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Zargerth last won the day on January 10 2018

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257 Altruist

About Zargerth

  • Birthday 06/07/1993

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    Pokémon and video games in general
    Philosophy -to an extent-
    Русский язык

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  1. You know what I like? To sweep Gym Leaders with A-Raichu. It's been smooth sailing so far, but that's bound to change. Here's my team atm:


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Zargerth


      I have Flash, but only Lunatone knows it as of now. I could teach it to Espeon (and replace Work Up or Future Sight), maybe even A-Raichu but that means I'd have to get rid of Nuzzle - there's no way I'd replace Nasty Plot.


      My Mr. Mime has both Light Screen and Reflect, it's no Meowstic but better than nothing, I suppose. Shame I didn't get Soundproof. I used my Ability Capsule in order to change Espeon's ability to Magic Bounce.

    3. Jess


      Well, if you replace Nasty Plot, then R.I.P., since the move relearners work weirdly. It's impossible to relearn it, since it's a Pichu move. I still believe that, since a mon learns a move, regardless of its form it should be able to forget/relearn it numerous times. But Pokemon games suck sometimes... :( 


      I remember breeding Play Rough to my Stunky. Evolved as Skuntank, then was playing around with movesets, replaced Play Rough... Then it was unrelearnable by Move Relearner! I had to find a backup save to get my Play rough back. Utterly dumb and annoying.


      Where (and when) can we buy Ability Capsules in Rejuv? I ran through it once, but didn't find anything...


      Edit: Also, Mr Mime has better typing than Meowstic, but no Prankster. Gain something, lose something... It's useful though!


    4. seki108


      @Jess  The only way I remember was through Pickup, but I could be forgetting

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