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Darvan Korematsu

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Darvan Korematsu

  1. Toughie there. I remember playing NFL 2K3 as well as Jet-Set Radio (a skating and graffiti game) and Sonic Heroes (Sonic game) being amongst my first games that got me into gaming on the original Xbox. However I had been playing WWE Smackdown wrestling on my dad's PS1 since I was about 4. I guess the Xbox games were what got me started. Then it bridged into Super Mario, Yoshi's Island, and Pokémon Ranger on the original DS. And I've been a Nintendo regular since then.
  2. Well, whatever the case be, you'll always have your nutcases in every group. Whether it be these ISIS guys, who claim Islamic followings, or maybe an old radical Christian deal of blowing up abortion clinics. Every group's gonna possess their degree of crazy. Regarding the reason why Muslims are generally viewed in a negative light in the Western world is beyond me, except it may be for their traditional ideals that clash with modern, liberal values of the Western world. To be honest, this is why I stay out of debates like these, because I'll end up sounding as prejudiced as the people who prompted me into the conversation.
  3. Tfw you find your way after wandering around lost.
  4. ^ Dat Fairy, faster Ice/Water, Dragon type tho In all seriousness, by that point, you shoulda learned how to deal with BS like that.
  5. gone camping for the weekend. See you guys on late Sunday.

  6. Always good to see a fresh face around here. Enjoy your time here mate. Good luck on your run. You'll definitely need it.
  7. Okay. Depending on where you wanna go from there, you can try to get a shiny Ralts, because that event is finally available at your point in the story, and shiny Garde in Reborn looks very cool. Other than that, Ludo's pretty much covered all the good mons you can get by that point in the game. Or you could go to the police station to get the cool Mystery Egg, and keep trying to rehatch it.
  8. Yeah don't try going to catch the Exploder shinies. They tend to work against you/
  9. I'd immediately say dump Muk for pretty much any other Poison type if you absolutely wanna run it. Or Fearow. Or least likely, Donphan. Heck, maybe Houndoom, because screw it. Also, depending on where you are in the game right now can be another huge deciding factor.
  10. Judging by his Limit Break thing we were shown in the trailer, I hope Cloud doesn't become a near Shulk clone.
  11. Oh man this was a day I knew would come. Guess it is time I told you guys a story. A story of the mini author in my prepubescent skull. This was the dawning of my Reddit days as an RPer. Anyways, I was about 12 or 13 then, and I was surfing the Web, just clicking on just about anything that came to my mind that I decided to put into the search on Google. Everything from pr0nagraphy to DeviantArt to Youtube to Flash Portals like Newgrounds and Kongregate (my mind was a strange one because I suffered from a weird case of satyromania then, and I don't wanna go into that any further except to say it was weird in the very least). Anyways, the thought of Pokemon crossed my mind. I typed it in, along with random phrases. AND along came my first taste of an RPing community. I still remember it kinds fondly. The RP was then named: "Pokemon: Castle Romeo". Castle Romeo was a cool RP to say in the very least. It was very advanced for me at the time, considering I was barely a novice then. Castle Romeo instilled in me a strange discipline to writing that I still kind of hold to this day. Even before I knew about all this gross stuff like plot development and whatnot. Basically I walked in on Castle Romeo at about the right time, because the moderators told me that they were rebooting it and trying to take another crack at it. They told me make a character to serve as a Trainer for the Castle Romeo RP. So I spent time looking up THE MOST random pictures of guys from anime I could think of. Then I found the perfect picture: Despite the obvious implications of who the guy in the picture is, if you can name him right off hand, then good for you. I altered his appearance to suit me better. Blonde hair, glasses, etc. Now I was trying to go for badass, but not overdoing it. Enter my main man: Aaron Roberts, the Red Hawk. This guy was my essence of awesomeness like you wouldn't believe. Over on Romeo, we were just about unfettered by any of the petty restrictions we kind of have over here. Aaron had a Tyranitar, Garchomp, and Metagross, because fuck it, 13 year old's logic. He managed to tame the Garchomp through some method I think was wrestling and captured the Tyranitar using some giant trap, and found the Metagross in an abandoned factory, which he crafted back into fighting condition. Castle Romeo was strange, but Aaron was even stranger. He was probably the biggest heel in the entire RP. But that was what made him fun. He could be a real dick 98% of the time, but sometimes you'd get that grateful or remorseful 2% from out of nowhere. Aaron was easily in the top 3 of most productive characters to play around in Pokemon: Castle Romeo. By the time we tore down the RP, I think he was amongst the veterans of Romeo, even though my writing skills were absolutely atrocious back then. Anyways, that's Aaron Roberts, aka Red Hawk. The 20-ish year old asshole, jack-of-all-trades ne'er-do-well. RIP Aaron. You were freaking cool.
  12. Well it hasn't been said already, so I guess I'll say it first. Big spoiler inbound if you didn't see the Nintendo Direct. K. I'm good. Edit: Damn you ninja Shing.
  13. *Sees Cloud reveal* Sweet fucking Jesus. *Nose starts bleeding*

