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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Post Comments posted by Zumi

  1. Aaaaaaaaaand that's the end— the Q&A is now closed!


    No more questions will be accepted from this point forward. It's possible that some questions will still be answered after this post, but we're done for the most part!

    We hope you enjoyed the Q&A and the answers given, as well as that we've been able to give some food for thought! Also, thank you so much for all the kind words of support you've given in your messages! There's so many instances of it that I felt bad only selecting one or two to actually say thanks to so I'll use this moment to collectively thank all of you 😭💞


    We hope you look forward to what we've got in store for V14 and beyond! Things are shaping up to be super exciting even if we can't show much. For now, just trust the process, and we'll see you for whenever the next update takes place! 👋

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    yippeeee another batch! something something i'm skipping what i can't answer something here we go


    On 5/6/2024 at 4:39 PM, LyricalTen7315 said:

    For all of the new CGs in 13.5 what was the most fun to create?


    See, I could answer with my obvious bias here (take a wild guess) because I do really like those CG's, but I think outside of that one it's the Geara + Giratina CG! That one just turned out so well both in lighting and composition.


    On 5/7/2024 at 1:12 AM, Scrublord6410 said:

    1) What is your favorite starter pick and why?

    2) What is your favorite Avian form, or what Pokemon do you want to have an Avian form (Mine is Amperous!)


    1) Chimchar!! I like the funny fire monkey :)

    2) Good taste bc same 🤝 Other than that I also really like A-Golisopod, that one's cool as shit and Soulja did an incredible job on it


    On 5/7/2024 at 2:34 AM, Yeshua_Kristos said:

    (For all devs)


    1. What's the strangest/funniest hypothesis you've seen about 13.5 and the story so far?


    2. Have you been eating/sleeping properly? ^_^


    (For Crim and Zumi)


    how TF were you able to balance Reborn zine work with Rejuv dev work (laughs like Eizen)


    1) I still think the theory of Saki being Madame X that I saw once before takes the cake for theory that's most out there

    2) ............................no...................................................... i'll fix it tho

    3) Don't worry about it :) (fr tho deadlines get my ass in gear usually speaking. that's why i put deadlines on all my comms too so i don't forget and explode)


    On 5/7/2024 at 11:28 AM, axe-16 said:

    Can Saki fortnite dance?


    I'd be more surprised if she didn't know how to fortnite dance


    On 5/7/2024 at 5:47 PM, sparsyle said:
    1. What characters/in-game scenes would you like to see more fanart for? (asking for a friend hehe)
    2. Most annoying/common misconceptions/misinterpretations about anything in the game?
    3. If you can answer this, are there any consequences planned for destroying the panel in the Underground sanctuary, or was this more an interesting moral quandary to test? It took me FOREVER to make a decision there--amazing job! 


    1) Honestly, art of any of the male cast, really. I love the girls in rejuv a lot of course, but I think a lot of the guys—barring Ren (tho I still adore him, he's one of my faves too) and maybe Geara & Zetta—are really underrated!

    2) Two things; One, Melia getting called a mary-sue/the "real protagonist" even when taking the rewrites from the past couple of versions in account just because she's central to the plot (god forbid a female deuteragonist with great influence on the story exists), and two, truthfully speaking? The whole adoption suggestion from Tesla being treated as something that's already set in stone, which in a previous batch of questions I already mentioned isn't the case. I absolutely get people wanting to headcanon them as siblings, that's great! But I'd be lying if I said I didn't get bothered by the amt of times I've seen people get heated when someone would even so much ask if Amber had a crush on the MC (a fairly normal misconception) and immediately dismiss it as non-canon only for them to follow it up with the argument of "they're adopted siblings" when that isn't even canon either grhrgdhjdfdfhdf

    3) It's a moral dilemma more than anything!


    On 5/7/2024 at 7:58 PM, Skarot said:

    Holds Rejuv gently, like bamhurger...


    First of all, y'all are awesome and do amazing work. You're so loved and appreciated and I cant wait till v14 to start all of this over again XD.
    Secondly, a few silly (and not so silly) questions:

    [1]. As there are many forms of the protag, each later revealed to be individuals - what is each dev's favorite protag?
    [2]. Of the protag forms, which is most likely to beat Madame X with a metal bat?
    [3]. We have Spacea and Tiempa, will we get to see an incarnation of Giratina too (If we haven't already)?
    [4]. Lastly, what's a character that you all would like to implement a secret fight for? (Truck Guy OWO?)


    1) I looooove Ariana and Axel!! I always play as either of those two

    2) Alain.

    3) Griselda exists!

    4) i want a crime cleffa bossfight sitting at level 200


    On 5/7/2024 at 10:17 PM, RandomGhosty said:

    What are the plans after rejuvenation?


    For me personally, I'll probably still be working on my comic/original projects/commissions I think! We'll see where time takes us


    On 5/8/2024 at 10:39 AM, Dawn Oceana said:


    In Rejuvenation specifically, unless this has changed in 13.5 and I just haven't reached it yet, the Rift Gyarados map had some map-level effect that reduced the pitch on it all playing BGM no matter what it was.


    1) Is Aevium part of Poke-Europe? I recall something about it being close to Kalos or to Galar or something, I somehow got the idea it'd be near Iceland... which could mean Miera was literally, geographically, at Chernobyl.

    2) 13.5's art direction looks tight, everything just seems to fit together so much better colour wise, it has this unique visual tone. Was that a huge amount of focused work or did it sort of just naturally happen?

    3) We know Jan is The Writer, but how does it work? Is there like a script people paste into RMXP events?

    3a) On that note, who writes or comes up with some of the really cool stuff we see like the Ch.12 pan from one floor of the ship to the other, or the camera moves for the Erin/Kanon ice fight? Or is Jan personally eventing half of these into RMXP?

    4) Who snuck all those TWEWY references into the game? I kept doing this.

    5) M2

    6) How many unused/beta versions of custom tracks are there that we haven't heard? For example - Eizen's theme has this great, perfect melody that just fits, and I wonder if it's just popping in fully formed like magic or if its a struggle of constantly iterating different melodies/mixes, and a long paper trail of beta themes that we didn't hear that just never quite worked. (For me I feel like I kind of oscillate between either just nailing it the first time or in permanent "no the mix isn't quite right" hell.)


