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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Ramiru

  1. Am I the only one who isn't really that interested in killing/causing harm to Fern? I'm just looking forward to the point where he realises and admits that he made the wrong choice and fucked up, so I can wipe that huge smirk of his face.
  2. I just realised something. Since there are gonna be 20 episodes total, will the main story end in episode 20 and we either get another update with all post game at once, or we get all post game with episode 20, or will the story finish in episode 19 then we will get all the post game in episode 20? I hope it's the first one because I want as much fun out of this game as possible!
  3. All you have to do to update the game is simply download the new version and open it, it will pick your save file from where it has always been and everything will work as normal, and since you are still in that room you shouldn't have any problems with faulty maps or anything like that. You're good to go
  4. Oh xD Then I just have a shitty memory and don't remember the scenario even though I've played through the game multiple times, and that confirms that Solaris was indeed responsible for the fire and not Charlotte.
  5. Oh really? Well it would make sense since I think she said it was by a lake in the mountains or something, but I always kinda disregarded that since, as I mentioned earlier, none of the sisters ever mentioned having owned a pair of sapphire bracelets or anything like that. Though I did always think that Saphira was the original owner of the bracelets since you know... the names, but it doesn't really matter that much does it.
  6. I always thought the house he mentioned was the house that Titania described when she found the Sapphire Bracelets the first time, and I don't really think this was the sisters' house since none of them ever mentions having any Sapphire Bracelets or anything like that.
  7. I think it's gonna be handled pretty much the same as usual, it gets posted to the Ace Member's sub-forum and everyone who wants to can partake in it like always, though it's probably be in beta testing for slightly longer due to the sheer amount of new things being added in E16. Also I do recall Ame saying somewhere on this thread that during alpha testing she will have more than 1 person testing it this time to make it more efficient, or something like that.
  8. I personally use a Sheer Force Nidoking for my team. Though the only moves that you can really take advantage from that you can actually get are Poison Jab, Earth Power and Sludge Wave. It packs a pretty big punch but on the other hand will most likely get 1 or 2-shot by any super effective move.
  9. What could be so big and resource-heavy that it would still be super laggy xD Now I'm getting really curious and excited as to what that puzzle might be. And you don't really have to make sure everything is perfect in time for testing do you? That's what testing is for isn't it? Just take it easy and make sure the game is in tip-top shape and we'll be here waiting until it's finished, even if it takes another year
  10. For some reason the first thing that struck me when I saw the supposed "Vinyl Record" badge was this majestic little thing which makes absolutely no sense whatsoever but I will continue to praise our true god and savior. ALL HAIL.
  11. What are you talking about? Fern is the best character ever, and he always wins since he sides with the winners I wish I could be a Swag jockey someday
  12. Oh I didn't know the game was actually made after the Reborn League, excuse me then xD I'm just bantering about trying to come up with different theories as to what might be happening and what might not be at this point.
  13. I see. But since the reborn league doesn't actually exist anymore, does that mean it's still canon, if it ever was in the first place that is? I'm not arguing against the fact that Arc might be the reserve electric gym leader, but you never know what Ame's got planned for us
  14. Who's even to say that Arclight is an electric type user As far as I know we haven't seen him in an actual battle until now unless I've missed something which I probably have. WAIT I JUST REALISED SOMETHING.
  15. Oh ok, then I guess the only real reason to have it anymore is to show off your team and your avatar. Thanks for the info!
  16. So I've got a few general questions about the trainer card that you can create right here on the site, and since I couldn't find an appropriate subforum for it I thought I'd post it here, if there is a subforum for these kinds of threads then it would be appreciated if this was moved to the appropriate location. Ok so number 1. It's mentioned when creating a card that you can earn gym badges to put on them, and I have seen several people with gym badges that correspong to those from the game. My question is, how do you actually get these gym badges? To be completely honest I haven't been digging around too much so it might just be something painfully obvious like buying them from the Site Shop or something similar, but I figured it'd just be faster to get answers by making a thread. 2. As you can see on my trainer card below this post, it only has 3 slots on it, but if I understand correctly you can get all 16 badges to put on the card. How do you increase the amount of slots on your card or is that just something that happens automatically the more badges you carry? Thanks for reading and possibly providing some answers. Have a great day
  17. What would even "the heart of Reborn City" refer to? The Grand Hall maybe? And what would make you think that it would be Radomus saying it? While it's true we haven't seen him since we rescued Luna from El iirc and he does have quite a bit of mystery surrounding him, he doesn't seem like the guy that would actually like it if whatever this "heart" is, falls. I always thought it was someone in Team Meteor, presumable Solaris who said it since he seems to despise the city almost more than anyone else in Team Meteor. Hmm... theories inbound.
