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Status Replies posted by FairFamily

  1. Comparison between Insurgence and Reborn team of easily available pokemon.

    Easily available means something that is not a Gible level quest in reborn. Or a beldum level. That kind of stuff.


    Insurgence team:

    Blaziken (speed boost from friend Safari), Gyarados, Mega Hydreigon, Garchomp, Metagross, Armor Tyranitar.


    Reborn team:

    Emboar, Greninja, Noivern, Magnezone, Nidoking, Granbull.

    (Emboar and Magnezone are super tough to get but the team is trash without them)


    Yeah, Insurgence tiers are op. And you still struggle to beat bosses in Insurgence even with such a team fully EV trained and some perfect IVs.


    Does this make reborn easy or tougher? Because some battles in Reborn are easy while gyms and bosses are taxing. But we don't get op pokemon without a lot of effort...

    1. FairFamily


      Well I would say Reborn is tougher because the variety. With insurgence I feel that once you got your team down with minor changes you can get through most challenges pretty comfortably because they are pretty similar. The game focuses mostly around hyper offence.


      This issue I have less with reborn because they try to change the type of challenges all around. So you can never be too comfortable or get your ass kicked. That being said Reborn is also reaching the limits of its challenges.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. Little Pokemon humor :



    Pokémon's Wonder Trade



    ( personnaly , a magikarp is perfectly fine. ) 

    1. FairFamily


      It's even more fun when you are passing around the same pokemon.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. I've looked at a small amount of the AM2R vs Samus Returns argument and... I'm just facepalming. Boycotting Nintendo even though you'd most likely love the games and you love the franchise? I know I'm an idiot some times, but that's simply stupid. Nintendo doesn't liek Fangames. that's no secret. Where Sega sees it as a chance, nintendo sees it as a threat. (low blow incoming) and who is still on top of the colsole market here? The reason they see it as a theat is simple: "why buy out full price game which you need our colsole for when you can play a free game like our own on your PC?". I can'd directly blame Nintendo for taking out Fangames. And now, my opinion on boycotting nintendo for their moves: you're all idiots if you do so. You "love" the franchise they own right (in this example, Metroid) and you'd want to see the franchise not only live on, but grow right? Then Not buying the game just because "Meh meh meh Nintendo did something to a fangame and then stole the idea of the fangame, I'm not gonna buy it meh meh meh" (if I seem insulting to this group, that is in this case the point as I fail to see the logic) won't show Nintendo not to kill fangames, no. it will show a decline in sales and let them know that people don't want Metroid as much as they did in the past, resulting in them not making games anymore. In that sense, Metroid Samus Returns acted as the Awakening to Metroid. Maybe not the best game in the franchise depending on who you ask, but a showcase that people still want Metroid games in the future. if Samus Returns simply doesn't apeal to you, then my statement here is not meant for you. Also, get this. A huge part of the people who will/would Boycot Samus Returns just because of Nintendo being Nintendo would later beg for a new Metroid game if Nintendo decided that, after bad sales, Metroid was a lost cause.

    1. FairFamily


      Nintendo's wallet will. A boycott is an assault on Nintendo's wallet and that is the place they care about. 

      Second I feel you're saying to invest money in Nintendo now on the hope that the next time, they might do better. Am I wrong on this? But here is my reverse question: why would they? The devellopers might want to produce a good game but management, which controls the choice of devellopers, deadline, budget, ... , wants to make profit. If they don't feel the consequences of their actions why would they change? If they have your money now, they have what they want and don't see a reason to change their ways.

      So as long as you invest money in a franchise just to protect it, you are doing a disservice to the franchise. You give a signal to management to continue what they are doing.

      PS. Blog post about AM2R go even as far as 2013 and a demo was out in 2014 which is before development on samus returns. Comparing apples with apples please.  