  14. Judging on the actions that have occured so far between everyone, it may warrant enough for someone to at least go looking for poor ole hoodlum girl who's running all around. Seriously though, pissed off or annoyed cops tend to take no shit from anyone.
  15. Yeah that's probably gonna be not very cool if you're not a heartless sadist (becuase let's face it, Reborn already has a fair share of sadists with hearts). It seems more like a forced Mega Evolution if you ask me. Almost like something Colress would cook up, except it's more diabolical.
  16. Hmm...how much wood do you think a woodchuck chucks if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

  17. I'm gonna throw Toxicroak somewhere into this mix as a B to C+ Pokemon. It's available before the 3rd badge, can evolve somewhat early, and has a couple good qualities to it. Basically it has been my Fighting type of choice in the game since I had the chance to obtain it, for a couple of reasons. The biggest reasons are its Ability Dry Skin and potential movepool. The biggest things holding back Toxicroak from being an A are it's meh Speed and frailty. However the Speed can be mitigated. Dry Skin will be very useful in our obligated upcoming battle with Amaria, as well as it giving you leeway to Surf spam in Double battles and benefit from it because at badge 9 or 10 and onward, it will be necessary. It may have a meh speed, but it can learn Sucker Punch naturally, and Vacuum Wave by egg move. It can also learn Nasty Plot naturally to help boost its Special Attack, and it gets a variety of moves to support this in Shadow Ball (pre-E15 Shade TM), Sludge Wave (Aya TM), and Vacuum Wave. Also it has a decent physical movepool for egg moves. Drain Punch for HP-recovery goodness, or the best Fighting move it can get in terms of power right now in Cross Chop. My point being, if it weren't for it's frailty and okay speed, it'd be way better than it already is. Although it's Sucker Punch should be a reason enough for that. And that's my 2 cents on Croagunk/Toxicroak. A Pokemon yet to be seen on here.
  18. Well, from the looks of it, the hell bird hasn't been accounted for yet, since when Felix last left him, the flaming avian was merely laying on the ground all paralyzed and pissed off. Depending on how Strat or whoever else wants to take it, I was gonna close the door on that part. hint hint, Trainer done dead
  19. Ah feels good to finally put something up. Depending on where that Blaziken is based on the events of right now, I think I got something in mind for it.
  20. Since the Titan had fell a while ago, Felix fell straight on his rear in a daze at the amazingly difficult feat of the handful of them bringing the beast crashing down. He huffed, slumped over some random boxes, watching the smoldering fires die out. He wasn't quite sure what was going on right now, except for his loyal servant - the Porygon-Z - floating around him in slow circles, beeping and chirping in an infrequent cadence. He looked at the pink and blue floating automaton, each of them staring the other in the face. He sighed. "Man I don't think I'll be able to do that for a while." Felix stood to his feet shaking as he grabbed his backpack that had separated from his shoulders somehow in his drop to the floor. He slung it back over his shoulder as he heard some strange noises coming from different corners of the ship. Then he wondered to himself; what had become of his avian foe from before?
  21. That feeling when you finally find those lost keys.
  22. This would be an opinion thread based on formal and official formats, whether VGC type stuff, or Smogon's usual tiers. So which of those formats do you think are the best and worst tiers, based on your experiences in them. I love and hate VGC at the same time. On one hand, it's Doubles, which is cool itself, but also anything can be viable on the right team, no matter how hard it is to get right. Although at the same time, you tend to see the same crap over and over again at the highest levels of play.
  23. Rep points don't really mean too much in terms of a rewards system or anything. There are people who have been on here in less time than I have, but got more points. And inversely applying to people I've been on for less time then. Most of the time, it is the equivalent of a "Like" on Facebook, or similar. Some posts get you a lot more than others. For instance, I made a guide thread for the battle format of VGC and got like 10-11 rep points, which is VERY rare for a single post on here. It's mostly just for asthetic viewing purposes.
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