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Status Updates posted by ShadeStrider

  1. Smash Bros, Has Changed.


    It's no longer about Competition, Movesets, or Characters.


    It's an endless series of Cloud dittos, fought by professional wannabes, and casuals.


    Smash Bros, and it's consumption of time, has become a well oiled machine.


    Smash Bros Has Changed. ID tagged players carry ID tagged controllers, use ID tagged Characters. Caffein inside their bodies enhance and regulate their skills.


    Field Control. Character Tier Control. Skill Control. Tripping Control. Everything is monitored, and kept under control.


    Smash Bros has changed.


    The Age of competitive gaming has become the Age of Control. All in the name of keeping filthy casuals from Ragequitting. And He who controls the tournaments, controls history.


    Smash Bros has changed. When the Battlefield is under total control, amateur gaming... becomes routine.

    1. Youmu9


      I blame Konami. 

  2. If it turns out that Sakurai has nerfed Marth to Oblivion in Super Smash Bros for Nintendo Switch, than I'm going to say "Screw it, I'm Maining Cloud." Unless, of course, Solid Snake makes it back in. Then I'm maining Snake.



    What are the Odds that either of the main Playstation 1 stars make it back in?

    1. Zargerth


      Cloud could, but not Snake if you ask me.


      And knowing the Smash Bros. dev team they're more likely to nerf Doc. Mario than Marth.

    2. ShadeStrider


      They Nerfed Falco in SSB4 and Captain Falcon in Brawl. Mewtwo was bottom tier in Melee and in the A tier in Wii U. I wouldn't be surprised.

    3. Zargerth


      Do you mean to say you wouldn't be surprised if Marth got nerfed? When you take into account the buffs Marth received in Smash 4, Marth has consistently been one of the better characters in the series. It's true that he got nerfed first, but he also received buffs good enough to make him a top-tier contender in Smash 4. It would be counter-intuitive and counter-productive to nerf him again.

  3. The Top ten best games on the Original Xbox


    10. Halo 2

    9. The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind

    8. The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind

    7. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

    6. The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind

    5. The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind

    4. The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind

    3. The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind

    2. Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance

    1. The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind

  4. You don't share my opinion, therefore you are wrong.

  5. One thing that I don't like about The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, is the darn weapon durability system. I don't like having that awesome weapon that I have completely shatter.


    In Previous Zelda games, this wasn't a problem.


    At least Skyrim didn't have the weapon durability system, and at least in Oblivion and Morrowind, the weapons were fixable.

    1. Zargerth


      If weapons didn't break, what would prevent you from abusing the strongest weapons the moment you get them?

    2. ShadeStrider


      I know, but at least make them repairable, like in Oblivion and Morrowind. I hate that you can't exactly use the weapon ever again. Or you could find another one, but that's a pain.

  6. The story of a Man who witnesses his brother get murdered by a gang of bikers, and swears revenge on every last one of them is actually a story that I would like in a video game.



    I just wish it wasn't done so poorly. 

    Ride to Hell Retribution joins the ranks of games like Drake of the 99 Dragons and Sonic the Hedgehog 2006, in that they are games that are so unbelievably broken, but I still want to see a version done properly.

  7. Muay Thai Conditioning might just be the most painful thing i've ever done. Still doing it, though, Alongside Krav Maga.



    Basically, Muay Thai is for sports fighting. It's very effective in that regard. Krav Maga is for fighting people on the streets.



    I'm actually just a beginner at both. I did Taekwondo for 7 years, but my opinion is that it's more suited as an art form than actual fighting. In terms of fighting, both Krav Maga and Muay Thai are more effective.

  8. So, Smash bros is being brought to the Nintendo Switch? Possibly on the same engine as the Wii U smash bros?





    This is gonna be fun. Good thing I have a Nintendo Switch. If All of the Third Parties are in the game, including Solid Snake, then I will be a happy man.

  9. A Hideo Kojima Game. Directed by Hideo Kojima. Produced by Hideo Kojima. Written by Hideo Kojima.



    This game could have been good if the Story wasn't so bad and the game wasn't so unfinished.



    Keemstar's performance as the American President is 10/10, best performance ever.

  10. the-greatest-line-in-video-game-history.mp4


  11. Top ten Anime Battles (Yes, I use this joke way too much).



    This fight is Still better than the entirety of Into Darkness. And I'm not even a Star Trek fan.

  12. I love watching old men gently poke each other with lasers. Oh, the emotion. Emotion. Emotion. Momma, come look at this Emotion.



