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dead account

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by dead account

  1. This place is plenty sturdy, I assure you. However, what you should be worried about is the blizzard coming in. Those tend to happen a lot around here. And we've had many guests, especially troublesome or disrespectful ones, losing their way and eventually freezing to death. And most never have their bodies found. You wouldn't want such a fate to befall yourself, Mister Quinn, would you?
  2. No thank you, Mister Quinn, I'm not really a salad person myself. And I insist that you eat the food we, the hosts provide for you. It could be seen as a sign of disrespect if you ignored our humble offer. And people who show us disrespect have a nasty habit of mysteriously disappearing, and we wouldn't want that now, would we, Mister Quinn?
  3. Please, Mister Quinn, you're the guest, there's no need to bring or make food yourselves. Relax. Now please, why don't you stay a while, enjoy some fine wine, as well as our chef's wonderful meals? I assure you, it's to die for...
  4. Really? E still wound up 5th in the randomised order? That's annoying.
  5. Happy birthday, Swims. Be sure to check out the SotD today.
  6. That is not going to happen and you know it. If Sonic's rotting corpse can continue shambling on after Sonic '06, it can keep going after Sonic Boom.
  7. Welp. Nintendo only talking about the new Zelda game off has killed off a lot of my hype for E3. I mean, I like Legend of Zelda, but having that be the only thing you show off is kind of a buzz kill. I'll still keep an eye out for Capcom, because they'll no doubt talk about Ace Attorney Spirit of Justice and Monster Hunter Generations(and I hope they say something about Monster Hunter Stories. I doubt it'll happen, but still). I don't really care that much about Civ VI, but I guess I'll keep an ear out for news of that too. In case it starts to sound like it'll actually be decent.
  8. Well, sounds like you're on your way to Calcenon City from Agate Circus. You need to get the badge from Calcenon to use Dive, which you need to go to Ametrine City because of a giant wall of ice blocking the way. Also, you'll probably find Waterfall up in Ametrine. Is that what you wanted to know?
  9. Let's not forget that the job of leader is essentially a glorified deskjob you do for free. Just handlin' paperwork and all that. Not much that can help you improve as a battler there, as far as I can see. Hence why I nominated myself on the grounds that I have no life. Because I have nothing better to be doing anyway. Also, NATION EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
  10. I nominate myself as leader. I've got no life, so I'm sure I have plenty of time to get into the swing of things.
  11. Well, I guess this nation could be worse. inb4 we become Ruin Nation 2.0
  12. There is, it just doesn't get that much attention. This link should work. https://discord.gg/0cwMxZsODpbFRymM
  13. I signed up, so... good luck with putting me in a nation where I won't be a severe handicap.
  14. Hello, Dan. I'm Ben. Thanks for telling me your name. Now I'm gonna steal your identity and do lots of illegal stuff. Just kidding. There's a smelly nerd awesome guy around here who's also named Dan. I'd recommend hanging around on the showdown server a lot so you can cause some confusion between the two of you (you can find the link for it on the bar on the left there, above your avatar). Or just chat with the other people there and/or have a few battles. Whatever floats your boat. Enjoy your stay at this looney bin.
  15. Well, it's perfectly understandable you missed the announcement thread. It's not exactly clearly marked as being for Pokenations. I would've posted a link, but Chubb already did it.
  16. Oh, whoops. Sorry. I guess I missed that. I even posted the rules from that thread here earlier, so I don't have an excuse here.
  17. The only scarier thing you could possibly see rising over Reborn's walls than the wasteland. Also, yeah. Gen 7 mons will eventually be a thing in Reborn, as Ame said before. Real question is when.
  18. What do the nation's leaders actually do? Do they just get a fancy schmancy title and get to be the face of their nation? Or what is the deal with them?
  19. Well, the rules don't say anything about it, so I guess such tactics are technically allowed as long as they fit in with the 2nd rule(not sure what that weekly challenge thing means exactly). Although, you're kinda hoping to get Normal for your nation in order for the Snorlax part to be a thing. Just because it's not against the rules doesn't mean such tactics won't be frowned upon, btw. Also, ew, no thanks. I don't exactly take great care of my hair and that's toupee's still a bloody downgrade.
  20. Do you mean "trumping" as in flatulence, or "trumping" as in building a wall between your nation and it's neighbour and making the neighbouring nation pay for it?
  21. I can only wonder what names the war rooms will be given. I hope they're funny and self-depreciative as all hell.
  22. I like birbs, so Rowlet it is for me. There's also the fact that I find the other two pretty underwhelming.
  23. If you're still looking for more Vivillon patterns, I could just toss the rest of my Vivillon collection at you because I've lost any desire to try and acquire the remaining patterns. I'll give you the Pokéball, Meadow, Sun, Icy Snow, Tundra, Archipelago, Marine and High Plains patterns since you don't seem to have those.
  24. It appears Gamefront closed down on the 30th of April, which is why it now redirects to the Escapist. Mega is working fine for me, maybe something is being blocked by an extension you're using? If you really don't want to use the local server link, maybe I can upload a copy of Ep15 to something like google drive or dropbox and send you the link?
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