  18. And then there's those trainers with specifically made competitively adapted ultra teams. (I'm looking at you Agate Clown) xD
  19. In Charlotte's gym you still have to position yourself in front of the stairs so it's still pretty difficult. I can't actually remember Wallace's gym puzzle so maybe there were some ice physics involved or something, Idk
  20. Holy fucking shit. I think I just got a kreygasm reading the update. To be completely honest, this game far outshines Reborn when it comes to graphics and visuals, though it may not hold that spot now that E16 is right around the corner I've got a question though, are the challenge trainers gonna be like 1 ridiculously OP Pokemon like Solaris' Garchomp in Reborn or are they going to have an entire team of unfathomably strong pokemon, and that is why we would have to learn a strategy to be able to defeat them. Also, will we be able to come back and fight these trainers whenever we like, or do they become unavailable after a certain story point. Since it would be much easier to fight a jerkishly strong team with a level 75 team than a level 45 team like the one seen in the teaser.
  21. So I've been wondering. We know and have known pretty much since the start of development that by the end of the game we will, one way or another, be able to obtain all 721+ Pokemon legit in the game. But what about TM's? Will we be able to obtain all 100 TM's at some point too? I really hope so since that TM 26 Earthquake would fit really nice right about now And I accidentally forgot Volt Switch on my Rotom and I can't get it back with Move Relearner which is sad, so I really hope we will be able to get all TM's one way or another eventually.
  22. Ok I'll do that to Klinklang then. Also actually I decided to drop Zam after all in exchange for a Gardevoir, since Gardevoir's BST is only slightly worse than Zam's and Gardevoir also gets access to Moon Blast and Shadow Ball (whenever we get that TM), and I was also thinking of using it as the main Mega of my team, which is nice. As you say I'll most likely keep my Sharpedo as reserve if I ever need it, and I still need a pokemon that can learn Waterfall, since none of the current 6 can. Another thing I've been looking over is the move pool for Typhlosion. The only moves it gets from leveling up I could see myself using is Eruption and Flamethrower, Eruption for forest fields & when I'm at high HP, and Flamethrower otherwise. Got any other good moves? I was thinking like Solar Beam or something but I wouldn't want to use that final move spot for Sunny Day. If I manage to figure something out I'll just edit this post. EDIT: Oh and another thing I completely forgot about until now. Can you get magnetic powder (or whatever it's called) that you need to "un-corrupt" Ralts' pokeball before 7th street? Or is 7th street the earliest possible location to find it?
  23. Wow that's a really nice Pokemon, must've taken a lot of patience to be grind something like that, which unfortunately is not a trait I possess, hence why I usually stay away from competitive battling in general. The only drawback really with this mon is it's nature since Lilligant is supposed to be a Special Attacker, though when I think about it that can easily be fixed with a trip to the Pokemon Psychologist and a little more patience for that perfect Modest OP Lilligant. Good luck in breeding the rest of your team(s), you'll probably need it xD
  24. I think either Liepard or Bisharp. Liepard because that's the Pokemon Hugh was looking for in BW2 which are my favorite games in the main series, aaand... I don't really know why Bisharp comes to mind, it just does xD
  25. While it's always a bummer to have to wait a few extra days/a week, I'd much rather play an awesome game with fewer bugs and game breaking glitches and it takes longer time than the other way around. Keep up all the good work you devs and testers Also just started working on a few members to my team which means I will have to train up 3 new Pokemon basically from scratch before E16 comes out xD This is gonna be a fun few days of non-stop Reborn
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