. to Althae the barman turns to you "Hey lass free tankard of ale for the eve of the fall if your intrested." The acolyte of ioun in the corner notices the symbol around your neck, catches your eye and smiles at you. to Ragash Àfter offering Yautja his drink the barmaid moves over to you. Upon noticing that you are a Drow falters for half a second, but recovers quicker then you expected "Can I get you your free tankard of ale for the eve of the fall?" She enquires.
  14. To Richard: The bartender quite surprised at your march directly towards him replies "Ughhhh, Today on the menu we have, wild boar stew, various roast meats, ale and lamb meat pie and bread... Isn't that right Helga?" "Don't forget the Roast Vegetables, Darling" the barmaid replies over her shoulder. "And Roast Vegetables" the barman repeats. "Also don't forget your free tankard of ale, it's the eve of the fall after all." All of a sudden a half-elf with a lute by his side appears next to you. To Yisan: "Sure that sound f....." the bartender goes to reply, but gets cut off by a loud cough and a stern look from the barmaid. The Barman winces and says "Sorry but today is the eve of the fall, I'm expecting more patrons soon so I would rather have music playing for longer. Your more then welcome to join her, if she is fine with it, but it won't count to paying for your board."
  15. After passing you your tankard of ale, the barman replies, "Sure we have a few rooms spare upstairs, If you play for an hour, I will get you a meal and you can stay the night." The bard, who as you get closer is quite pretty, with long brown hair tied back in a ponytail revealing her slightly pointed ears, blushes slightly, and after noticing the harp at your side whispers back to you "We can dance after my set, I finish in half an hour, I have to play for my keep after all."
  16. When you open the doors to the tavern you are greeted by a raging stone fireplace right in the middle of the room. The smell of roast meat is even stronger here, with the lingering smell of booze. There are two small closed off rooms next to the bar and another small door between them. Looking around you see: a rather rotund middle aged man behind the bar. a middle aged barmaid carrying a tankard of ale. a group of four friends drinking and laughing merrily, while feasting on a large plate of roast pork. a female half-elf bard strumming on a lute in the far corner. an elderly dwarf wearing bits and pieces of a guard uniform deep in his cups. a man conversing with an elf that has a bow strapped across his back. two men and a woman playing a game of cards in the furthest corner. Five tables that are empty. strangest of all, in the corner closest to the bar, a little girl sitting next to a pile of books listening intently to an elven woman dressed in the robes of an acolyte of Ioun. The man behind the bar raises a hand towards you. "Greetings Traveler, come rest your weary legs. First tankard of Ale is on the house."
  17. You see ahead of you a modest two-story tavern, supporting a sign that displays a pair of antlers surrounding a sharp prickly flower. As you get closer you start to hear familiar noises; laughter, tankards of ale being hit against one and other, and a bard strumming a tune. When you approach the doors, the smell of roast meats hits you first, followed by an inviting warmth that is radiating into the street, begging you to enter.
  18. @rustytengo @Jace Stormkirk @Cool Girl @DragonRage @Cronos5010 @Megagun Please sign up to the game on roll20 (where the battles/dice rolling will be held) if you haven't already https://app.roll20.net/join/2309120/nyUWqg After that tell me what name you are using (in the bottom left hand corner) so I can give you control of your character.
  19. Our tale begins in the town of Brindol, made famous during the time of the vile Red Hand army’s invasion. It was here where many soldiers, mercenaries and warriors lost their lives holding off an unending tide of goblins, trolls, ogres, orcs and even dragons. While the town defended itself from this onslaught, a group of brave adventurers sneaked behind enemy lines, and slew the vile half-dragon Akarr Kul, leader of the Red Hand, in his own temple dedicated to Tiamat (the goddess of Greed). Thanks to the cunning plan of Brindol's brave heroes, the Red Hand’s great army splintered and were pursued, isolated, and crushed. The host of the Red Hand was no more. After the town's victory celebrations, it was decreed, by the city’s ruling council, that day would become an annual holiday. On this day, people would remind themselves and their kin just how close they were to almost being destroyed by an army of evil and greed. It is the early evening, 60 years later and, unbeknownst to you, on the eve of this holiday. Each of you have come across this small town, and are making your way towards the Antler and Thistle tavern (Map Point 4) . @rustytengo @Jace Stormkirk @Cool Girl @DragonRage @Cronos5010 @Megagun
  20. Alright everything is in place, I have a few other things to do right now so I will start the adventure tomorrow. Lets all have some fun
  21. Alright with Cool Girl that makes 6 once that character is finished we will get stared. @DragonRage Please find a picture I can use for you character token.
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