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  4. I've looked at a small amount of the AM2R vs Samus Returns argument and... I'm just facepalming. Boycotting Nintendo even though you'd most likely love the games and you love the franchise? I know I'm an idiot some times, but that's simply stupid. Nintendo doesn't liek Fangames. that's no secret. Where Sega sees it as a chance, nintendo sees it as a threat. (low blow incoming) and who is still on top of the colsole market here? The reason they see it as a theat is simple: "why buy out full price game which you need our colsole for when you can play a free game like our own on your PC?". I can'd directly blame Nintendo for taking out Fangames. And now, my opinion on boycotting nintendo for their moves: you're all idiots if you do so. You "love" the franchise they own right (in this example, Metroid) and you'd want to see the franchise not only live on, but grow right? Then Not buying the game just because "Meh meh meh Nintendo did something to a fangame and then stole the idea of the fangame, I'm not gonna buy it meh meh meh" (if I seem insulting to this group, that is in this case the point as I fail to see the logic) won't show Nintendo not to kill fangames, no. it will show a decline in sales and let them know that people don't want Metroid as much as they did in the past, resulting in them not making games anymore. In that sense, Metroid Samus Returns acted as the Awakening to Metroid. Maybe not the best game in the franchise depending on who you ask, but a showcase that people still want Metroid games in the future. if Samus Returns simply doesn't apeal to you, then my statement here is not meant for you. Also, get this. A huge part of the people who will/would Boycot Samus Returns just because of Nintendo being Nintendo would later beg for a new Metroid game if Nintendo decided that, after bad sales, Metroid was a lost cause.

    1. FairFamily


      First you assume that companies don't know why sales drop. A lot of companies do more research other then looking at their sales figures. So in a lot of cases they know why sales drop. Sometimes they might be wrong with their conclsuoion but the boycott will reach the companies ears. They might say that they close a franchise because of sales but the real reason might because they don't want to solve the real reason of the lowered sales. That's their choice.


      Second I must say that your argument might be a it too simplistic/shortsighted. You might love the franchise and you love seeing it grow but at the same time I don't think it is fair to say that you should be allowed to let the companies do what they want. It is rewarding bad behavior and this behavior might push towards bad game practices over time. No games is better than bad games. Yes it might hurt you in the short term but long term can pay off. After all companies like nintendo look at their wallet as well and closing a good franchise hurts them as well.


      Finally "Meh meh meh Nintendo did something to a fangame and then stole the idea of the fangame, I'm not gonna buy it meh meh meh" (also that is insulting to the other people). I can see two reason for this argument for this. The first one is that it is an insult after injury. This can be considered irrational but not unjustified. The second one (which I personally would feel as well) is the sheer hypocrisy of the situation. Nintendo says that the creator of the fangame must shutdown his creation because he stole ideas from Nintendo. Afterwards Nintendo does exactly that by taking the guys ideas.  That's just corporate bullying.


      Now I haven't done a lot of research but based on what you present and from what I can quickly see, I hope I can convince you fto look it from another angle. 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. Playing a defensive/stall team in Reborn is really a test of patience.

    1. FairFamily


      Early game options are quite limitted (poison,poison and look more poison especially since they took my meowstic away) and the early gyms counter them incredibly hard .  The facts that fields tend to boost offense doesn't help either. Let's hope mid game does better. 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  6. little mini update: the GF's cat is okay

  7. FINALLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 🇫🇷 🇫🇷 🇫🇷 !!!! ❤️❤️❤️ Really well played by Belgium 🙂 

  8. Yes , french is such a very simple language




    Aucun texte alternatif disponible.

  9. Lightning doesn't strike twice, but for you I make it four.




    1. FairFamily


      @seki108 You use kaminari attack as fusion material for twin-headed thunder dragon in duelist of the rose? I just use kaminarikozou, way lower dc.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  10. Well I'm digging that thunder dragon support. Shame that the OG fusion didn't get any love especially it was once my ace.

    1. FairFamily


      It is really fun. It took me a little bit to get a good build and adjust to the playstyle but now I'm having a blast.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  11. 20180625162700_1.jpg

    I'm not sure... but I think I'm riding my horse wrong

    1. FairFamily


      What no you're doing it perfectly fine. This way you can combine your calm and collected composure with the advantages of being carried by others.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  12. I don't get it. If I capture a legendary Pokemon, I become a champion.



    But if I do the same thing in real life and throw a mountain gorilla into my trunk, I get arrested.

  13. Well, the third level of Tag Duel has one of the first teams using Fur Hire cards.  Only 4 months after printing and they are in DL.  Color me impressed.

    1. FairFamily


      Color me unimpressed. All that hype around fur hire to only end up as duel link fodder.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  14. The new Tag Tournament has Shining Flare Wingman as a prize?  Yes, all of the yes.



    Yeah, I know double fusions aren't very viable, but I'm still a HERO fanboy, despite not liking the superhero genre in general.

    1. FairFamily


      Oh dark law is just nasty. In fact dark law turbo was a thing. A macro cosmos only to your opponnent while banishing a card from the opponents hand if they added one outside of the draw phase (once per turn).


