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Daniel Blackworth

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Daniel Blackworth last won the day on April 30 2019

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279 Altruist

About Daniel Blackworth

  • Birthday 03/09/2001

Profile Information

  • Alias
    Divergent, Dive
  • Gender
  • Location
    Reborn City, Reborn
  • Interests

    ~ Books - Divergent Trilogy, Percy Jackson Series, Heroes of Olympus Series, Mortal Instrument Series, Hunger Games Series, Maze Runner Series, Endgame Series, and many more not mentioned

    ~ Video Games - Pokemon (Obvious isn't it), Pokemon Fangames like Reborn, Rejuvenation, Desolation, Ace Attorney Series, Professor Layton Series, Fire Emblem Series, Dragon Quest IX, Final Fantasy Tactics, Golden Sun, Harvest Moon, Rune Factory 3

    ~ Manga - Barakamon, Otomen, Shokugeki no Soma, One Piece, Relife, Fairy Tail, Detective Conan, Yamada kun and the 7 Witches, Battle Royale, Black Clover, Nijiiro Days, Reborn, Magi, Shingeki no Kyojin, LDK, Your Lie in April, Enigma, Liar Game, Heroine Shikkaku, Nisekoi, Naruto, Orange, Assasination Classroom, and others not mentioned

    ~ Movies - The Day after Tomorrow, Interstellar, X-Men, Your Name, The Girl who leapt through Time, Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva, Avengers, Thor, Train to Busan

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    Meteor Admin Divergent #9501

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  1. Since it is @Godot's birthday, I decided to make today's Quote of the Day a tribute to Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations, my favorite game in the franchise, and I'll be sharing quotes relating to Prosecutor Godot, the most memorable person in the game.

    Top conversation EVER:

    Godot: I'm Godot. Legendary prosecutor. I've never lost a case.
    Judge: Yes, your reputation precedes you. What kind of cases have you dealt with so far?
    Godot: Ha...! None.
    Judge: What did you say...?
    Godot: I've never prosecuted a case before
    Judge: N-Never? But you said you've never lost before.
    Godot: ...Exactly. I've never lost. I've never won before either.

    Inspirational Quotes:
    "The true measure of a man is in the amount of work he does. That's what I always say." - Godot

    "We can't see the demons that lurk in the night... That's why humans are weak." - Godot

    "...To err is human, to forgive, divine. Humans aren't machines... they have souls, feelings. They live, they die, they love, they hate... And yes, they even make mistakes..." - Godot

    Coffee Quotes:
    "Blacker than a moonless night, hotter and more bitter than hell itself... That is coffee." - Godot

    "A single drop of milk is all it takes to destroy the pure black magic in the cup!" - Godot

    Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations was a really good game for me due to its great story which was well connected and the dynamic characters that were in it. Its story was centered on Phoenix Wright, Mia Fey, and Godot/Diego Armando which explored both their pasts and their present. In the main story/present timeline, Godot comes off as a prosecutor who has a form of hatred towards Phoenix Wright. Phoenix Wright feels that Godot is someone familiar to him, but he can't exactly place where he saw/met him. As the story goes further, we get to see more sides of Godot aside from being simply someone who liked coffee overly much; we get to see that he is actually Diego Armando, the former partner of Mia Fey and Phoenix's mentor, and because of a certain case in the past involving Phoenix, he fell into a deep coma and only awoke after years and after Mia died because of being murdered. We learn that he takes out his anger on Phoenix for not being able to protect Mia, but he later on reveals that he thinks that Phoenix has done well to keep her legacy. We also see how he cares for Mia's family, that he even went and murdered someone who threatened Mia's sister Maya's life (although he claims that he did it simply for his own, he still did save Maya's life). We see how he grows from someone who had a biased form of hatred to someone who realizes that revenge is not really the way to cherish a loved one's death. There are a lot of other things involved in the plot such as Phoenix's past, but you should play the game to appreciate it very much. Overall, this game was my favorite in the series, for its deep and complex story, and how it connected each character's past to the present.

    Happy Birthday!

    1. Anime


      happy birthday @Godot:D

    2. Godot


      Thanks guys! I absolutely love the stories surrounding Godot and Mia.  Mia is also a fantastic character!

    3. Daniel Blackworth

      Daniel Blackworth

      You're welcome. I also like their relationship; it's sad though that they don't get to continue their story since Mia dies while Diego is still in a coma. Still, it was still awesome as a game.

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