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Reborn Development Blog

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Status Updates posted by mde2001

  1. 100 downloads on Regal. Huge thanks to everyone who downloaded it! Be sure to leave feedback so I can improve it significantly!

  2. People who can sprite well amaze me. I suck at spriting so much!

    1. Honchy


      No, don't say that. I sucked at spriting too, then I took the time and really put some effort into them. I've played your game and the sprites are good, but it's missing one thing, which is shading. Go download the most recent paint and select a color and then find some lighter and darker variants. Look ate yourself in the mirror and learn from yourself how to do shading, side views, maybe polish up the designs, copy the body frame of another sprite, and you'll improve.

  3. Just got Kirby Triple Deluxe. I've never played a Kirby game. It seems good so far.

    1. Shadow Tack

      Shadow Tack

      it's fun even though the only real challenge is the true arena

  4. I'm beginning to think I'll never be a Familiar. I might have 750 posts by then... I'm not sure

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      @Cyaloom veteran is one of the member groups like members, ace members, global mod, etc.

    3. Cyaloom


      Thanks for the clarification then :)

    4. mde2001


      My point is, if I reach 750 posts before 6 months then I'll scroll straight into the veteran category.

  5. Finally got an Eevee. I wanted a Ralts but Espeon will do nicely. Also over 300 resets was a few to many!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Cyaloom


      Well, I keep mistaking Anticipation (Presagio in italian) with Forewarn (premonizione in italian) and the move Foresight (Preveggenza in italian)...

    3. Lamona



    4. Cyaloom


      That is one of Eevee's standard abilities.

  6. Thanks to all 88 people who have downloaded Pokemon Regal at this time. Does anyone have any feedback (if they do post it in the thread). I'm planning on having E2 being out in about a month's time so I'd love some feedback to make the game as good as possible!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. mde2001


      Yeah, I'll try to hold off a bit but I do have holidays in two weeks so I should have a bit more time. I do need to polish what I have though.

    3. Commander


      I'm with Azery on this one. There's way too many people rushing to throw stuff out the window. Personally, I'm the type of person who likes a well polished first release and won't touch something if the spriting is subpar or it's way too glitchy no matter how good it is.

    4. Honchy


      Maybe you can do a sprite contest to see who can make the most dazzling sprites and you'll chose the most impressive sprite.

      It could be sort of like that megaman 6 contest for robot master ideas in Nintendo Power.

  7. Soft resetting in Rejuvenation for a Ralts. I.5 hours and still nothing but normal starters. Sigh.

    1. SkyRunner


      I hours is a very long time.

    2. mde2001
    3. BlueMoonIceCream


      Make sure not to reset when you actually find something

  8. I've finished plotting the story for E2 of Regal. Then is realised I have to like 10 new overworld sprites for characters. This is going to KILL me!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Vinny


      Rest in rip

    3. Azeria


      OW's aren't even that bad man....the real killers are really large custom tiles :V

    4. mde2001


      Yeah. I hate them to but overworld sprites are the bane of my existence.

  9. Did is miss a DDOS today while I was at school?

    1. Avatar of Grima
    2. Autumn Rain

      Autumn Rain

      I think it lasted about 3 hours.

  10. Now more people have downloaded Regal in a couple of days than Industrial in a couple of months. Big thanks guys!

  11. 57 downloads on Regal! Wow, this is already only 4 less than Industrial and it has only been out for two days. Thanks guys and if you've downloaded it please leave any feedback positive or negative on the page.

  12. Wow! 27 Downloads on Pokemon Regal already. Thanks so much to anyone who has downloaded it!

  13. Finally released game. Now I can slumber.

  14. Sleep time now. Goodnight!

  15. It has been quiet on the forums today. I wonder why?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Juniper


      Well ,I have been staying up really late recently but didn't yesterday and the boat internet is bad. So I have been posting... Less. I don't think it's just me though x_x

    3. Honchy


      Sometimes the forums are just... empty.

  16. I'm so glad I have reborn! Going to a really conservative stuck up school it is nice to have people who are so accepting and progressive.

    1. rydergamer43


      it feels great when you find your place in the world

    2. Honchy


      Hey, no problem man. :)

  17. I hate making overworld sprites so much! Especially for the player character. How does Ame do so many of them! I can hardly do half of one before getting annoyed and doing something else.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Amethyst


      Right. I've been doing this sort of thing since I was like, 12. I've been around the block once or twice.

    3. Fumble


      I usually try to just use a base of a trainer sprite and then edit it to what I want it to look like, but I usually get bored in the middle of it...

    4. Honchy


      Right on the money, making one right now, had to change it, like 6 times. If it wasn't worth for Miss Ame, I'd be upside down. BTW, thanks for the help Amethyst. :)

  18. About to start playing Ethereal Gates demo. I'm so excited!

  19. New Laptop! Happiness!

  20. I am in desperate need of a new laptop with RPGMakerXP. I think I'm getting one tomorrow.

    1. Honchy


      What do those go for?

  21. My computer broke! Oh no. No RPGMakerXP until I get a new one. I'm so sad!

  22. I hate making overworld trainer sprites. It is so tedious...

    1. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Yeah, the overworld sprites are my least favorite part. The images are small, but there are so many to keep doing.

  23. My Dad is using his own laptop to do work instead of mine. Joy and much RPGMakerXp!

  24. I won't be able to fix any save files for a while because my Dad is taking my laptop with RPGMakerXP for work purposes:(

  25. Should I change my avatar. It seems everyone seems to hate dedenne.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Meruem


      i hate dedenne i hope it dies

    3. BlueMoonIceCream


      Why does it matter what other people think? But for the record I'm not a Dedenne fan but that's only because when I seen it I thought it was fake

    4. Fumble


      <3 Dedenne

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