    1) It's a fictional area near Poké-Europe, yeah. Geographically it's pretty close to Kalos and Galar, especially the former as it's mentioned in Nymiera's story about an old war that AZ's weapon assisted in ending the war in Aevium!

    2) It just kinda happened I think! Jan has gotten a lot better at spriting and therefore color coordinating too, naturally leading to more polished art direction.

    3) It's really just writing on the fly while eventing. IIRC Jan does keep track of general notes about the story, but other than that all of it is fleshed out on the go.

    3a) That'd all be Jan :)

    4) That's also Jan LOL

    5) therapy

    6) I keep my WIP's around in my folders while I work on the tracks for the game, but I do usually have a general direction I want to take things in because I normally already know what kind of atmosphere I wanna put down with a track. Other than that, it's a lot of trial and error! Sometimes entire melody lines change because it doesn't work as well as I thought it would when translating an idea in my head into actual music. There are full or alternate versions of tracks that haven't made it into the game tho! They either just didn't fit the bill or may be saved for later. 👀


    On 5/8/2024 at 4:02 PM, MoonPaw said:

    Will Xenogene have a continuation in the future, or will it be a one time thing? I noticed that Ren kept thinking that some things with the script sounded "familiar", is there a reason why?


    ALSO. I gotta know. was M2 blowing up Valor mountain just jan taking their frustration out on the mountain itself because it feels very pointed and after just going through it again i must agree and even say blow it up again?


    also will we ever get official art of-- [THIS USER HAS DISAPPEARED UNDER MYSTERIOUS CIRCUMSTANCES]


    1) Nop, the Xenogene quest is a standalone thing and I've got no plans of continuing it. I do really need to get back to actually writing out stuff for that story explanation I said I'd do tho................................................. waah busy schedule & brainrot waaaaaaah

    2) i can attest that valor mountain is considered a cursed place bc of all the bugs that place has had and was deliberately blown up for its crimes LOL

    3) looks directly into the camera


    On 5/11/2024 at 5:21 AM, HakuryuYukio said:

    oh it's been a while since i took part in one of these.

    I actually have a question about the identity of Madame X.


    Obviously not about who she is because that would be a spoiler.


    But just out of curiosity, at what point of the games development did Jan make up his mind about the true identity of madame x and did he have multiple candidates at some points?


    Her identity is something that's been planned for years. And I really mean YEARS; the earliest logs of my conversation about her identity that I can find are from 2017! That's all I really can say on the matter tho 🙊


    14 hours ago, Samtale said:

    This one is probably dumb to ask but is Eizen based off of Colress from BW2?


    There's some design influences from Colress, yes, but he's not outright based on him. Tho as a little bit of trivia to tie in to this; another character that he takes design influences from is Houka Inumuta from Kill la Kill!



    I've definitely tried to turn Eizen's design into something that can still be considered unique and distinct from those two, though. At least I think that it works?????????????????????


    2 hours ago, im deth said:

    Will V14 take 1 million years of development like v13.5 or will it be faster?

    who is the most faithful worker in the team and puts in effort everyone appreciates?(other than Jan)

    who is the slaker who avoids work at any cost or in general does the least of it? (if there is one)

    Do you guys do rejuv as a side game or its main way to make yourself do work


    1) Faster. I've said it before in other places, but V13 and V13.5 were anomalies in the sense that those two combined reworked practically the entire game, hence why they were so time-consuming to develop. Buuuuuuuut ICYMI...


    2) I think it's unfair to point at just one person, because every team member has pitched in one way or another that's been appreciated. I don't really feel like tooting my own horn either, I know I do a stupid amount of work too— but in the end, Rejuvenation wouldn't be possible without the entire team. All of the devs are great and are real ones

    3) me :)

    4) It's a hobby for all of us! The devs all have jobs, are still in college or a combination thereof. We all just do this for fun because we love making this game and bringing an unique experience to the table for pkmn fans!


    45 minutes ago, Candii said:

    So I come again!!
    I have an art related question I totally forgot about:

    Will Taelia have art/plot significance in the future? Because currently we don't really see her at all despite her being one of the most important characters (to Aelita) lorewise. 
    Again this may be a little spoilery but i just wanna a yes/no answer so I know ma gurl is getting the justice she deserves 😤😤


    This is 100% just because my lazy ass hasn't gotten around to doing WLL art yet LOL, it's not that deep. I'm also keeping it for later because a WLL rework is not off the table even though it'll likely be kept for until around the time rejuv is finished (according to jan on his twitter) if it does get one.


    Honestly, all things considered for how much work I'm gonna have for base Rejuvenation real soon... Probably for the best that those are put on the backburner. 🙈


    • Like 6
  3. 22 hours ago, SilverAngelus said:

    Hi, thank you for doing this again!


    1) Eizen?

    2) Do you have any advice for someone that does not have the heart to play their own Renegade save file but wants to know what the hype is about it? Asking for a friend.

    3) Would Eizen go ballistic if he found out about the concept of interceptors? (If he, at any point of the game did, I probably didn't see that yet/can't recall?)

    4) If Eizen took one of those "what Pokemon am I" quizzes, which one would he be? (My guess is

      Reveal hidden contents

    Terapagos. Estranged blue timeline Pokemon for the win :)







    1) yes.

    2) watch dred's playthrough of it!

    3) i think he'd very much be intrigued if the response at river's end about the player knowing things they realistically shouldn't is anything to go by LOL

    4) that's a pretty good one! i think he'd be hard to categorize though LMAO. porygon z or something would also work i think



    Again, only answers to things I can answer in confidence! Sorry if you didn't get answers to something you'd like to know, those are better left to be answered by other people 😔


    16 hours ago, MooneBase said:
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    Soo, I know throughout the first couple of chapters, we think our mom had died in the ship because we see her spirit (aka amethyst cave, and after you beat Narcissa) but then we learn that she is alive in Blacksteeple (but then 'dies' for real). But my question is, who is the spirit that we see? Is it the care taker from the A gang's backstory?

    Can the MC also change their powers to crazy stuff like M2?

    why did Aelita feel all woozy and stuff before we walked into Akuwa Town, I see Nim had something to do with it, but How so?



    1) It could be the spirit of caretaker Nancy, but it's also pretty safe to assume that it's an illusion created within the Rift by Rift Chandelure as the rift dex entry for it says "it holds extreme regret over not being able to protect its trainer", with Nancy's trainer class also similarly being called "lingering regret". It could also be a mix of both! It's open for your own interpretation.