    This film didn't exactly age well, If you take Acting and Special Effects into account. But it is better than modern Disney, mostly because things like pacing, characters, and story actually exist.


    This Film was dumb fun. But it was dumb fun done right, with engaging characters and proper pacing. That is more than The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi will ever do. Special effects don't make movies. Characters and Story do.


    I may ridicule the film for things like this cheesy fight scene, as well as dialogue. But I still respect this film for what it is: a Classic.



  13. After a lot of thinking, I've decided that I'm going to go down my Cousin's path and go into video game development.


    However, what my cousin wants to do is to program games about sports and racing.


    What I want to do; Use the game to tell a story that questions morality, society, and the condition of the human soul, as well as try to characterize the MC based on the methods that the player uses to achieve a goal. Also, It has to be Sci-fi/Fantasy and possibly anime-esque. I'd also use Hack-and-Slash, RPG, and stealth-action to create my games.


    I feel that I am more ambitious with my project, but then again, who is going to give me any creative control if I end up working at a studio?


  14. Mother 3 is a better game than Undertale by a long shot.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ShadeStrider


      Sort of like the Undertale Fandom has ruined my view of Undertale forever? Like Five Nights at Freddy's, and Doki Doki Literature club?

    3. Wolfox


      not really, fandoms rarely bother me. Like, I was never bothered by the Undertale fandom, so I have little against them. I like that game but that's where it ends. as with Fnaf and DDLC, I'm not playing them generally because I'm no fan of Horror. Be it games, books or movies.


      But those players only know one input for the most part. and having to fight a PK Fire Spam with Ike is not exactly fun. and then I wonder how those got into smash while Simon Belmont would have been a more interesting character...

    4. ShadeStrider


      Well, The games are amazing, though. Earthbound edges out in gameplay, but Mother 3 is beautiful in terms of story. I put it up their with Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers, Metal Gear Solid 1, Shadow of the Colossus, and Nier: Automata as some of the most emotional story based games ever created.



      You really should try the games out. Don't something as trivial as being annoying in smash bros influence your view of a game you haven't played.

  15. If the PS5 is Backwards Compatible with the PS4, than I might just forgive Sony for Ghostbusters 2016 and the Amazing Spiderman 2.



    I don't actually own a Playstation 4, so whenever I want to play something like Nier Automata or Overwatch, I have to walk a full mile to my friends house. It becomes tiring. 



    I've resolved that since we are past the halfway point of this generation, I'm going to wait until the next generation of consoles is out.



    In either case, the PS5 might allow for streaming of old PS4 titles via PSN. However, Backwards compatibility would allow me to pull a cheap used copy off of Amazon. 


    Remember how I said that Metroid Prime 4 and The Pokemon RPG for switch were the only reasons I was watching E3 2018? No? Well, I'm also looking for news of a possible PS5.




    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ShadeStrider


      I think 2019 would be about the time. Or 2020. I've heard some news. None of it reliable, but still news. It's mostly just Speculation.

    3. M4RC


      Yeah, they've usually had about a 6 year gap in between - damn, I can't believe that the PS4 came out that long ago. 

    4. ShadeStrider


      Wait for E3 2018. Maybe we will get some news. If nnot E3 2018, than E3 2019. The presentation of the PS5 might go hilariously wrong, but I really don't care.



      People either watch E3 for new games and consoles, or for just how awkward the presentations are.

  16. Nier Automata is my personal Game of the Year 2017. I just love the story too much. 



    Breath of the Wild is good, too, but the low quality voice acting and flawed weapon durability system set it back.

    1. ShadeStrider


      I haven't even played  a single Drakengard game. Or the original Nier.

    2. ShadeStrider


      In comparison with Elder Scrolls, I feel as if Daggerfall, Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim were better games than Breath of the Wild.

  17. Metal Gear Survive is literally just MGS5, but with terrible combat mechanics, terrible survival mechanics, and Microtransactions.


    To it's credit, the graphics are good. That's literally it. 



    Don't buy this game. Just go get MGS5. It's far better, even if you don't necessarily like the story.

  18. What is Ulfric Stormcloak's favorite outdoor activity?








    I'm so sorry.

    1. Wolfox


      Really? I thought Yodeling. Granted last time he practiced that one a King died...

  19. Part of me thinks this scene is perfect, and part of me wants to hear Vader say the ridiculous Bond one liners that he said in the Novelization.


