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Everything posted by Hexagoen

  1. So... I'm apparently going to a kbbq... Fuck my efforts to lose weight let's have some fun!

  2. So, beacuse my first team is stoopid, i am changing it maybe. i am open to pokemon and move changes and suggestions. abilities are not final. this is what i came up with right now. checking this after dinner. have fun
  3. Soo... anyone have enough money for me to buy the shodown changing sprites thingamajig. i need about 200 R but i cant post enough for the sake of it :C

  4. bumping thread since i want more people to play civ 5 with. also because civ 5 is amazeballs and we need to have a huge game sooner or later. (plz.) steam ID: Sinikuro13 (i play civ 5 with BNW and the No Quitters mod on. Basically NQ is a mod that balances out the game, by modifying the tech tree nerfing/buffing anything that needs so and lots o' jolly good things. this isnt an official mod b/c no steam tag, so you can still get achievements and shit. link here Almost-hit-post-edit: also i sometimes use the hellblazers map pack. so try dl-ing those too! Have fun (i can usually do games around the weekends, so try hitting me up then, also i play with a group of frends who are semi here so hit me up yo!)
  5. Technically, a rickroll is not a rickroll if there is not a thing to be rickrolled of.

    1. Juniper


      I actually know of an interesting video that discusses this exact topic and you're quite incorrect.

  6. Hmm. I actually really like this theory! I never thought of someone like looker to be the protagonists father. And there is a good amount of evidence of this! Can't wait to see what the actual canon tells us (if they ever will)
  7. Ark. Stop changing your signature so fast. I barely have time to read the dank memes on them.

  8. (Ark, did you literally change your signature like a second ago? Lmao) Welcome to reborn tactum Phoenix! Hope to see you around, and be sure to have fun here with us!
  9. Nice! Hope you had fun rose! Lmao. Thats how I feel about any word language class :/ omg Ark! You look classy here!
  10. A quick shoutout to Aqua waffle for giving me humble bundle! i really appreciate it :D

  11. Welcome to reborn, Kligon2000! hope to see you around here
  12. Nomophobia. the fear of losing cellular contact via mobile smartphone. go figure.
  13. ...is there any way to shorten these commands? i really dont wanna type a jumble of words each time i want to challenge someone, plus if you make a typo you have to click a button and etc. i would really like to see a shortened version of this, otherwise this is a great idea!
  14. Well, being an AMD fanboy to death, I can't really tell you much about other graphic cards, however, if you really want something other than AMD, try Nvidia whatever their latest version is. Or just upgrade your AMD card. You have the processor to do it, so why not? Tl;Dr try looking up Nvidia and AMD brands.
  15. Welcome to reborn gym leader night! Hope to see you around sometime!
  16. Hi there kat! welcome to reborn, and i hope you see you around soon!
  17. Why cant we let venus up in b5 so she can have her mega? Personally, no one else that you mentioned should be moved up. they are fine where they are.
  18. Pikachu b/c i dont want what happened in season 1 of the anime to me. then again, i wouldnt be as much as a dork as ash was.
  19. Edge, Edge, Edge. Man how much of a pal you are. seriously, you helped the intial growth of the mc server here, and its been such an amazing place ever since! you are such a fun person to talk to online, from the debates we have, to the general derpiness that ensures. have a good one edge!
  20. Holy. Fucking. Shit. Holy fucking shit. Episode 9. Watch it first, cringe, get excited, then come back here. Cause boy, there is alot, ALOT to think about here.
  21. So I spent about ten minutes looking at this picture, and boy have you caught my attention! Welcome to reborn and have a swell time here homie
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