    2) Theoretically?? I think they should be able to considering it's the Archetype's power that's at play with both of them.

    3) Nim's very existence drains the life energy of the people she's around (much to her own dismay of course), hence why Aelita felt woozy after being around her for a longer amount of time.


    16 hours ago, Andrew1010 said:

    Is the story still going as it was intended in the earlier versions?


    The foundational structure is still very much the same as old versions, it's just been iterated upon over and over again that it's barely recognizable as the oldest versions anymore LOL


    16 hours ago, LunarsStarsShips said:

    Alrighty! Got two questions for yall!


    Number 1!!: Favorite ship? (Can also include MCs)


    Number 2!!!: Any more LGBTQ+ characters that haven't been mentioned before? (Like Venam, Melia, and Aelita for example)


    THANKS SO MUCH!!!!! This game has always had a special place in my heart and is own of my favorite games! (It's number 1 on my favorite list and it is even above some of my favorite Pokemon Games)


    1) Martin/Kreiss! you should see the brainrot i have about those two on my twitter LMAO

    2) I did actually semi-recently put out a list about which characters have confirmed specific orientations and gender identities on tumblr, so you can check that one if you're curious about ones that hadn't been mentioned before or you didn't know about yet!


    15 hours ago, DemonicoGaming said:

    What would be the canonical age of the protagonist and everyone else? are they still minors at this point or are they adults?


    They're all either 17 or 18, as listed on the wiki! All the ages on the wiki are curated by Jan and I :)
    That being said, if I had to give specific ages for each of them— I think Axel, Alain and Aevia are 17, while Aevis, Ariana and Aero are 18. On a bonus trivia note, Ariana is straight up the older sister of Axel and they're the only characters from the A-gang to be biologically related!


    15 hours ago, Breezy64 said:

    First off: I absolutely LOVE all the changes done to the Terajuma arc. Love everything flowing together a lot better, and I appreciate being able to have Flora content earlier.

    1.) In terms of teams for gym leaders, villains, and basically everyone, what's the ratio between "We think this Pokemon fits this character the best" and "This Pokemon fits the team from a gameplay sense"? Or is that even something ya'll think of and it's just a go off of vibes type of thing?


    2.) Who are your favorites villains/antagonists in the story? And why are they both Flora and Angie in that order?

    2.1.) Who are the gaslight/gatekeep/girlboss of Rejuv. I'd like to offer forward Clear/Crescent/Flora in that order.


    3.) Is the criminal Cleffa friends with the Corsola with knives? Do they have a dark and mysterious past together?



    1) I'm pretty sure it's a mix; we do usually have one or two mons that are at the very least thematically fitting for the character (usually the ace and another mon or so), the rest is to make sure that in terms of balancing it's actually strong enough of a team (without it being overkill ofc LOL)

    2) Angie's such a fun villain imo, but I generally tend to gravitate towards unhinged characters anyways hehe. I also like Zetta and Geara bc their dynamic is funny, but Geara especially because he's fun to take the piss out of jajajaja

    • 2.1) i am inclined to agree on clear/crescent/flora

    3) Nah, I think the criminal Cleffa is a solitary force of chaos and anarchy. The Corsola with knives were trained by Bladestar to become top class assassins, they're more of an organized unit than anything else. If anything, I think those two would come to a head if they ever crossed paths.....................................


    14 hours ago, sharffffff said:

    Hey devs!

    I've got two very important questions:


    1. Which of the main cast needs a vacation the most? You can only choose one, so be careful with this choice. Only one of them gets to be relaxed and hydrated, others must keep suffering.


    2. So we all know Nim has to consume souls to survive. Do all souls "taste" the same to her, or do they have different "flavors" depending on whatever traits that human possessed in life? Or do they all just taste like nothing and get absorbed through whatever in Storm-9 is going on (this is a boring option)?


    Thank you for your time :)


    1) The funniest thing to do here is send the most relaxed character off on a holiday so the rest stays stressed, but I'm not THAT mean so imma say Alexandra. That woman needs some R&R before she snaps from stress!!!!

    2) I feel like they'd probably have some kind of flavor (or varieties thereof), but I highly doubt Nim actually genuinely enjoys the taste of it. I think the mental strain put on her by having to consume souls which she knows once belonged to actual people just ruins the whole process for her entirely, as evident by her behavior in the Pearl Route.

    14 hours ago, Aiden-Revenant said:

    I think this has happened in the past, but will existing crests be changed if their use is too niche/not very useful? Like don't get me wrong, I have tried most of the available ones and they are great, but for example to this day i still don't get the use of infernape's crest. Is it supposed to make them more deffensive starter instead of an offensive one? I mean infernape has some good support attacks, but I would still rather use it offensively than deffensively, as their types are more offensive based and has great moves and coverage both in special and physical attacks.

    Also, this is just a silly question, but will there be more events with Jolene and Volta in either already existing chapters or in E14? They both have great designs but they lack a lot of protagonism in the story, speacially jolene which seems to have great charisma but only appears in one mission, weird with her being also an E8 as Karen, Tesla, Alexandra and Dylan, who are all great.

    Finally, a praise for all the work you guys are putting on the game, and in episode 13.5. I absolutely LOVED mamans redesign and that you made Neved a more prevalent figure in the story, and I adore the new Terajuma plot and redesign.


    1) We have adjusted crests to be nerfed/buffed in the past (see: Empoleon crest), so changes are always on the table if we really feel like they're not doing much or are too overkill!

    2) Like with many other characters, it's possible that a character's time to shine might be later than others, and that's fine! Jolene's definitely not the only one on that front.


    14 hours ago, WackyToast said:

    Kind of an odd question but it has been on my mind recently
    That being if there is any particular reason behind the names that were chosen for characters in the game. Other than the more obvious type puns for Gym Leaders, I mean more so for main characters or others that don't seem to meet the previous criteria, I wondered if it was just because they sounded nice or if there's other meanings behind them.


    I remember very distinctly that Jan once answered a question very similar to this one with the answer "this character is named karen because they look like a karen". It's either the pun, or just whatever sprung to mind in his mind at that point LOL


    14 hours ago, Dedi said:

    Are there any plans to incorporate sprites of main characters emotions while they talk? Specifically like how Desolation does.


