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Everything posted by Posty

  1. Little late update lol Doc has been updated! we are making way through Gen 1! so cheers for everyone who is following the new system, keep it up!
  2. Evolutions are the exception, if you do Onix, for continuity sake still do Steelix and its Mega. They will be accepted at the same time.
  3. This has been a little while whoops Hiya all! firstly I just want to apologise for the delay with this update! I took a weeks break off Reborn to focus on other stuff hence why I didn't update last week, but now I'm back and revamped so this will be updated weekly again! Got a few little updates for you all today. Firstly, well the document has been updated! so go check it out! Secondly which is the main update, I will be changing how we go about accepting Shinies. From this point onwards, the Shiny Project will be completed in Generations. So Posty what do you mean by this? Lemme tell you, from now on, we will be working on the Shiny Project from Generation 1 to Generation 8, so we will only be accepting Shinies from the current Generation we are on. For example, As of right now we have 89/151 Shinies completed for Generation 1, until we have completed this Generation, aka had every single Pokemon receive a Shiny Sprite, THEN we will move onto Generation 2. What this means is that, if you were to submit a Generation 4 Shiny while we are on Generation 1, it will not be accepted! (or well until we get to that Generation). Cheers to Zumi for giving me advice on this, I believe they did something similar for their Shiny Project for Rejuvenation. Hopefully this will speed up the process! I will update the main part so newcomers will understand. Finally, the Shiny Project has slowed down a bit, which I expected as much due to well, schools starting up again and other stuff. So guys! please post this Project around in servers and maybe forums! (if they don't mind ofc lmao) I would love to see new people take part in creating Shinies! We really wanna get this project completed, we are over halfway now! Cheers for all the support guys, we appreciate all the comments, fanart and everything else! Cheers again x Posty
  4. ~The Chaotic City of Nightmares~ Hey everyone! It's me this time, your local Postman! I wanted to make this blog post to talk about a certain area within the game that many players have struggled with.. and by struggled I mean getting lost in the vast lands known as Blackview City. A number of you have given feedback/complaints about how hard it is to navigate through the city, from searching for the crazy girl Emily to figuring out where the hell the Jinx Grid Teleporter is trust me it also took me a while to figure out where that was lol. So I took it upon myself to polish up the city. So firstly, to showcase the changes and my thoughts into going about this, here's a map of Old Blackview: I'm gonna keep them in spoiler tags because well, Blackview is massive and I don't want to flood this post lol. Anyways as you can see, the main issue with Blackview was that, well the layout was extremely clunky with paths leading to dead ends to a lot of clutter around the centre, its no wonder people got lost around here. The city is suppose to have this chaotic nature about it which is why when I looked to give it a the polish up, I wanted to keep this feel about it! This was a bit of a challenge but after discussing with the team, this is what I came up with as a concept: I wanted to divide Blackview into 4 "main streets" with alley ways going in-between, this way it would help to keep this feel of a chaotic city which was our vision, while helping to tackle the issue players have been struggling with. And for the big polished up reveal.. this is what Blackview looks like now: its probably best to just, open both images in tabs and clicking between to have a better view of the before and after pics. This polish up took a bit of time to sort out, considering I didn't want to start from scratch with the map, due to overall eventing and the map itself was fine, it just needed a little 2020 polish up since this map is well.. 4 years old now? To conclude, this isn't the complete final design, we are looking to potentially implement something else to help navigation around Blackview. Other than that, development is going at a reasonable pace, I've just finished up a set of maps for Episode 6 and looking to start the next set soon Speaking about development, Caz has updated his Patreon with some spicy Episode 6 content! I'll shove the link to it below, but if you wanna have a more in-depth view on our development for Episode 6, consider pledging to him! all the support everyone gives us helps massively! whether it be pledging to just leaving comments about their enjoyment with the game. https://www.patreon.com/posts/41016883 Anyways that's it from me, hope you all have a great weekend and we'll talk again soon~ Posty
  5. Weekly Update, Weekly Update As per usual the document has been updated! we have had over 600+ responses now which is, hot damn, I say that every week I swear. Keep the Shinies going! advertise the project! lets keep this project going!
