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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Status Replies posted by Guzam

  1. When I said this "Now I have to kill this dumb 240 days. Wish me luck killing these dumb points lol." I meant surviving the 240 days not trying to get around the rules. Sigh, I need to get better at talking. I notice I jumbled my words at a job fair today even though I tried my best but I can't talk fluently :( How do I fix this?

  2. When I said this "Now I have to kill this dumb 240 days. Wish me luck killing these dumb points lol." I meant surviving the 240 days not trying to get around the rules. Sigh, I need to get better at talking. I notice I jumbled my words at a job fair today even though I tried my best but I can't talk fluently :( How do I fix this?

  3. does ds3 hav poise poise?

  4. I have a bit of time on my hands so what should I do with it? http://www.strawpoll.me/10626272

  5. knock knock it knucle

  6. when the ost of a game is good and you die

  7. http://prntscr.com/bjev1z Apparently randomizing into enemy boss classes is a thing. She replaced Ephraim and came with the prf tome lol
  8. http://prntscr.com/bjev1z Apparently randomizing into enemy boss classes is a thing. She replaced Ephraim and came with the prf tome lol
  9. http://prntscr.com/bj7j1r Well, Divine is broken. Also: Brave Javelins and Devil Hand Axes. I love randomized FE.
  10. Dang, Planet Robobot's true arena is insanely hard, even by Kirby true arena standards!

  11. Dang, Planet Robobot's true arena is insanely hard, even by Kirby true arena standards!

  12. If you could live with anyone from the Reborn forums, who would you live with? (if you already do, someone besides the member you live with)

  13. I am extremely grateful for Super Mystery Dungeon's jukebox feature.

  14. This is a quality, guaranteed meme-free status. Enjoy.

  15. delete zumi.exe

  16. HEAR THIS! The next time I show up, will be the last! If he's anywhere here, and you haven't told me... I will drag this entire world into the depths!

  17. As if Vulcan EVER had a chance. ^^

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