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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Posts posted by Zumi

  1. 29 minutes ago, tomikson said:

    somewhat pissed that jan removed the shoplifting feature  to steal honey from a poor woman would have loved to play the villain and have kayla her sister go take revenge on us only to fail miserably 😀 . it was unnecessary to remove it and would have been a great sidequest

    IIRC, the quest was there for the sake of being there and there was no actual progression with the quest afterwards. Narrative wise it just didn't make a lot of sense for it to be there anymore, so it got removed.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Commander said:

    Huh, I'm not sure why this isn't mentioned but I do have a serious question. So obviously the game is related to the Rejuvenation game, but I am curious how many spoilers to that game there are so if there's a certain point that I should play up to before trying it I'd really like to know about that now just to avoid any major spoilers or twists in the game.


    As for the error people are seeing, I am quite familiar with it as well...I've done like 100 of those. I can't remember the exact way it's done in events but uhh...I'm sure it's easy to fix. Basically, that's fancy for Jan dun goofed with an event.


    It's best to have played V10's content before this as it'll give a bit more context!

  3. 5 minutes ago, ShadeStrider said:

    I wasn't criticizing, though.

    That's not the problem, the thing was that you were being incredibly condescending about it in a way by saying that it's "the most tumblr thing you've read on this site", that's what's the problem (you probably know that tumblr doesn't really have a good reputation anyways). Your manner of speech is backhanded and condescending and may come off as rude more than anything else, so please think twice before you say something, you might unintentionally upset someone.


    Regardless, let's drop this discussion. This topic isn't meant for drama.

  4. 1 hour ago, ShadeStrider said:

    Also, Potentail? Hey, Look! Zumi made a mistake on the Internet.


    Not trying to be a grammar Nazi, but I really can't take this thread that seriously with such a big spelling error in the title. 

    The Aesthetics of this game are possibly the best Aesthetics in any Pokemon Fangame ever, except for maybe Desolation.


    Oh no! I Made A Small Insignificant Mistake! Big whoop. Not to be rude but that was 1) completely uncalled for and 2) try to stay on topic, as this isn't what this topic is for. You may wanna be careful with what you're saying.


    Anyways, If I may add to this thread myself, probably my favourite thing about Rejuv is how distinct the characters are. You can really tell they're different people, and I love that a lot! Also, the route designs are 10/10 and their aesthetics all make them like unique and beautiful areas!

  5. So! I've made a thread like this before, but let's spread some positivity about this game, shall we? Tell me your favourite thing about Rejuvenation! This can be anything, from custom graphics to the music to the storyline, although of course it'd be best if it was directly related to the game, and not like "[x] song is good", because it's not directly made by the team working on Rejuvenation.


    Make sure to put any V10 related content, if it's some of your favourite stuff, in a spoiler tag!

  6. Have a problem? Are you stuck? Place your save file here and we'll fix it ASAP!



    Q: How do I attach my savefile?


    1. While in posting mode, you should see an option that says Drag files here to attach, or choose files

    2. Click on Choose Files...

    3. To locate your save file go to Local Disk (C:) > Users > [Your Username] > Saved Games > Pokemon Rejuvenation - and select 'Game.rxdata'




    • Like 1


    Green - Fixed in current patch. 

    Red - Still present

    Yellow - Fixed, but not in the current version




    Major bugs:

    Crash in East Gearen with the Love Letter quest. (The one that sends you walking straight up. Pls stop reporting this one.)

    Softlock during the Ana quest. (Police Station)

    Old Save files not receiving the Darchlight Mirror

    Re-entering the bladestar hq after seeing the cutscene with Madelis and Cassandra will put you in an area where you can't leave.

    Chrisola Hotel warping bug.

    Failing to capture Solrock will cause the game to freeze if you try again without leaving the room.

    Chaotic Solrock softlock

    Softlock with Ana's quest (Interacting with the quest at the bottom of the bridge)

    Softlock with the main quest if you've completed Ana's quest up to the Hospital of Hope part.

    Activating the Groudon fight with Cera from the right side sending you to another place.


    Minor bugs:

    Rift Dex spoiler thing

    Cinematic bars appear after the S.S. Oceana. 

    Lightning Rod issue

    Fluffy ability not allowing physical moves to hit at all.

    Skitty backsprite issue.

    Ana having sprite issues after being changed to Marianette.

    Steam Eruption replacing Spirit Shackle.

    Switching from mountain back to snowy mountain makes the battle background turn black.

    Clicking on Dr jenkel's machine will count as used even if you had no shadow pokemon.

    Substitute issue

    Secret combination in Darchlight Cave not working.

    Female Character and Male character icons are switched on the map.

    Oshawott Quest isn't able to be completed.





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  8. Hey guys, so for those who want a bit more insight on V1 of Rejuvenation, the game is going to turn into a mobile gacha game! You'll obtain most of your pokemon through the random pokemon dispenser, and you'll be able to use those pokemon to progress through the game. You can use Real Life Currency to buy Pokeballs to catch Pokemon in the wild, but you can also use money to earn Jan Bucks(TM), which will let you buy supplies like repels and potions.


    Hope you guys are looking forward to it 😩👌👌👌👌👌👌

  9. 14 hours ago, Chase said:

    Man was the love letter quest a letdown.


    Even if Rejuvenation was going to be inspired by Reborn- having a progressive relationship be the "surprise" feels so ham-fisted. The "secret-admiree" even makes an aggressive "so what if I'm a guy?" response if you talk to him again.


    This doesn't get people to be more accepting of same-sex relationships - and further alienates people who are trying to accommodate them within their worldview peacefully. It comes off as picking a fight - when it was my understanding those in the LGBTQ community just want to live their lives and have people let them.


    Unfornately - it's not just fan games that trip over the borderline political statement tripwire. Triple-A titles are just as prone to aggressively push ideas and doctrines around. With main characters it oversells them, and with characters like Mr. Love Letter Recipient it's liable to be pointless anyway.

    Okay but here's the thing


    Having something progressive in the game does not mean it's directly inspired by Reborn for that reason. Games can be progressive without it directly being inspired by another game for that reason y'know :V

    Besides, as someone who's actually LGBTQ+ I don't feel like the character's statement is attacking at all. Not to mention that when I first played the sidequest myself, I was like "oh hey, cool that's a gay couple that's kinda cute"


    Also, why make such a big deal out of a minor gay background couple? It's completely harmless to my knowledge and I don't think it had any real big political ideas behind it. The fact that it's picked up as "uncommon" and "not normal" is entirely on the person though, so perhaps that's why you feel alienated by it? (No offense intended of course)

  10. bincho noobo you're stealing from jan's v9 thread aren't you. with the status bar and everything. smh :////


    (good luck my dude)


    ((also you guys, please don't repeat the V9 thread and actually stay on topic this time and don't post for the sake of posting to keep the thread alive, thanks))

  11. hi i'm late but here's a post with art i've made in the past few months!! figured i'd post these here so people who missed them on discord can find them here :^)
















    some stickers i made for my own laptop:






    so yeah it's kind of a long post, but now everyone's back up to speed on it :^)
    i'll try to keep this thread up to date from here on out again!

  12. binch the fuck i was gonna make this post :^(


    happy 21th birthday you fuckin weenie, im running out of creative things to write each year but i'll be damned if i'm not happy that we're still friends after all these years. lets hope the next year will be fantastic!!


    also dont overwork yourself again in the next year you weenie or we'll fight

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