    While my heart absolutely fucking soars at the idea of having character portraits for Rejuv in a similar way (because I know for a fact I'd personally have an absolute blast working on the expressions for that), there's just so much dialogue that we'd need to go through that I think Jan and I would collectively explode if we had to do that for every single character that's gotten art and add the portraits to the events. I believe that's primarily why the characters are more animated in their overworld sprites, to make up for the lack of portraits.


    14 hours ago, SmilodonLady said:

    What characters would/wouldn't be willing to accept being treated more like a weird/unofficial sibling/cousin by the player after a certain point? Purely platonic relationships going on here, I'm not about to open that can of cursed worms.


    maybe something of an unexpected choice, but i think reina (and by extension ren too) would 100% be down to be seen as the weird cousin. Vice versa with seeing the mc as their weird cousin too, just because they're already used to having weird cousins and uncles/aunts themselves. having another unofficial cousin with the literal powers of gods is honestly not that strange in the face of the person their uncle leo becomes when he didn't get his meds or his dulce de leche cake.


    14 hours ago, Joesp said:

    Can we make fan made stuff that take place in the universe? Are head Kanons ok, if so?


    Absolutely! Go ham!


    13 hours ago, thegamemaster43 said:

    Did you ever expect this fan game to get as popular as it has? How does it feel to be working on a project a lot of people are invested in and excited to see more of? 


    And for a more fun question: what pokemon do you love that you think is underrated?


    1) I talk about this with Jan from time to time, but sometimes it definitely does still feel bizarre that the game's gotten as popular as it has (especially with the amount of fanart it's been getting lately!! jesus christ!!!!!! there's so much and i'm still in awe of it all every time i see it). It's super exciting to work on a game like this when there's so many people excited to see more though! I always get a kick out of seeing the reactions of people when they hit certain parts of the game :) Of course it does bring a good amt of pressure on the team to make sure that the quality standard is consistent with the rest, so we can't really afford to drop the ball, but I'm really not that worried about that when our team is so stinking cool and capable of so god damn much tbh. I really don't think it would've been possible to make the game this intricate without them



    13 hours ago, rose_AK_nortwood said:

    man, rejuvenation has become one of my favorite fangames and I'm excited waiting for v14 to come out but I wonder
    The first version of rejuvenation came out in 2014, it's about to turn 10 years old, they plan to do something, like a thank you post or something like that
    and also, they plan to add the 9th gen pokemons, if iron moth is already in the game, they plan to add the others or just some species


    Nothing concrete, because I'm pretty sure we'll still be in the middle of development when the anniversary hits (and also I'll personally probably be smack dab in the middle of important IRL work that always takes place around August), but maybe I'll draw something nice for it!

    And yes, Gen 9 is planned to be added— we just can't guarantee when exactly.


    11 hours ago, feliforme said:

    do you think any characters (huey and lavender aside) have traveled to or particularly enjoyed any other regions, and if so, which regions?


    also, on that note, do you think any of the characters have ever met or known any of the well-known figures of other regions (reborn region aside)?


    1) Talon would be someone who's traveled to other regions! He's an explorer/cartographer and has been mapping the places he explores to show his ill mother. He's not actually even native to Aevium himself— he's just settled there for the time as he's been studying and mentoring at Axis High, but I'd imagine he'd have visited other nearby regions, which if story implications are anything to go by, would likely be Kalos, Paldea and Galar at the very least.

    2) I feel like Saki's parents (and maybe by extension Saki/Hazuki/Thomas Sr.) might have met some people over in Sinnoh since they have a retreat in Hearthome City, but I honestly would not be able to tell you who it could've been. I think most of the people in Aevium just keep to themselves honestly considering it's such a young region that only just rebuilt itself LMAO


    11 hours ago, O_Castigado said:
    1. (For all devs) How are you?
    2. Regarding the 4 endings, is there a recommended order to play them?


    1) Good! Bit sleepy because I fell asleep late, but fine otherwise :)

    2) As of right now? I don't really think there's a recommended order for all four of them, but I do recommend finishing Renegade before Paragon, primarily due to Renegade not having any postgame to speak of whereas Paragon does.


    11 hours ago, merrythings said:

    are any of the characters collectors ? ( if yes , what do they collect ? )


    I'd think Erick collects anime figures because he's just like me fr fr that. I know Talon also draws/collects maps, and I personally like to think that Florin likes to dry and flatten samples of plants (i.e. leaves or flowers) between book pages as a hobby in his free time!


    11 hours ago, PingoPNG said:

    apart from pokemon (obviously) and i know deltarune and the mother series are referenced a few times throughout rejuv, what other series did you take inspiration from during the development of rejuvenation? i really love picking apart games and stories to find references to other media i like....


    I can at least list a couple more series as influences!

    • Zero Escape
    • AI: The Somnium Files
    • Persona
    • Xenoblade
    • DanganRonpa
    • The Legend of Zelda


    11 hours ago, Kaleax Reborn said:

    I haven't done a renegade playthrough yet, so I'm sorry if this has already been answered. I know that renegade has a lot of differences from paragon, so will future versions of the game expect the player to have seen both routes, or will it still be a complete story even if the player hasn't seen one or the other?


    You can complete one and still get an enjoyable experience out of it, but as it was in .Karma files, a lot of it will make more sense if you have additional context from the other route as well. Renegade and Paragon are two sides of the same coin and you'll only get the full picture by doing both (and if you don't feel like playing Renegade, at least watch a playthrough!!).


    9 hours ago, SwagSpooky said:

    What is the Dev teams favorite scene/battle to make.


    If we're talking cutscene CG's... The art for that one scene at River's End during the Type:Null quest. y'know :) (i promise i'm normal). Other than that I really like the CG's I did for Geara at Wispy Tower and the one for Erin in the Paragon route for .Karma files!


    8 hours ago, GaleRider said:

    What advice can you recommend to someone struggling with their own project to help them get the ball rolling? Especially with regards to some aspects they can’t do themselves?


    Aim for completing a vertical slice first, which is really just a tech demo that shows everything it needs to in one place— so polish a single map to perfection, set up a single cutscene, set up a battle, make a small handful of sprites to get started and *really* try your best to make those look the best you can get them at this point. It's also completely fine to just look at how events are set up in base Essentials or in games like Rejuvenation, Reborn or Desolation (that one especially if you wanna use portraits), or browse through the scripts to see how stuff is set up on that end (which might be interesting for you if you want to know how field effects work).

