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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Status Replies posted by Shad_

  1. hey babe, on a scale of 1 to america, how free are you tonight?

  2. I'd sign up for Pokenations since summer is coming and i need to improve my skills, but how good are the battlers here? I don't want to be an useless teammate since a good majority of the people i know are quite good at battling

  3. Anybody wanna suggest me a new avatar, please?


  5. Another day, more stuff to be depressed about.

  6. Another day, more stuff to be depressed about.

  7. Dayum, that Yanmega of Shelly's is OP. Like, does it ever miss with that ancientpower?

  8. Dayum, that Yanmega of Shelly's is OP. Like, does it ever miss with that ancientpower?

  9. Dayum, that Yanmega of Shelly's is OP. Like, does it ever miss with that ancientpower?

  10. Leg day rip

  11. Leicester City Football Club champion of England! #GOFOXES

  12. Gained 4 kilos in 2 weeks, seems like working out is starting to have some effects o/

  13. Teambuilding makes me dumb

  14. Teambuilding makes me dumb

  15. Life's full of tough decisions. I have the chance to head to Japan but have to miss two days of exams in the process. What to do, what to do....

  16. have soft ressetted for 1 hour, no shiny budew

  17. Chrollo VS Hisoka has began. Place your bets.

  18. Tbqh I could never do a monotype because I just love so many different Pokemon and like 90% of them are all different types

  19. Chrollo VS Hisoka has began. Place your bets.

  20. I am alive if anyone missed me. I was at a school trip for Academic Games Nationals, in Atlanta. Now I believe it is time I passed out because 12 hour bus rides are bleh.

  21. I hope i'm not the only one disappointed by the battle between Gerard Valkyrie and Hitsugaya/Byakuya/Zaraki

  22. I hope i'm not the only one disappointed by the battle between Gerard Valkyrie and Hitsugaya/Byakuya/Zaraki

  23. Officially started studying to get my driver license, rip

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