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Everything posted by Dragon116

  1. I actually got my roots in Reborn City, then later on Team Building and On the Hunt. I got bored with the repetitive topics and discussions in there (although I still frequent Derogatory Trainer's Nuzlocke because that is funny). I expect activity to pick up when E16 comes out next June I wonder if Nick will post again
  2. No it's just me and my ability to mess your guess up. I remember playing Adventure Quest back in middle school. They forced you to get premium or else you couldn't log in past lv 20 though =( Lets go Anstane
  3. Dragon116


    Banned for having a broken gif instead of two trainer cards!
  4. I did that to get the comp cape in Runescape. I got burned out on RS after that but I still love my clannies so I log in almost daily to say hi. It's tough to abandon people. What do you think BMIC?
  5. 1573 We will crush your last resistance for the cause of the diabolical cats!
  6. Wow I posted 88 times (well, this makes 89 times) on this thread! I seriously did not expect that. I doubt there will be retroactive changes since Ame did all that in E15. Right now E16 will be completely redoing the city, and some will include 50 new sidequests (I think that's what I read). Including the Togepi quest quiz (or at least a very similar version of it).
  7. 1550 I thought exlink gave up already lol
  8. There will be no changes in E16 in regards to the relationship variables. Ame is just getting them in there now so the choices can be recorded and she can make whatever impact from those choices if she feels it appropriate. But E16 will not be using those variables for anything of importance.
  9. Granted. You are now able to choose how often you listen to Green Day, but you have to listen to Barbie Girl at least once a day. I wish I could downgrade to windows 7
  10. No, but I do like that Chiron has hooves. Lets go Jazzy
  11. Cause Steven Stone needs to look "fabulouuuuuus"
  12. It really wants us to believe its Splash attack is potent.
  13. Nope, just me. If I feel up to it, I'll take a look at 1047 for the PMD roleplay. Is that ok, Anstane?
  14. Transform into digital champions
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