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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Status Updates posted by Skeleton

  1. holy shit my password for this site still works LMFAO

  2. im about to go off the fucking rails. go feral. go fucking ape shitt. go hog wild. im gonna fly off the handle. im gonna do some sort of acrobatic fucking PIROUETTE off the handle and win like a medal or some shit. this is the constant state i live in.

    1. Maqqy


      ^ Me watching the pokemon direct tomorrow

  3. pull the trigger piglet

  4. i need money for my boyfriend to visit me this summer so i wanna know if anybody here would be interested in commissions??

    1. Skeleton


      just reply to this or message me on discord!! Skeleton#7940

  5. cauliflower is good


    1. Skeleton


      grunk? in my cup? HOO

  7. h&m pls send my clothes faster i need them to feel good abt myself

  8. everybody with kids here has had bad shit happen so do urself a favor and dont get kids

  9. praise budew

    1. Lilleen


      It has been praised!

  10. whys it gotta be all about zumi im also a suffering european that wants to stay Spoiler Free

  11. i enter the showdown lobby

    1. Skeleton


      caps lock: on

      puns: prepared

      dick: out

    2. Maelstrom


      I am only prepared to believe the first 2.

  12. im going to skip the last 15 minutes of class before a break next wednesday so i can head to the mall and pick up pokemon

    1. Skeleton


      ill have 45 minutes because the buses are shit

    2. Cobalt996


      30-minute inter-campus busses are fun. I imagine normal busses aren't really better.

  13. the vibration of my phone scares me but so does the sound notification

    1. HughJ


      ikr they should really have a vibration motor % option where you can tell your phone to chill out

    2. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      same, that's why I turn stuff like that off

  14. if ur relationship relies on daily chats dont fucking,, not talk for 3 days straight

  15. dont you think one day youll run out of new threads to make

    1. Exalted


      nah. I have faith in the creativity of the human mind and the fact we arent Hollywood

    2. Maelstrom


      clearly, there can always be more "favorite [very specific category] thing" topics in the pokemon fan club.

  16. sorry im too busy driving my 47 lamborghinis :/

    1. Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

      Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

      Up here in these beverly hills.

    2. Hycrox


      I'm busy myself with my 47 hollywood hills

    3. Jmanultrax1
  17. can we avoid openly posting abt sunmoon until its released in europe tho

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Azeria


      I already know everything about the game but please do not spoil it for others. This game is glorious and everybody should have the chance to enjoy it.

    3. HughJ


      how do you spoil a game whose formula has been the same since the 90's.

      Spoilers the player wins and becomes the champion after defeating their friend(s) and a criminal organization several times

    4. Skeleton


      it takes a lot for me not to click on the videos of leaked music

  18. after brexit violence against muslims etc. spiked so im rly afraid for all yall in america

  19. stop. making political threads.

  20. boi im fuckin PEEVED

  21. dont bring politics into this site bc yall too fucking america centered

  22. someone give me 6k

  23. ill be 19 in like half a year and it terrifies me

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