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Everything posted by Aloha

  1. Well that's how wonder trade works.. And I can guarantee that, if they were trading them trough wonder trade, they didn't really care about what they were geting in return. They probably already had better versions they got through breeding and those were sitting in a PC box.
  2. Gastly is not vailable in the games yet.. It was in some early episode but Ame realized he was too strong and decided to take it out. You still can get your hands in a gengar by direct trading or if you have him from a previous episode, but since it was "Banned" for the main storyline you can't use him in random battles or wonder trading. Same thing would happen if you had a gyarados a garchomp or some other banned pokemon. TLDR: gastly is banned from wonder trade and random battles since we shouln'd be able to get him yet
  3. Hello! I would like some of your dudes please UserID: Dorian Species: Snorunt Gender: Male Which stat gets the x: Sp. Attack (This means Sp Attack will be the low stat right? because that's exactly what I want) Special Requests: Not really Demonstration of loving home: I want a glalie haha. I also need a nice father in the mineral group I can offer a gengar if you'd like one
  4. That's the building with the guys who were studying tauros and the other bull pokemon right?
  5. Nooo! I don't have that. What is it and where can I find it?
  6. Didn't know some of them did haha.. Where can I find them? apophyl academy? randoml places to the city? talking to people? finding them in item pokeballs?
  7. Thanks! I would never have thought of that
  8. Hi, For some reason I cannot go further down in this cave. It's like there's and invisible rock or wall right in front of me and I can't get past it... Is this a bug? I'm loosing my mind..
  9. Thanks! I'm terrible for this kind of thing though, and it's been a long time since I completed EP 15 a long time ago. I guess I might check bodies of water throughout the game but regarding the sea of green I honestly have no clue what that could be. Any help with that? (though, I don't mind specific instructions if you feel like giving them haha)
  10. I get up to this screen: then I pres [Z] and it stays black for ever.. The game doesn't freeze or anything though, if I press [X] it brings me back to the normal gameplay.
  11. Aloha

    Swagger TM?

    Thanks! I see I have to play the strenght game at agate circus.. Do you know if the result is just random? I keep loosing and don't know if i'm doing something wrong.
  12. Aloha

    Swagger TM?

    Hello, Can someone tell me where can I find it?
  13. I just faced a trainer who had a klefki with toxic and lightscreen on a random battle and earlirtoday I fought one with substitute and swagger... Are those TMs already available in-game?
  14. I quoted everyone. so hence the following spoiler As it was mentioned before, I'm not questioning it's role in the actual game since what you said its true (about having him as your starter while advancing through the story of the mid and early game). I'm specifically talking about facing a Lvl 100 protean greninja with a full moveset in an online random matchup.. It just feels unfair, given the other limitations placed on those same battles.
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