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Everything posted by lifesapity

  1. The Ogre throws the cask in his hand, it wobbles in the air as if it is unbalanced. However it still manages to land in the middle of the squad of guards, and the Cleric. A black viscous substance covers the ground what ignites covering the area in fire. It then reaches into the wagon and pulls out another cask. The Guards suffer severe burns and split up, two fire crossbow bolts at the ogre, while the other two charge forward with their weapons. One bolt lands true, and the two strikes find their mark.
  2. A color changing, undulating, warbling mass of chaotic energy hits the second goblin. Causing blood to run out of its eyes and mouth, as it falls off the wagon and twitches on the floor.
  3. The Barbarian's javelin catches the goblin underneath the chin and comes out through the top it's skull killing it instantly.
  4. The two goblins riding the cart both take aim at one of the fleeing civilians and put and arrow through them. Causing them to cry in pain as they fall to the ground motionless.
  5. As you’ve been talking to the guards, you’ve been hearing shouts in the distance. But now those shouts are a lot closer, and a throng of townsfolk comes running around the street corner to the north. They’re fleeing a curious sight: a full-grown ogre pulling a wagon by a yoke around its waist and upper body. The ogre holds a large cask in one hand and a massive club in the other. Riding atop the wagon are two goblins with short bows, shooting at the fleeing townsfolk. To Richard "Well we did have to go North but it looks like that isn't happening if we head East here we can turn back north at the next junction." replies the barman.
  6. The elf approaches Richard "I will help take the civilians to safety if you will have me." The guard captain adds "Take one of my soldiers to." At his signal one of them approach the group. As you all head out the front door and look around the town, you hear the far off sounds of battle and screaming. You see smoke rising all over the West side of town. Then you start to hear a strange creaking sound from around the corner north of the tavern, accompanied by very heavy footfalls. As you listen the sound of an explosion is followed by a flare of fire. What do you do.
  7. To Richard "We have cleared everything East of here, there is a large enforcement of Guards in the market square I would suggest taking them there. Or at least find another guard patrol that way and leave the civilians with them." To Everyone "We will need to head north along this main road and finish clearing this sector, then hopefully the other squads will secure theirs. after that we will start moving East and secure the next sector and so on until we push them out the gate they came in. And of course saving anyone we come across. If you need a rest let me know." The Elderly Dwarf raises his hand "Count me in, retirement doesn't suit me very well."
  8. To Richard "Just around the back of the tavern. If we could find out where the guards have cleared, and if you could help us make our way there that would probably be the best option." To Ragash As you lightly scold the girl she starts to blush a little as well. She waves as you leave seeming a little happier. To Anyone listening to the captain "We need help to clear out this sector, that should make sure they don't get to the market square." Replies the Captain to the Drow. "We have managed to contain them within this third of the city, somehow they got the west gate open and stormed in. We are going to slowly push them back out and reclaim the gate." "We could use all the help we can get."
  9. to Ragash "Alright, I promise" says the little girl, then while you are leaning down puts her little hands inside your hood and pulls on your ears. "You have pointy ears like her." to Richard "I don't think so... maybe an escort somewhere safe? or you could ask the guard what needs to be done to secure the city," replies the barman.
  10. To Ragash "You promisssssse, you will find Jalissa?" pleads the little girl, with tears in her eyes.
  11. To Richard "Yea, anyone from the Elsir Vale could tell you, the Red Hand was a massive army composed of goblins, trolls, ogres, orcs and even dragons. They overran the Vale 60 years ago, While the town defended itself from the onslaught, a group of brave adventurers sneaked behind enemy lines, and slew their vile leader the half-dragon Akarr Kul. With that the rest of great army splintered and were pursued, isolated, and crushed. The day was given the title "The Fall of the Hand", and was decreed to be a holiday in these parts. Today is the eve of that holiday." He replies while stroking his daughter's hair. To Althea "We will take these goblins to the stocks where you can question them later, but our most important task is clearing the rest of these bastards out of town. We are in charge of clearing this sector of the city. If you could help I'm sure you will be rewarded." You start to see smoke rising throughout this area of the city. "We also have to put out those blasted fires, before anyone else gets hurt."
  12. to Ragash + Richard + Yisan Tears start to well up in the little girls eyes, as Helga replies, "They took her, as we were running to get upstairs the window shattered and two of those bastards grabbed her and pulled her out of the window. While two more climbed through and chased us." to Megagun between the goblins you find 1gp, 12sp and 40cp. However you also notice each of their weapons has a Black Arrow inscribed on the bottom of the blade, probably a maker's mark. On one of the goblins you also find a vial of that strange liquid. to Althea As you pull out the vial of smelling salts, the captain of the guard grabs your wrist, " There will be time for that later lady, my men here can restrain them for questioning until later. But we have bigger problems that need to be dealt with."
  13. The girl stops crying so loudly, but there are still tears in her eyes. The Barman rounds the corner at top speed and embraces his family in a massive bear hug. You notice that, three woman ran this way and now there are only two. The Acolyte of Ioun is missing.
  14. With the last of the fires out, the bar patrons start to wearily collapse into chairs. The Barman take off full pace following the paladin to help his wife and daughter. However before he can get there the elf archer turns the corner and puts an arrow through the heart of the last goblin. With the fires put out, and the goblins dead or unconscious it seems like the immediate threat is over. The Helga and the daughter upon hearing that everything is OK open the doors and come into the corridor, the little girl still crying by her side. Meanwhile the captain of the guard comes through the front entrance "What happened here, is everyone safe?"
  15. While the barbarian isn't able to throw the table out of the window, he is able to put it up on its side and smash it against the side of the wall, extinguishing the large fire on top. However the resulting breeze does cause a small fire to spread to the the floor next to it. "Is everyone alright!?" yells the guard captain as he approaches
  16. The paladin deals a might blow with the pommel of his longsword, breaking a few ribs. The goblin cries out in pain.
  17. Using the table the monk, manages to quell another fire. The bar patrons start to form a bucket line.
  18. The Goblin gets scared enough that it stops what it is doing and looks for a way out.
  19. As the Drow turns the corner, she sees a set of stairs and a goblin bashing down a door, from which the screaming is coming from.
  20. Althea manages to grab a bucket of water, from a bar patron and extinguish one of the fires. The northern fire continues to spread. You hear the more splintering of wood and the screams reach a higher pitch.
  21. "1, 2 3!!!" shouts the barman as you both grab one end of the table and manage to flip it, however the flames lick around the sides and continue to burn, but you think you have slowed it down. Of the four Bar patrons that agreed to help, two get in an grab a bucket of water and start running towards the fires, the other two are still on their way. The archer puts an arrow through the eye of the goblin in front of the paladin clearing the way. The last panicking card player climbs through the broken window and starts running. Around the corner of the corridor you hear the little girl crying for help, and the sound of splintering wood. The Elderly Dwarf grabs the water bucket out of the hands of the man carrying it and runs and throws it on the fire in the doorway. The goblin that tried run out the front door gets shot by two crossbow bolts and falls to the floor as a small squad of town guards comes into view. "Whats going on in there?!" screams the captain as he approaches.
  22. The table being much heavier then expected doesn't even move an inch. One more bar patron nods at the barbarian, and looks ready to get up and help.
  23. The Paladin leaves a nasty cut along the chest of the goblin in front of him who howls out in pain.
  24. The table successfuly smothers one part of the fire, the other half still rages on.
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