    After you've finished your vertical slice, you can choose to use it to pitch your game to others and recruit people for the areas you yourself you don't have as much expertise in to make things easier on yourself! People will be far more compelled to apply for projects that already got a solid concept/foundation to show for it than just a project that only has text on paper.


    Most importantly though, take things step by step. Take your time to learn the fundamentals first before jumping into a larger project. Look up tutorials— there's plenty of resources on coding, spriting and even composing music if you wanna do that yourself. Once you've got the basics down, everything else will come naturally! Study > Make a vertical slice > Make a demo > Make your full game is the best way to go here.


    8 hours ago, Lavamites said:

    1. Will there be more regional variants? Are there any ideas we can get a little sneak peak on?

    2. Tips for getting better at using RPG Maker XP to make a fan game? I know how to use RPG Maker, but I don't know how to use it well, or any real tips outside of the basics.


    1) It's definitely not off the table! But we won't be showing anything for now :)

    2) Honestly, just look at how other events are put together. Like I said for the previous question, it's fine to take a peek at how events are structured in other games like Rejuv/Reborn/Deso. Just gleaning stuff from those already helps a ton with learning how to approach events! (You can even copy events between projects if you wanna mess around with them in your own!)


    7 hours ago, TurtleBear said:

    So silly question that popped up as I was playing through again. But um with tesla adopting the mc that makes them and amber siblings technically right? Then in the school of nightmares we find out that Aelita and amber are cousins. So does that technically make the mc and Aelita cousins to?


    A lot of people actually bring this up, so I think it's not a silly question at all! Though I do want to debunk the pretty common misconception that the MC has already been adopted proper (if you so choose to accept the room Tesla gives you). The canonical state of things right now is that it's just an offer that Tesla has put on the table for the MC to consider once things settle down, and nothing has actually been made official or set in stone for that matter.


    It's fine to headcanon the MC to already be siblings w/ Amber and by extension cousins with Aelita if you so desire though! Just know that it's not actually the case in canon yet (because a lot of people seem to get it confused for it already being like that)


    5 hours ago, verisage said:

    Which gym leaders would be considered the most attractive by the general public of Aevium? (out of the adult gym leaders, I mean.) Or just which gym leader most popular among the Aevians if that question is a little too much.


    Not a gym leader technically but still League affiliated; Tesla is canonically a model, so I'd say she'd count for attractive! Out of the gym leaders though, I think Valarie and Talon would also fall in that category especially Talon if we talk in a more meta sense if the reactions to his reveal are anything to go by LMAO. If it's just popularity we're talking about and not attractiveness levels, I'd say Venam, Amber, Valarie and specifically GDC Adam would belong in that category due to all four of them being involved in entertainment in some shape or form (Venam and Amber are musicians, Valarie is a water show performer and Adam runs a nightclub).


    4 hours ago, SAF said:

    So... any chances for the A Gang to get their third official artworks -- this time in their Kugearen outfits? Or maybe a fourth in their Darchlight appearances? Or even a fifth in their Xenogene quest formalwears?


    i have a question for you in turn. do you want my hand to fall off


    (the answer is no, sorry LOL. it's way too much work. if i did all of that i'd have to draw 21 new pieces of art and i'm not about to do that, ESPECIALLY not for the formal wear/darchlight ones considering for how short of a time they actually show up)


    • Like 9

    9 minutes ago, Tempestrio said:

    For everyone: What exactly goes into creating a new character for a new update? Like deciding what role you want them to fill, what team they have if they’re gonna be fight-able, etc.


    For Zumi: Has the brain rot for Eizen truly ever left? /hj But in all seriousness, how much control do you have whenever it comes to actually drawing the characters outside of fanart?


    PS, Jan I still am not gonna forgive you for that side quest in chapter 5 with the boss fight against [REDACTED BECAUSE SPOILERS]. You bitch ass (affectionate).


    1) Pretty much all of that is decided by Jan, so I'll leave answering that question to him if he feels like it hehe

    2) Nope! It has never left, and I doubt it will anytime soon jajajajaja. Also I've got mostly free reign with the official art by now! I do usually ask for a general direction that it needs to be taken in if Jan already has specific ideas (or a sprite to work from), but other than that the pose and fleshing out of a design is mostly up to me nowadays. Sometimes the sprite is updated to match a design instead tho! (see: Kreiss, Rorim B, Mr. Luck etc.)

    • Like 1
  6. 3 hours ago, 2tousent said:

    1: Any Aevian forms that the devs feel overperformed or underperformed? Wether it be in terms of balance, or just overall popularity (i'm pretty sure some of them are more popular than others)

    2: Any chance the WLL characters get official art? it would be neat to see the young versions of these people (there's only so much their sprites can portray)


    1) A-Volcarona is unsurprisingly on crack and very much used by a lot of people. Underperforming... I'd say A-Bronzong? Since it kinda just fills a niche. A-Palossand also is Not The Best but hey. Sometimes we just add things for the sake of narrative enhancement and having the form be different based on Mt. Valor's mood just sounded neat

    2) I still wanna tackle those someday! No worries, they'll happen Eventually(TM) but it's still very much in the air when exactly.


    3 hours ago, PixelMods said:

    This question includes mention of things that were only revealed in the .Karma files. That being said, I don't think it counts as a question asking for spoilers, since I'm just asking for confirmation for something I feel is heavily implied.

      Hide contents

    In Terajuma, when Melia says Karma's a bitch in the weather station, we see the karma eye appear above her looking staticky and upset.

    Is this her losing Karma? If so, does this mean she's become an Interceptor at this point, or is that just Karma being upset at being called a bitch?

    If she hadn't become an Interceptor at this point, what about later? We see Karma say that Melia is different than expected, which suggests free will, which suggests she has become an Interceptor. But she's also been around an Interceptor for a while, and two for a little while. So I suppose that could have just resulted in her personality being different from other versions of her.

    To clarify, I mean an Interceptor like V, who became one after travelling to Aevium from another universe, not like Crescent and us who became Interceptors because Variya made us into Interceptors. Melia obviously isn't one of Variya's interceptors, or else our extra lives would be split up even further.




    The Karma eye appearing above Melia is just 100% Karma getting upset with Melia for calling them a bitch, LMAO. It's a gag more than anything


    2 hours ago, Sauv3477 said:

    So I have 2 questions!

