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Reborn Development Blog

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Status Updates posted by Lugruf

  1. Hello peoples. I've got a problem with the forum and need some help. For some reason looks like links to mega in my old versions thread and in the savefile manager are dead, and I think I can't edit them because those posts were made before the forum update. At least I can't find the way to do so. Can you think of any solution? I've got some PMs asking me to fix this

    1. Walpurgis


      Maybe a mod can edit the post (?) I think they have the permissions to edit posts of other people, but I guess you have already thought of that solution.

      If the post can't be edited in any way then I guess that the best option would be to create a new thread for it, which would make it easier for new people to find it too now that there is an entire subforum dedicated to mods.

  2. My grandma's just had an ictus and she got half of her body paralyzed. She's in the hospital now.

    1. Wolfox


      my thoughts are with her


    In case you want to feel better about your non third world country

  4. I enter to check the dev blog and there's two new people following me. Not a single post, status or pm in two months. My absence must be fascinating

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      who tf are you

      (sup bub)

    3. seki108


      I'll admit I mostly followed because I could never find your very useful past versions thread with the meh search system this site has......that and I was curious if you would come back to check (that curiosity was satisfied).

    4. Anime


      I checked always to see if you would com back even though we never talked before

  5. Si una gota colma el vaso otras veces ya es el mar. Y es el mar esta vez, ¿lo entiendes? ¿No ves que ya no, no me convences?

    1. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      Det er det mest spanske jeg har lest i dag 

  6. "A video more and I stop" describes my morning pretty well

    1. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      Same, but with sleep 

  7. The dust under my bed will get consciousness and eat me one day

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      So what you're saying is now might be the time to clean under there?

    3. Ojama Yellow
    4. Lugruf


      Bibs that's so accurate you can't even imagine

  8. I feel a lot like listening to Love of lesbian today. Like I really need it and any other group won't do

  9. How I feel when I'm walking behind a person that's smoking


  10. ¡Viva la república!

  11. mfw the bug is in a completely different place than where I thought and I've spent an hour debugging a piece of code that was correct

    1. FairFamily


      hey, at least you found it.

  12. I keep finding new things every time I see r/place

    1. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      You learn something new every day

  13. Where do I have to sign to get this?



  14. Happy birthday dude

    1. BlueMoonIceCream


      Aw, thank you my dude :3

  15. I feel evil


    1. FairFamily
    2. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      One of the endless reasons I love you <3

  16. Wubba lubba dub dub

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cepheus


      It means "Help me, I'm in great pain" in Bird-language :D

      (Rick and Morty reference)

    3. seki108


      And that's the way the news goes.

    4. 5hift
  17. tfw a random guy gets mad at me in showdown because I'm spamming roost waiting for him to get full paralysis

    1. Wolfox


      I've been called s slut for having togekiss on my fairy monotype team. some people just like to piss others off for no reason I guess :/

    2. Cepheus


      That's the thing with EVERYTHING competetive... someone will always get mad at something...

  18. What did you dream? It's alright we told you what to dream.

  19. I sometimes hate this fucking third world country


    1. Wolfox


      not sure if Facepalm, Double Facepalm or Triple Facepalm

    2. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      In the prison: One is locked in for murder, the other made a joke on Twitter

  20. Our class' oficial rubber ducky


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      Reminds me of a banana 

    3. seki108


      Is it the one that makes bathtime lots of fun?

    4. 5hift


      Bubububububber ducky!

  21. I find funny how the word "republican" in Spain and in the US has a radically different meaning.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. HongaarseBeer


      @Tartar I believe there have been several scandals involving members of the monarchy, mostly concerning taxes and money

    3. Lugruf


      Well, first of all the concept of monarchy is archaic and opposite to democracy. Citizens should be able to choose the head of state in democratic elections, instead of being a position that's inherited. Second, the king Juan Carlos I was chosen by the dictator Francisco Franco. Third, the royal family is a huge expense in the national budget that only benefits them and doesn't contribute at all to the citizens. Fourth, there's a ton of scandals and cases of corruption that involve the royal family, like the one of the elephant just to give an example.


      Fifth, with the "ley mordaza" approved in 2015, you can go to jail or have to pay an absurd fine for things like joking about the royal family in social media.


    4. Tartar


      Okay, that sounds terrible, and a good reason behind wanting it gone. I guess Denmark should count itself lucky that the main players of the danish monarchy are such model citizens because otherwise, I'd probably feel the same as you. 


    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow


    2. The Grinch
  23. There's some evil satisfaction in watching strangers die in your game once and again

    1. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      It's a guilty pleasure

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