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Everything posted by InnocentSerenity

  1. Oh, I was wrong. Kansas is not on the East Coast...

    1. SnowGlaceon


      No, Inno. No it's not...

  2. Why do I know so many pyromaniacs? Anyway, welcome to Reborn. We hope to see you again.
  3. Who needs Casual Mode? Difficulty makes Reborn fun. Anyway, welcome to Reborn. We hope to see you again.
  4. Don't you hate it when you're wondering why a message doesn't appear on Skype, and you realize that you pressed Shift, as well as Enter?

  5. It feels hot just jumping into this thread. Anyway, welcome to the Reborn forums. We of the RJL hope to see you on the Minecraft server again.
  6. That's a nice sprite you got yourself. Anyway, Welcome to Reborn. We hope to see you again.
  7. A-Alice Margatroid?! Anyway, welcome to Reborn. We hope to see you again.
  8. Weird times in Minecraft. My supposedly-dessert theme palace in the desert turned into a Christmas/Watermelon-themed palace.

    1. BlueMoonIceCream
    2. SnowGlaceon


      I REALLY need to get back on oml

  9. I first played Reborn around Episode 9, I want to say. Not entirely sure, because it might have been Episode 10. But I made my forum account during Episode 14, which I am sure of.
  10. I just found this game from YouTube, and the characters made me stay. Anyway, welcome to Reborn. we hope to see you again.
  11. What just happened in the last few hours in Minecraft Reborn?

  12. Just another fine day in Minecraft Reborn. It was a fun fight, too.
  13. Alright, guess this means it's time for a harsh training montage.

    1. Azeria


      Stronger, better , faster, STRONGER!

    2. BlueMoonIceCream



  14. Welcome to Reborn. We hope to see you again.
  15. Does Inno classify as a nickname? If so, I might be a hypocrite.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. InnocentSerenity


      Well, I feel like an idiot. Oh, well.

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Hmmm? I suppose there's a reason you're asking... but not going to push ya on it lol.

    4. InnocentSerenity


      Oh, just a random thought. No worries.

  16. I hate getting critically hit, too. Anyway, welcome to Reborn. we hope to see you again.
  17. Welcome to Reborn. We hope to see you again.
  18. I lovingly call people from Reborn "Souls". Anyway, welcome to Reborn. We hope to see you again.
  19. Happy Birthday, Zekk! I love having our chats in the Skype Group and I hope we can keep having them for a long time.
  20. I'm usually early. I like getting to places and seeing barely any of the people who are coming there.
  21. I barely understand emoticons. Takes me awhile to see what some of them actually are. Obviously, I don't use them, because of that.
  22. How do you serenade people, if you're silent? Eh, it probably makes sense somehow. Anyway, welcome to Reborn. We hope to see you again.
  23. A friend tricked me into taking a quiz, to see how I would react to it. It was a test.
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