    1. So seeing as there's to be 4 endings, Best, Good, Bad and Worst, I was wondering if Paragon and Renegade would each have 2 endings or if Paragon would have 3 and Renegade have 1. It would make sense to me that both would have 2, but judging off of how much you can mess up Paragon and still do it, I was curious.
    (Not sure if this would be answerable for obvious reasons but I asked just in case!)

    2. Was there any scrapped content or story you wish made it into the game but didn't? Or stuff you had to remove due to reasons?


    1) It's two for each.

    2) Well, one was the vaccine plotline for GDC which ended up scrapped. Covid happened, nuff said. Another part is the "joining Bladestar" thing, it's a thing that started and then just kinda went nowhere so it was decided to get scrapped altogether.


    2 hours ago, SaraElizabeth-J said:

    Sorry if it's a weird question.

    Since each chapters have a title/name, do  Act 1 and Act 2 have them too? 


    Nop! They're just referred to as Act 1 and Act 2.


    2 hours ago, Generic Gamer said:

    This might be a bit of an odd one, but i've noticed that Sunflowers tend to show up whenever Death is involved. Rift Chandelure's little pocket dimension (Six Sunflowers on the top of the hill, as well as the field of Sunflowers), and numerous times in the Nightmare Realms, particularly involving the whereabouts of Risa, as well as one on an operating table in Aelita's Nightmare Realm. Do Sunflowers symbolize death in Rejuvenation, or am i looking too deeply into this?


    Though I don't really have a clear answer, I think that's a pretty accurate assessment. Blame Mother 3 if anything.


    1 hour ago, Lung Stealer said:

    When making crests, what's generally the idea?
    Like on a scale of "This crest will be a balanced buff for __ so it should be added" to "This crest would be really cool so it should be added" where does the team fall? Obviously it varies, but is there a general stance on this?


    It's a mixture of both! Sometimes we just wanna do a funny thing to give a mon more utility/varying usage besides the main way (think infernape/darmanitan crests), or to make underperforming mons mean more in the later game (Dusknoir crest for example!). In the case of A-Ampharos it was given a crest due to the lack of a Mega Evolution for the mon— though I can't guarantee anything of the sort, it's very much possible in the case another mon is given an a-form that's normally able to mega evolve that it's also given a crest. Stuff like that!


    1 hour ago, wingdings said:

    Here's a weird one that I don't think anyone has asked: What are your favorite and least favorite field conditions in Rejuvenation? Personally i'm an enjoyer of City and Concert Field-- you guys cooked with those-- and hate that goddamn fucking swamp

    Alternatively, what are your favorite/least favorite specific battles? Either from a design point of view (designing cool fights is fun) or to actually play.

    Also, without getting into spoilers, what characters are you most excited for in terms of future content/development (besides the obvious like Melia and other main characters, if possible)?

    Unbelievable work on the game from ALL OF YOU by the way. Rejuvenation is a triumph of hard work and creative drive, and it means a great deal to me to see a game of this caliber exist for a franchise I love very dearly, even (especially) in an unofficial capacity. So thank you :)


    1) I really like the Electric field because I tend to use Electric types quite often! Glitch field is the WORST because it gave me trauma thanks to Saki. awful horrible field. gen 2 mechanics my beloathed

    2) My favourite battle rn is the Master of Nightmare battle, especially with the updated boss mechanics. Makes the fight just feel so much more imposing than it was in V13! Saki's actually also up there now with the rework, and I also still really like the Ryland battle as well. My least favourite fight is still Hazuki's, I think... Idk I just don't like that fight. Like with Saki's, that fight gave me trauma in V13 LMAO

    3) Eizen :)))))) But other than that as the obvious answer, I also am looking forward to Martin's proper in-person appearance rather than through a missable cutscene, hahaha


    And thank you very much! Thank YOU for enjoying the game that much! <3


    1 hour ago, Lunartone said:

    As someone who enjoys writing dialogue, which characters do you like writing dialogue for? (and if you want to answer, which characters are harder to write dialogue for) 


    I had the pleasure of doing the nighttime dialogue for Spector, which was honestly pretty fun! The Xenogene quest also had me writing some stuff for the main cast. I'd say Melia and Aelita were harder to write right than the rest, because they have some overlapping personality traits that makes it a little harder to distinguish them from each other. Not that it's impossible of course! But with having to write stuff for them for the first time myself, I was pretty nervous and really wanted to make sure I got them right. There was already so much existing dialogue, so I was worried it'd stray too much from their original writing for it to line up with the rest of the game's quality dfljdfljkdsf


    1 hour ago, Lupo said:

    Ahh, been meaning to ask few things:

    1. In the ending of the Blacksteeple arc, when Nancy was killed, MC was pulled from the ship's railing and then passed out-- Presumably from grief. Who came up with that and how? bc holy shit compliments to the chef 😭👏

    2. I hope this isn't too spoilery, but why are Nymiera and Hazuki's swords stowed away in Indriad's mansion?

    3. This is more of a question for Zumi but-- Is there a significance to having Risa, Texen, and your in-game sona be siblings? I was so touched by the mini scene at the graveyard after the movie sidequest-- Like it's so profound? Heartfelt? I hope to be that good at writing one day...


    Hoki, that's all from me. I hope these are answerable ;w;)/


    1) That'd be Jan! He does practically all of the main story writing, albeit he sometimes bounces ideas off of me first before fleshing stuff out. The Blacksteeple segment was entirely him, though.

    2) 🤔

    3) Nah LMAO Jan just woke up one day and chose violence by deciding "Texen is Zumi's brother now". By correlation it made Risa my ingame sister too, so it just kinda ended up that way. I didn't like the idea of having my in-game equivalent feel distant from her family though, so I still wrote it with the intent as if it they were my actual siblings (tho with less of the emotional babbling I'd normally do in reality and with more proper dialogue)


    39 minutes ago, FernStoleMyBike said:

    Was this QnA a good idea?


    sometimes i feel like the monkey's paw curls a little bit with these, but i think they're fun nonetheless!


    1 minute ago, SnomSnomSnom said:

    Any plans for a built in rando or mono type run mode at some point? I know the game has plenty of difficulty already but fun challenge modes could really up the ante.


    I think monotype passwords will be added eventually, but I've got no clue when exactly. I just know they're still on the table (tho i'd imagine it's easier to add those for the final version when stuff is more balanced out)

    • Like 2
  7. 44 minutes ago, AxelRod45 said:

    For a more genuine question: how excited are you guys for working on Rejuv post-V14, with the end of this incredible story in sight?


