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Everything posted by Kircheis

  1. Anyone noticed how in E16 there's a guy in a random pokecenter I think, who talks about a certain "Savage", a trainer who turned mad after several losses to Shade. He says Savage eventually beat Shade and is "likely further down the Reborn league now", though since we never encountered such a guy and we know the remaining gym leaders, could it mean that Savage is one of the Elite 4 now? Likely a ghost/dark user. That would put the E4 as Heather, Bennet, Savage and El, in some order(El probably the strongest after the champion). I don't think Anna is E4. As for the champion, either the final Lin fight will be after the E4, in Pokemon Black/White-style, or El might've taken over as the champion by then.
  2. This is a question for anyone who was in the beta or who worked on this episode and can answer this.
  3. I liked the Arceus fight a lot actually. The Garchomp battle I didn't know it made a difference if I win or not so I didn't bother trying to beat it, and when I found out that it did make a difference I decided to never lose a battle again. That Arceus battle was very unexpected and fun. It only took me 2 attempts to figure out what approach I need. Due to the field effect, you could easily win by just crashing the cave IIRC, so one could just catch a few low lvl geodudes with sturdy and destroy the field. That is an option but a rather lazy one, and you lose all the great exp.
  4. Probably my favorite type, Grass. Though I wonder how possible that is against some leaders like Charlotte..
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