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Status Replies posted by Jess

  1. A few weeks ago (maybe even amonth or so) my sister had the idea to have a family diner with xmas, including her BF. And today she said she wouldn't come home for diner... Maybe I'm old fasioned and boneheaded, but when you plan something like that you actually show the f*ck up. If nothing else I gotta credit her for not canceling last minute cuz then I would have blown my top...

  2. A few weeks ago (maybe even amonth or so) my sister had the idea to have a family diner with xmas, including her BF. And today she said she wouldn't come home for diner... Maybe I'm old fasioned and boneheaded, but when you plan something like that you actually show the f*ck up. If nothing else I gotta credit her for not canceling last minute cuz then I would have blown my top...

  3. My caught-in-wild shiny Skuntank learned Foul Play (a breed-only move) by Move Relearner in Reborn. I will consider this a Christmas present.

  4. My caught-in-wild shiny Skuntank learned Foul Play (a breed-only move) by Move Relearner in Reborn. I will consider this a Christmas present.

  5. I'm starting to feel like Julia here:



  6. You know what really grinds my gears? When people say "It used to be much better when [blank]". Nice example is how there are people in the RWBY fandom who will always bitch about "the series not being as good without Monty". Yes, you're allowed to think that RWBY was at it's prime when Monty was still alive, but what exactly will bitching about it do you? And if you really don't like the series anymore just because one person is dead then STOP WATCHING. Like, seriously. what's the point in watching the series if every time you watch it you just end up saying "It was much better when Monty was still around."

  7. You know what really grinds my gears? When people say "It used to be much better when [blank]". Nice example is how there are people in the RWBY fandom who will always bitch about "the series not being as good without Monty". Yes, you're allowed to think that RWBY was at it's prime when Monty was still alive, but what exactly will bitching about it do you? And if you really don't like the series anymore just because one person is dead then STOP WATCHING. Like, seriously. what's the point in watching the series if every time you watch it you just end up saying "It was much better when Monty was still around."

  8. You know what really grinds my gears? When people say "It used to be much better when [blank]". Nice example is how there are people in the RWBY fandom who will always bitch about "the series not being as good without Monty". Yes, you're allowed to think that RWBY was at it's prime when Monty was still alive, but what exactly will bitching about it do you? And if you really don't like the series anymore just because one person is dead then STOP WATCHING. Like, seriously. what's the point in watching the series if every time you watch it you just end up saying "It was much better when Monty was still around."

  9. Imagine TwitchPlaysPokemon playing through Pokemon Reborn. And trying the Crustle Puzzle. Or Heracross/Pinsir puzzle. :D 

  10. commission___bug_catcher___by_pequedark_

    you like?

  11. Waiting for the spoiler lock to end in order to update your monorun topics can be very boring...

  12. Well, it seems like I made another Touhou 'meme' (or at least fan joke) happen with my profile or maybe it's just a case of number matching?   Since she's a crow/raven from Hell, Utsuho (my avatar) is associated with the number 6 by fans (driven further that she's also as scatterbrained as the 9, Cirno).     It seems I surpassed Bibs (? I think it's Bibs?) to become #6 (for most rep), so I've matched the meme again.  


    Just thought I would post this before @Jess most likely surpasses me again.  Definitely as high as I'll go on the list, since there is no way I can catch up to @Zarc, much less @Wolfox.   I know rep doesn't really mean anything, but it's fun to note when a Thing happens.



  13. gawxnnqbs34.jpg

    Since when can Garchomp learns Surf?!? :D

    I know it is a shark, but really???

  14. *Sees that LykosHand missed one*


    Happy Birthday,BRS swag :D.Have a nice day.

  15. So, Aurorus can't learn Aurora Veil. GJ Gamefreak. GJ.

    1. Jess


      Well, if Gardevoir got more Speed or more Defence, it would practically not be balanced. It needs weaknesses. If it has none, well, imagine facing it instead of using it once!

      Also, yes, they have buffed some mons that needed it. I was happy that Masquerain got a +20 in Speed and Sp.Attack too! But still, in some cases it feels like they deliberately made the mon useless. Iron Fist Ledian with its BS distribution is one of those cases you stare and say "SERIOUSLY NOW?!!!"

    2. (See 37 other replies to this status update)

  16. So, Aurorus can't learn Aurora Veil. GJ Gamefreak. GJ.

    1. Jess


      Gardevoir doesn't need a buff.-

      But I don't play competitively, so practically I couldn't care less. But again, there are mons tht need buffs much more than Gardevoir. Don't get me started on Ledian.