      Dark law backed with some backrow is just horrendous. The worst is seeing dark law, toadally awsome (can negat a single card) and bahamut shark (can special summon toadally awsome twice but once per turn) plus some backrow.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  15. The new Tag Tournament has Shining Flare Wingman as a prize?  Yes, all of the yes.



    Yeah, I know double fusions aren't very viable, but I'm still a HERO fanboy, despite not liking the superhero genre in general.

    1. FairFamily


      Omni heros? Don't make me laugh. E-heros have something far more terrifying lurking in the darkness.





      This. This is the stuff of nightmares 


    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  16.  I'm not sure if this is appriopriate in this forum so yeah :


    My friends are one of a kind. I suggest to play d&d and an half hour later they have plans to play as child raping pillagers.


    1. FairFamily


      Friend (who is kinda a player): "I'try to woo everyone. "


      Me:" You have to be good in charisma."


      Me other friend: "or strength."


      And it went downhill from there.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  17. I don;t wanna start a generation war with this, but can we at least agree that the Nintendo DS was the golden age of Pokémon games? not saying what came before or after the DS era is bad at all btw

    1. FairFamily


      I'm not sure depends on the criteria I guesd. Gen 4-5 were the gens I hooked off pkmn eventualy comming back late gen 6. 


      However do not underestimate the sheer dominance pokemon had during gen 1. A succesfull tcg, anime and video game in one franchise, rumors about pkmn were spread on the schoolyard. Hell my bank even gave pkmn booster packs as a rewards for saving a certain amount of money. Pkmn simply dominated. 


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  18. In order for the upcomming Link Vrains episode I have little present.

    Behold the potential of trickstars.



    I wish I could do something similar for Soul burner but alas no Salamangreats yet. Also I don't think I have the passion for it since I don't like Soulburner that much. Still may the best duelist win.


    Who am I kidding? Soulburner will win no matter what because Lost incident/Ignis bias.



    1. FairFamily


      Doubt it, trickstars were meta with the cards from her first duel. Altergeist and gouki just needed a little push from their first appearance to become truly good.


      But Salamgreat doesn't seem to have that potential especially since soulburner has the bad habit to gain lp for that sweet burning draw. Lp gain has never been good so no luck for him.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  19. In order for the upcomming Link Vrains episode I have little present.

    Behold the potential of trickstars.



    I wish I could do something similar for Soul burner but alas no Salamangreats yet. Also I don't think I have the passion for it since I don't like Soulburner that much. Still may the best duelist win.


    Who am I kidding? Soulburner will win no matter what because Lost incident/Ignis bias.



    1. FairFamily


      I think they will become collectors bait or a theme deck. Salamangreat is an archetype without focus. They have bunch of random effects that barely synergise with each other. The effects themselves are not great either while lacking in some crucial aspects. They have not a single card in the deck that searches for instance.


      The salamangreat boss monsters are OK but are a bit too restrictive in their requirements. The requirements of the boss monsters prevents the addition of generic cyberse  support which could have pushed the deck a bit.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  20. welp, Lady Senpai's ex broke up with her again. good friend wolfy mode: Activated

  21. welp, Lady Senpai's ex broke up with her again. good friend wolfy mode: Activated

    1. FairFamily


      good friend Rebound wolfy mode: Activated.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  22. Got my first prismatic from a card pack.  I wish it was actually something I was panning to use though......



    1. FairFamily


      The card sucks. It is a trap that lock down a single trap/quick play that is set meaning: it doesn't do anything during that turn. Because who sets spells outside of bluffs, which means that they didn't plan to use the spell anyway. So you played a full 2 turns with a card less and gained nothing back (it is a 1 for 1).


      On top of that does it leave the opponent able to destroy the spell and then get the card back. If they have the spell removal, they can choose to get their trap/quick play back. This card even gives them that option.


      The only thing the replica has over the original is that the original didn't say up to 2 preventing the original from activating from when they have one. The activation prevention is neat but since you will most likely activate this during the end phase on the turn they set their quickplay/trap  so it couldn't be activated ayway.


      It is laughable how konami thinks they can "sell" this trash spell removal because they haven't released mystical space typhoon yet. Honestly most of these spell removal weren't picked because they were trash.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  23. does anyone else have the feeling Six Sams might get a Link monster sooner or later?

    1. FairFamily


       Isolde, reminiscence of the noble knights is all they need.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  24. Spoiler

    Yusaku used a Fusion Summon.


    1. FairFamily


      Yusaku is succumbing to the power of EGAO! By the end of series he will be riding around  on cyberse hippo.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  25. Happy Mother’s Day ! 

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