    Dumb question for everyone/anyone not named Jan: On a scale of 0-11, how comically evil has Jan been acting during development overall?


    1) VERYYYY. I'M SO STOKED. AUGH. y'all aren't ready i'm telling you

    2) 11 but also i'm in on the bit so i get to be evil as well


    30 minutes ago, froehlibabe said:

    We get a lot of scenes of our friends letting out, getting defended by or just enjoying time with their ace pokemon.

    Do you think it would be possible to also have our moments with our pokemon in a cinematic way? Like your lead just being the "default cinematic choice" or maybe a calculation based on hapiness, time spent with the pokemon or battles won by it.


    This idea popped in my head when I saw the Venam/Seviper scene, and I got really teary seing the good wholesome stuff they have. Kinda jealous.

    Although I understand that's a big dev challenge and possibly a lot of scenes rewrite.


    As cute as it sounds, it's definitely wayyy out of scope. It'd require having overworld sprites for all the mons available in the game, not to mention it require a script or extremely detailed event that calls the right sprite at the right angle and stuff like that. It's a massive amount of effort for something extremely minor and the payoff really isn't worth it.


    28 minutes ago, GameAddict_78 said:

    On the top of Ecylsia Pyramid with the showdown with Madame X, do the Protag and Aelita just straight up start fist fighting with her? Cause I always found it more entertaining that they were just having a fist fight rather than a pokemon battle.


    i don't really know but honestly i'd like to agree and say that's exactly what happens bc that's funny as hell


    17 minutes ago, dustyvic said:

    Is it possible to somehow make this into an alternate outfit style you can pick from, because I was so disappointed to find out it doesn't show up in battles and that it's taken away from you so quickly (Sorry for the low quality)



    Nop, it involves a ton of spritework that we just don't have the time for to add. Bear in mind that every single alternate outfit having full sprite sets would require sprites for:


    • Walking
    • Running
    • Fishing
    • Biking
    • Diving
    • Surfing
    • Surf/fishing
    • Cutscene-specific sprites
    • Backsprites
    • Trainer sprites
    • VS portraits


    That's a bare minimum of 8 different spritesheets AND a bunch of other sprites for in-battle usage as well. We're only with so many people capable of making those sprites and we have to make careful decisions on what we do and don't put more effort into as to not overscope... And this is just one of those things that would be on the very back of the backburner if we do still want to make use of it eventually.


    20 minutes ago, kwis said:

    potentially very niche question but what kind of outfit is "jean" supposed to be wearing in the scene where he pulls a gun on aelita? it's tough to tell since he only has an overworld sprite.


    I think it's just a classic suit, so it's not anything super special!


    14 minutes ago, tongconator said:

    (Major) I'm not sure if this has been asked, but how did rejuvenation begin? How did the game become a thing? Like did you and Jan know each other then started from there? Or did you all meet through the development?


    (minor) will we see the organised criminal mastermind cleffa again? 


    1) Rejuvenation started out as a game that Jan made for his friend group to play! Jan and I were already friends at the time. It really was just a small (and VERY different) game at the time, but we eventually convinced him to post it publicly for people to play (which by the way, this year will mark the 10th anniversary of him doing that!!). Needless the say the game's changed a ton since then, but that's how it all started. The other dev teams joined along the way through applications or through personal recruitment.

    2) who knows........... maybe they'll be back for violence....... maybe they're biding their time for a bit longer................... only time will tell


    15 minutes ago, 0mn1Seeks said:

    Will there be new character arts for the Protagonist's formal wear and Xenogene wear respectively? I would like to see our MCs with drip on them in full body art.


    Nop, way too much work LOL (tho Saber's art exists ig so you have at least one)


    11 minutes ago, kaiciu_creates said:


    Will terrestrialization ever be a thing in the game? Balancing it would seem like a nightmare with Field Effects, Megas, and Z moves.


    What are your favorite MC Kugerean designs?


    and what's your favorite chapter?


    1) I highly doubt it bc it'd brick the shit out of the balancing for the game LOL

    2) Aevia's and Axel's designs are my favourite! Alain's also pretty funky.

    3) Chapter 15, closely followed by 14.


    6 minutes ago, Spar-kie said:

    Hello developers :)


    My question is what characters and/or sidequest, whichever you prefer if you wanna answer only one.


    If I had to give an unbiased answer for the sidequest one, the Hero of Slime 1000000%. i just really like the goomink fever dream quest it's so funny

    • Like 6
  8. I can't answer all of the questions already asked, but I'll answer what I can in confidence!


    28 minutes ago, RJPS1000 said:

    out of all the characters in rejuvenation which are each of yours favoruite's in terms of overall character?


    *gestures wildly at pfp* Eizen. Love that cryptid of a man. It just kinda is what it is LOL


    26 minutes ago, RaeNoceda said:

    What has been each of y'all's favorite part of the game to work on?


    Doing the music for V13 was some of my favourite work i've done for the game! it was really fun to do overworld tracks for that chapter (and Master of Nightmares ofc). That and the xenogene quest of course, since it holds a very personal meaning to me :)


    23 minutes ago, Sardines said:

    We should kill one of the devs (not in minecraft but actually irl) and I have the perfect candidate. His name starts with S and ends with s. Can you please implement this feature asap, I personally need it NOW. Looking forward to hearing a prompt response, thank you




    19 minutes ago, sasha_ said:

    [spoiler warning in case lol]


    did a new playthrough on 13.5 and the new content is amazing! was such a nice refresher after not playing the game for a while. i noticed that the alternate outfits you get when you go back in time to kugearen city are different and wanted to see if there was a place i could look at all of them, thank you!!


    Best you can do is go into the graphics > characters folder since there's no means to look at them in the game itself!


    11 minutes ago, Fiwam said:

    Thank you very much for this!


    World Shatterer, Missing.exe, the person Anju is sticking around in ch3 to protect, K/C's master, the person Eden is based on like Jean/Xara... Are these people we have enough context to be able to guess who they are? Since I'm struggling to even come up with candidates for some of them (though I think it's just MX for 2 of them...).


    I'd say for everyone except Eden you'd be able to at least make a guess on what they refer to!