  6. Hiya! firstly we appreciate the comments! glad you were able to enjoy it! Secondly yes, the custom Megas do have extra moves for them and will get more in the future, funny enough you suggest Mightyena as we already gave it Shadow Claw and Shadow Sneak (i think we gave it Shadow Sneak, cant remember but it'll defo be an available move in ep6) and as for the other Megas? Cinccino has already had Play Rough added to its moveset :]
  7. Its that time of the week again! Doc has been updated! go have a look and such ya know the drill this point. Now I want to make a point about some of the submissions we have gotten lately, over the past few weeks we have been receiving a bunch of Shinies which have already been marked as completed on the Shiny Document, this is fine but I wanna put an emphasis on the ones we haven't completed yet. This ain't saying you shouldn't submit Shinies that have already been accepted but I want to make clear that we will be prioritising the ones that haven't been completed, looking through 4 sets of a Shiny which have already been completed is somewhat a waste of time, and we would prefer to see newer Shinies come in! That said, could the following people yeet me a dm: Dragoknight Lazarus Ryuto
  8. update your game, this has been fixed, make sure you're on the latest update before reporting.
  9. Weekly Update thing.. yeah that Document has been updated! We have now hit the halfway mark! meaning 50% of the project is complete, which is incredible truly, keep submitting Shinies! this project won't be going away any time soon until every single Pokemon has been completed, once again thank you all. Now minor update on my end, from now on I'm going to stop giving out personal feedback (this also means saying whether or not your shinies have been accepted), unless I either ask you to dm me about a Shiny submission or you see me pop up in a chat and give my thoughts. This is mainly because well, lately I've been pretty busy sorting out a lot of stuff involving Desolation and other irl things and at times I've accidentally ignored dms. So this is to say that you're better off asking other people for advice on your submissions, the Sprite Edits channel in the Reborn server is perfect to ask the community for their thoughts on your submissions! Alternatively ask a friend and see what they say. I've been having people ask me "what should I do to make this better so you accept it" and instead of catering to us, you should be submitting a Shiny that you are happy with and feel like its good enough to be included in Desolation. I hope you all can appreciate this, I want to keep this project interactive and I will do by reaching out to those who I wanna talk more about their submissions too. Cheers once again guys!
  10. Time for an update lmao Doc has finally been updated! we have now had about 500+ responses submitted to the Shiny Project which is just incredible! One thing I'm going to change however, I'm going to aim to update the doc now once a week appose to twice a week to allow more submissions in and we can just, go through them in one go, that doesn't mean that I may update it still twice a week, but for now just expect an update once a week every Saturday! Also could the following people dm me please: Felcatty Dream Lazarus Ryuto Krantz (also the two people from last week)
  11. WELP ANOTHER LATE UPDATE HAHAHAH sue me Doc has been updated! So I counted it up and we are nearly at the halfway point! aka we nearly have about 50% of the Dex completed for Shinies! Thank you all for the dedication and contribution over the past month! Now lets push it, share this thread around to spriters you may know or friends who wanna take a crack at making a Shiny and lets get this completed! Also could the following people dm me, I wanna talk about your submission: Hubercioch ShinyGolem Pyrromanis Jman uijeghbu (if anyone has a contact with uijeghbu, please let them know I wanna talk to them!)
  12. omg another late update, posty you should be fired. Nothing new, doc has been updated! any submissions over the past 12 hrs haven't been counted yet! Also we have hit the sweet number of 420+ submissions and it still blows my mind how many Shines we have had sent it, once again even if your Shiny wasn't submitted, thank you for contributing! we appreciate you all.
  13. Okay let me explain in more depth about what I mean, take this Murkrow for example from Reborn, and compare it to the normal Shiny for Murkrow from the main series games, (omg its smol) As you can see, compared to what the basic shiny is, the Reborn Shiny has a unique design, with the ring of the hat having a different colour, and theres an extra bit added on. If you were to re-colour this "custom design" for Murkrow, then it will be rejected, this is because you have not put any thought into the design, you just re-coloured an existing one from Reborn. If you are going to create a "custom design" for a Shiny, then it has to be your own "custom design", not an existing Shiny design from Reborn/Rejuvenation which you just re-coloured. If you just take the basic sprite for Murkrow and then colour it to make a Shiny, thats completely fine! thats essentially what we are after, the point of the post is that, if you want to be "extra" and put more "effort" into the Shiny with a "custom design", you can do, but we will not be accepting anything that is a straight up copy of an existing design in Reborn or Rejuvenation (or any other fangame frankly).