    You're Anakin Skywalker!

    The resemblance is deceptive.

    We were promised a reward...a handsome reward!
    I am your reward. You don't find me handsome?

    We're unarmed! We surrender! Please, please, you're a Jedi!
    You fought a war to destroy the Jedi. Congratulations on your success.


    You can't! Lord Sidious promised we'd be left in peace. 

    The transmission was garbled. He promised you'd be left in pieces.


    The scene totally wouldn't work, but It would be hilarious. Someone should edit this.



    To me, this should have been the last Star Wars movie. We didn't need this new trilogy. As reviled as the prequels were, I'd say that they contributed to the Story, and I enjoyed them. So there is that.




    1. ShadeStrider


      As a fan of the Original 6 Star Wars films, and the EU, I recognize that I have no control over the direction that the franchise is going. Even if it hurts to see it turn into a bunch of lazy cash-ins, I guess I'll just have to deal with it.

  20. Your video game can have the best graphics in the world. But If the Game is not fun to play, then the game is worthless.



    Unless the Story and cinematics are amazing, in which case you save your money and watch all the cutscenes on YouTube. In fact, Bad gameplay actually hurts the Story of a game.

    1. Commander


      Actually, I disagree on Youtubing a games story instead of playing it. Sometimes you can find those games for like $2 (Xenosaga II) which being in control does make a difference. Trails in the Sky is another game with pretty poor gameplay, but it worth playing for all the little things in the world. Games are made up of worlds which can be explored...most of the time which you miss out on Youtubing it for cutscenes.

    2. Burning Bright

      Burning Bright

      I mean yeah, you get to experience the world and influence cutscenes, but ultimately there aren't a whole lot of games like that. Also, we all have a finite amount of time, I'm not wasting it playing a game with good cutscenes and bad gameplay over a game with good cutscenes and good gameplay. 

  21. An extremely polarizing plot that received acclaim from critics and a mixed reception from fans, with an annoying character named Rose accompanying our main character?




    Star Wars: Episode VIII, The Last Jedi is the bad reincarnation of Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. 




  22. You have to pay for save slots in Metal Gear Survive. Ironically, this type of behavior will probably lead to Konami going bankrupt.


    For me, The Phantom Pain was the last Metal Gear game. Even if the story was disjointed, the gameplay was really enjoyable.


    I think Metal Gear, Silent Hills, and Castlevania are over. 


    Those of you who wanted a game starring The Boss and the COBRA Unit, or Grey Fox, or Metal Gear Rising 2, I am sorry to say, none of you will get your wish granted.


    Silent Hill fans, your"reboot" will probably just be another cash grab, with Microtransactions just like this game. You'll probably have to pay for extra lives.



    1. ShadeStrider


      Even Yugioh, the second most popular tabletop card game, will die off at this rate. But people will create their own formats and keep playing.

  23. I find it extremely amusing that Salamence can't learn Iron Head.



    Not only does it not make any sense, but Gamefreak also hurt it's viability in competitive play, with Fairy Types running all over the metagame.



    I suppose that you could use Iron Tail, but 70% accuracy is why they call Focus Blast Focus Miss. 75% isn't actually much better.

    1. Wolfox


      I hate telling someone they're wrong, but I would call you correct here. The main reason fairies were introduced was to make sure dragons could not stay in on anything that wasn't a faster Ice type. So giving one of the main dragon sweepers a reliable way to not care about fairies at all is even more counterproductive. Plus, dragons have enough ways of dealing with the Pix already. All of them more reliable than fairies ways of dealing with steel

    2. ShadeStrider


      Still. In Gen 4 it was Uber, In Gen 5 it was OU, then the fairies pushed it down to UU, where it dominated the tier until it was found to be to broken, and then it made it to borderline. It is technically a decrease in viability.


      You are incorrect in saying that Salamence is one of the main dragon sweepers. Salamence isn't really seen any more, mainly because it is outclassed by various other Dragon types in roles other than Moxie, Dragon Dance, and Supersonic Skystrike. It isn't a fully OU pokemon. It's in Borderline. In every other Role, It is outclassed by Dragonite, Garchomp, and Zygarde.

  24. If Darth Tommy Wiseau turns out to be the mastermind behind all of the events in the new Star Wars Trilogy, Then I swear I'll take back anything bad that I said about Star Wars: The Force Awakens or Star Wars The Last Jedi. And I've said a lot of bad things about both films.


    Or Darth Jar Jar. Darth Jar Jar would also work.

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