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Everything posted by lifesapity

  1. "Nearly there" the barman says trying to reassure his family.
  2. The punch to the goblins chest breaks his rib cage pushing the shards of bone into his heart. The Civilians round the corner the barman in the lead. The Archer hits the approaching goblin in the hip causing it to stumble during it's charge.
  3. I will most likely be using the milestone system for leveling to make my life easier (you level up at specific story milestones). In 5e you level up to 3 quick then it slows down. Speaking of which you should be leveling up after this fight. Anyone know where @DragonRage is? I will be skipping his turn soon.
  4. The Barbarian manages to evade most of the viscous flaming liquid. (2 fire damage)
  5. The bard gets singed a little jumping over the fire (2 fire damage) the guards nod in agreement while loading their crossbows. The Ogre ignores the mockery and slams its club into the halfling (15 damage (reduced to 7)) knocking him to one knee. The dwarf pick up a crossbow of a dead guard and together with the guards each fire a shot at the Ogre. Between the three of them two shots strike the ogre, one in the neck and one in the forehead, the ogre groans and sways for a second before falling to the floor, dead. As the ogre falls the cask in it's hand explodes when it hits floor covering the ground and cart with flames. The goblin looks at the dead ogre and then at the cart fulled with explosives next to the fire, and a look of fear comes over it's face. The guards escorting the civilians moves forward to help the paladin.
  6. The fire bolt slams into the ogre leaving it looking ragged, the large cask in its hand looking dangerously close to falling out of its grasp and hitting the floor.
  7. With a 'Crack' the barbarian breaks a couple of the ogre's ribs from the swing.
  8. As the paladin turns the corner he sees two goblins approaching from the south chasing a couple of citizens. The Western goblin charges at the monk yelling a battle cry, it swings a scimitar that the monk manages to gracefully evade. The goblin near the ogre fire a shot at the elderly dwarf, that hits the wall of the tavern next to him.
  9. With a flurry of blows the monk snaps the neck of the goblin to the south. The bar patrons all move East but are careful not to move in front of the paladin. The elf takes a shot at the goblin to the east but it sails past harmlessly.
  10. The ogre doesn't seem to notice the bard this time as it brings its great club down onto the guard captain with a horrid "thuuuuk" as it raises the club back up the captain lies mangled on the floor. The elderly dwarf sees this and decides to disengage and fall back before he ends up like the captain. The fire spreads along the grass towards the buildings. The two crossbowmen respond by screaming and firing a salvo at the ogre. However the horrific sight throws off their aim and both shots wizz past the target. The guard that was sent with the civilians finishes off the last goblin to the east.
  11. The firebolt tears out from the Drow's hand slamming into the chest of the ogre, scorching it badly. Nearly causing it to stumble backwards with the impact.
  12. The javelin sinks deep into the ogre's flesh causing it to grunt in pain.
  13. The Elf nods and turns around to face the oncoming goblin. Richard tears his sword through the abdomen of the goblin at the end of his charge, tearing its intestines out. The last goblin to the East charges forward dodging the strike from the barman, but catches a blow from the guard down it's forearm. It replies in kind, by tracing a red line down the guards arm. The goblin from the west and south charge forward while drawing and arrow, both find manage to find their marks and kill a civilian. The last goblin near ogre moves forward to harass the guard captain but cant land a blow.
  14. Do an egg group run. Allow some variety while still being constricting.
  15. The barmaid nods at the monk with a thanks. The peasants run away from the ogre. The barman moves up next to the guard screaming "COME GET IT YE BASTARDS," and gets ready to swing his axe at the first goblin in range. The Archer takes a shot at the nearest goblin but only manages to graze its cheek. The rest of the bar patrons huddle up behind the paladin and monk.
  16. The ogre swings it's great club down at the nearest guard, but the cutting words of the bard cause it to hit the floor, with a loud 'thuwmp'. The guards respond in kind firing a frenzied salvo of attacks at the ogre, however only one seems to hit an area that causes any real damage. The fire starts to spread towards the grass. The guard that was sent to escort the bar patrons sees the two goblins approaching, moves up, and gets ready to strike and goblin that comes into range of his short sword.
  17. The warbling bolt of energy strikes the goblin when it is bright green, and leaves acid burns all over it as it screams in anguish.
  18. As you move around you see the wagon has high sides not allowing an easy shot into the the wagon, you would need a high angle for a straight shot or to curve something over the lip.
  19. The Barbarian's javelin bites into the ogre's side, but doesnt seem to have done any noticeable damage, besides irritating the beast.
  20. As Richard is escorting the bar patrons, two goblins turn the corner coming to join in the sound of battle, seeing the group one fires his short bow at Richard what bounces off his armor, the second passes straight through a bar patron's lower abdomen leaving him bleeding out on the floor. The group also notice two goblins approaching approaching, one from the west and one from the south. Near the battle with the Ogre two goblins turn the corner, and with a shot from a bow and a slash from a sword a guard fall to the floor.
  21. By recommendation of a player, If you take too long to post when it is your go (~24 hours) (or at least let someone know what is happening) your turn will be skipped.
  22. The ogre flinches in pain from the holy light, not being able to avoid it in time.
  23. The Ogre gives you a confused look probably because your words had to many syllables more then anything. Meanwhile the rest of the bar patrons move away from the fight following the barman's lead. Before leaving the elf fires a shot but the fire puts him off and it misses the ogre by a good 5ft. The Elderly Dwarf charges in but his sword glances of the contraption holding the Ogre to the cart.
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