  14. Somewhat of a bigger Update We have now had over 360+ Responses which is crazy considering the project has been going on for about 2 weeks... I didn't think it'll get this much attention lol, once again thank you all! The document has been updated as of this post but note! submissions over the past 48hrs have not been gone through yet, since the squad haven't been around to go through them (also Ruby and I have started playing FFXIV so yeah whoops), now for some bigger updates 1) Please do not re-colour Reborn/Rejuvenation Shiny Designs and submit them as a Shiny for Desolation. I have noticed a good bunch of Shinies submitted which are just re-colours from Reborn/Rejuvenation which is just uncreative and straight up copying, we absolutely love the custom patterns/designs people have made for the Shinies submitted however if you just re-colour a design, it'll be rejected immediately, you don't even need to steal a design! some Shinies just work with a different palette! 2) Please for my own sake, name your files appropriately. I should have made this clear in the main post (will be updated after this) but please when you submit a Shiny, label it properly. What I mean by this is that, when the game checks for a Shiny Sprite, it looks for the Pokemon Number with the letter "s" at the end, for example Charmander's Shiny is labelled "004s" and "004sb", if theres a female version for example with Venusaur, then it should be labelled "003fs" and "003fsb". This ain't a major problem if you haven't been doing this, but it just saves me so much time, I'm going to have to personally edit all the names anyways (due to the google form) but it saves me time having to look up a dex number and renaming like for example "Squirtle_on_crack". 3) UPLOAD YOUR SHINIES AS SEPARATE PNGS!!! please.. don't upload all your Shinies as one PNG, the only exception is Unown, you can upload that as one PNG then if we like it we'll be in contact (we already accepted one anyways but yeah just saying), if you submit your line on a single PNG, its being rejected, you can submit multiple google forms! 4) Finally could the following people throw me a dm when you get the chance! (once again using names from the forms and not pinging so I hope you see this LOL) uijeghbu Shinxz Edo yume Norrim rerorero59 Once again cheers guys! document will next be updated on Wednesday! we are nearly halfway there for completing the Shiny Dex :']
  15. Yo throw me a dm and we can discuss em! lemme know in the dm which shinies were yours also.
  16. Update we are nearly at 300 responses what the fuck Should have updated it yesterday lol but yeah Document has been updated! any responses submitted in the past 24hrs haven't been gone through yet! also if you haven't dm'd me yet aka Syco and Riddle please do so! Also could Slowpoke, Felcatty and Hellscythe dm me as well please! wanna ask about Shiny or two x
  17. I'll do what I think is necessary tbh. All important boss battles in this episode and a few in the last episode have got EVs (you can check via the PBS) on top of that, I was aiming for Reborn/Rejuvenation Difficulty.
  18. did you use Scizor by any chance, because if you did its been axed So I will just say, the balance was done by me and I know that some things need to be improved on, for example Garret will be receiving a buff in the next ep! When doing the balance I mainly thought about the casual players over the people who are going to breed, who are going to EV, who are going to do wild ass sets to set up Pokemon in a battle. If you wanna win a battle by setting up with the now axed Scizor and then sweeping, more power to ya! The game is more story based anyways, so I wanted to make the game "difficult" but not "frustrating annoying that you have to re-do several times due to RNG". I will be looking over the balance again anyways due to the introduction of Generation 8 but yeah I'm glad people enjoyed the long awaited update regardless!
  19. Locking this thread because well theres no point for it to be active anymore lol, you got yo game.
  20. Okay we have decided as a Dev Team to lock this thread for the time being, until we want to open questions again to the public. This has turned into more of a "hey where is this item" over asking us questions based on development and other stuff, so for now it will be locked. Please go to Discussions if you want to ask questions about in-game content. Thank you.
  21. Update! Nothing major! Document has been updated (might have missed a few idk) and we have had over 600+ Shinies submitted, 240+ Responses, the support on this project is incredible and we are slowly but surely filling up the dex! cheers for all the work guys and keep them coming!
  22. Like I mentioned before (and in the main thread), please ask questions about in-game content such as "wheres __ item" in the Discussions Section, this is for asking questions for the Development Team to answer, not a Discussion Thread about where items or Pokemon are. If this continue I will lock the thread, thank you.
  23. Honestly, it has to be the Black Foxes, their overall aesthetic is gorgeous (Ruby fucking nailed it) and also Amelia is there so why wouldn't I want to be on the team with that gorl
  24. Eevee doesn't have a gender dif.. oh wait it does. To answer this we haven't got the gender difference sprite in the folder since its apart of the Generation 4 sprites however, if someone was to make one then with a Shiny version, we'll for sure accept that! Also in regard to the Eeveelutions.. nah, you could make a Leafeon or Flareon and submit and that'll be fine, the Eeveelutions are different colours anyways so you don't need to make a Shiny for all of them.. unless you want to then feel free
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