    11 minutes ago, Radiant46 said:

    3: any odds this gem of a screen gets fixed?image.png.528075e0646009f3f98ba0f74f4c3f8d.png


    Idk what you mean with "fixed", because the screen is already as it should be. I get the art quality is different between the character art (and I'd be lying if it didn't bother me at least a little bit) but honestly I'm not about to redraw it seven times with all the different protagonists for the sake of a screen that appears for only a few seconds, that's WAYYY too much effort even for my standards LOL


    10 minutes ago, just_call_me_ace said:

    Is there any characters you feel like could have been better than what they are now but it feels too late to change anything about them? Be it design wise, writing wise and etc..


    In my personal opinion, there's some character art/design decisions I made that I could've approached better by now (mostly the characters that received their art very early on and haven't had redesigns since). It's also a matter of just having grown in skill immensely since then though 😔 Tying in to the former question, the quality difference is pretty big between some of the older character art and the newer, which... primarily had to do with me rushing the shit out of the older artwork instead of putting more thought into it. Maybe one day I'll go out of my way to bring everyone on the same quality level as the new stuff LMAO but that day is not today

    • Like 9
  9. 7 hours ago, VMeemes said:

    Though back on the question of needing a new save, on a scale of 1-10 how recommended is doing a new playthrough required? Like maybe V15 will break your save or the very next large update with V14 whenever that comes around will break it? Cause if its highly likely that the next big one will damage things beyond recovery then that's a different story.


    I'd say an 8 or 9, because honestly I've seen so many people run into problems that were caused by variable issues on old saves even after conversion that it's kind of unmanageable to fix all of them without breaking something else. A lot of the problems are user-end issues too, so sometimes we just straight up can't do anything about it at all—It really is very much recommended to do a new run if you don't want to run into problems in the future.

    We don't know how much it's going to affect saves on future versions because it's not even completely sure what places will be affected by V14 and beyond, nor do we know all the cases of variables causing problems yet. It's entirely possible that some will just fly by us entirely until it's too late lmao

    • Thanks 1
  10. 5 hours ago, fireflame said:

    Can anyone tell me where to get a Linux version of the manual files? I started playing this on Linux but I can't use the Linux auto update files because they don't work


    The link has been updated on the download page, please download that version instead!

    • Like 1
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  11. 6 hours ago, DelegateXIII said:

    With the big update, will we have to restart our playthroughs?


    Not necessarily! You can choose to convert your old savefile to be compatible with the new update (for which an explanation will be provided upon the update's release), but it is highly recommended to start a new playthrough nonetheless due to the odds of sequence breaking simply being a lot lower + you'll be able to see all the new stuff added in older content!

    • Like 3
  12. 18 minutes ago, Haru,, said:

    To correct Zumi (sorry zumi), while it does happen while speed up is active, it is likely not using speed up does not avoid the issue. The main culprit is MKXP-Z being updated to Ruby 3.1 which had known issues for Reborn during E19 testing. Unfortunately downgrading is current broken and the MKXP-Z developer just started a month long vacation. So. We're in for a time.


    ty actually LOL, i've amended the post to have this info now

  13. 7 hours ago, Data567 said:

    I have a question about the bug that has a very low chance of crashing the game randomly. You said it only happens with speedup, then warn everyone to go ahead and save often but don't mention speedup again. I guess what I'm trying to ask is, is it 100% only whenever using speedup, or is that unknown?


    It is always when using speedup, but it never happens only at one specific point or doing one specific thing, it can happen at any point something's loading in. We suspect there's some RAM usage problems with something that causes it to spike too hard and crash, but we've yet to really pinpoint what exactly it is. The only thing that causes a crash more commonly is using the PC, but that doesn't explain why the crashes in the other places happen, so it's not related to that directly, likely.

    • Like 2
  14. On 5/13/2023 at 10:01 PM, Med Down said:

    Kinda a silly question, but is there a good way to be notified on when the update drops? I've blanket muted the Discord server, but like is there a specific channel that I should unmute?


    Best thing you can do is unmute the Rejuv updates channel (called #rejupdates🆕 on the discord), we post any important updates there including any posts about version releases. There's also a Rejuv Pings role you can pick up in the bots channel on the server!

    • Thanks 1
  15. On 5/12/2023 at 2:50 AM, Alice Bell said:

    Okay so important question as someone who JUST started the v13 stuff recently. (I play in chunks)


    Is 13.5 going to have enough early game content overhauled to necessitate another replay-? (I mean I likely will anyway but still)

    Terajuma's been redone pretty much entirely and GDC got a massive overhaul ad well, so you decide whether that's worth playing again!

  16. 8 hours ago, Battle-Dragoon20 said:

    So, is the paragon and renegade endings basically just good and bad, or is it more than just that?


    Yes but also it is a bit more than just that. Both are technically canon as explained in a previous post, they just show a different "side" of the story! Also, both routes will have two endings depending on your choices made throughout the game.

    • Like 1
  17. 10 hours ago, LotzofBucketz said:

    Im a Bit confused. When you sag that Paragon and Renegade Route have been completed do you mean like you’ve finished the entirety of the Story for Rejuvenation or have you just finished the changes necessary to activate both the routes from what’s available up to V13? Does that also mean V14 goes all the way through the last couple gym Leaders to the E8 and Champion?


    The routes being completed means that the content for the new routes for as far as the story goes in 13.5 is practically done bar a couple of small things. The last version to be released is slated to be V16 as of right now, so no, the remaining leaders and the E8/Champion will not be fought immediately in V14, as well as that the routes will be continued in future updates as well. We've still got a bit to go and gotta spread out content across updates!

    • Thanks 1
  18. 1 hour ago, 13thCloud said:

    Are you still going to show the results of the balance changes from the survey? Or are they a bit too much into spoiler territory?


    There's already been some posts about it, but the full results will not be published yet as we've yet to see whether the difficulty has gone down as intended— maybe after that I'll do a comparison post. We do want to be transparent about changes made to pain points that were pointed out thanks to the survey, so a list of balance changes will most likely be included with the game's update release and with an explanation as of why.

    • Like 3
  19. 12 hours ago, tomikson said:

    The hands look odd on black characters


    If you look at photos of the hands of ppl with dark skin, they actually do look like that! There's not as much pigment/melanin in the palms of your hand or the soles of your feet as they're exposed much less often to the sun than the rest of your body, and it's especially notable on those w/ darker skin color, hence why the palms are lighter. I wanted to include that accuracy in Rejuv's art as well!

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