    2. (See 37 other replies to this status update)

  17. So, Aurorus can't learn Aurora Veil. GJ Gamefreak. GJ.

    1. Jess


      By the way, I never got all the hype around Lucario either. But I fail to see why people love Gardevoir so much too. Meteor Mash Lucario is different. It's stupid for a mon not to get ANY good attacking moves of its typing by level-up. Lucario only had Metal Claw. And it STILL learns it through breeding! Imagine Gardevoir only with Disarming Voice.


      @seki108 So, because there are other mons, more OP, it is justified to turn the balanced ones into OP ones too? That's not the correct way of thinking. Let balanced be balanced and nerf (or delete, I'm cool with that) the OP ones (e.g. Mega Mewtwos, Mega Rayquaza)


    2. (See 37 other replies to this status update)

  18. So, Aurorus can't learn Aurora Veil. GJ Gamefreak. GJ.

    1. Jess


      Exactly. The point is that you MUST LOSE SOMETIMES due to that miss. It is what makes game balanced. If it wasn't the case, unbalance here we come.

      Swap names between Aura Sphere and Focus Blast. It makes more sense that a FOCUS attack never misses than an Aura attack. And it would've been perfect, both lore-wise AND balance-wise. Otherwise, 100% hit fighting move for Gardevoir? Hell no. Aura Sphere+Gardevoir=NO-NO

    2. (See 37 other replies to this status update)

  19. So, Aurorus can't learn Aurora Veil. GJ Gamefreak. GJ.

    1. Jess


      Now please, back to original subject. Aurorus and Aurora Veil. *Tosses Gardevoir off the window*

    2. (See 37 other replies to this status update)

  20. So, Aurorus can't learn Aurora Veil. GJ Gamefreak. GJ.

    1. Jess


      Well, let it have some weaknesses! It has 3 weaknesses, one of which is useless vs it because it hits it super effectively (Poison), and the other is kinda nullified (Ghost) because of its high Sp. Defence and set-up opportunities. You said MOST steel types can take the hit or outspeed. It's a lie. Only 4 outspeed. The others might be able to take a Focus Blast, but Gardevoir is also able to tank a Flash Cannon probably (e.g. 192+ SpA Magnezone Flash Cannon vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Gardevoir: 246-290 (88.8 - 104.6%) -- 31.3% chance to OHKO).

      My point is that Gardevoir must rely on RNG to hit Focus Blast. If it had Aura Sphere, it would get solid 2HKO's vs most Steel types, leaving it uncountered. Unless a Banette appears. Or a Gengar. Oh, I forgot, Gengar is Poison type too... RIP.


      Don't try to seek buffs for Pokemon that don't need it. It's your fave mon and all, I get why you want a buff for it, but it's very strong already.

    2. (See 37 other replies to this status update)

  21. So, Aurorus can't learn Aurora Veil. GJ Gamefreak. GJ.

    1. Jess


      I was about to edit my answer to tell you not to mention Focus Blast. It has 70% accuracy. And it's a TM. You mention Aura Sphere being learnable by Move Relearner or level-up. Plus, it hits every fucking time. It would be OP. LOL, seriously? Steel types that can outspeed Gardevoir?! Not many... Only Durant, Klinklang, Lucario and Excadrill. 

    2. (See 37 other replies to this status update)

  22. So, Aurorus can't learn Aurora Veil. GJ Gamefreak. GJ.

    1. Jess


      Also, why all conversations in Reborn forums have to eventually include Gardevoir at some point? I'm not getting the whining... It's strong as fuck already.

    2. (See 37 other replies to this status update)

  23. So, Aurorus can't learn Aurora Veil. GJ Gamefreak. GJ.

    1. Jess


      I'm not sure I get what you refer to, Wolfox...

      Anyways, I don't think Gardevoir needs any buffs. Giving it something to hit Steel super-effectively would be OP, yes, especially considering how slow Steel types are and how weak they are in the Special Defence compartment.

      Give it Aura Sphere and the only thing it has no answer to are Physical attacking Ghosts. Good luck with countering that.

    2. (See 37 other replies to this status update)

  24. Behold! My secret weapon:


    A beaver that shoots electric beams!

  25. So, Aurorus can't learn Aurora Veil. GJ Gamefreak. GJ.

    1. Jess


      It's entirely unreasonable too. It's AURORus. And AURORa Veil. Both derive from Aurora Borealis. Even the fact that Amaura evlves only at night, when Aurora Borealis is visible.

      It's even worse that GROWLithe not learning GROWL!

    2. (See 37 other replies to this status update)

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