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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Status Replies posted by Guzam

  1. I have a question, what do you guys do when someone simply does not learn despite you trying multiple times through multiple different methods? I'm just curious is all...


  3. A naked girl with a fancy-looking sword walks into your neighborhood looking confused. What do you do?

  4. I should probably make a topic, but oh well. Some of you might know this, but I'm leaving now. This is my last day home because I'm joining the army and will be gone/unactive for a while.

  5. All American school children know the brainwashing chant by heart.

  6. All American school children know the brainwashing chant by heart.

  7. Nyx is just such a fucking bad unit >O<

  8. I quit mons forever

  9. I quit mons forever

  10. The you finish your 10 km walk and it says you walked 4.3 km

  11. Today marks a week straight for the three footsteps bug and still no word from Nitanic. Remember when you could find Pokemon in this Pokemon game? That was fun.

  12. Today marks six days straight of the three footprint bug on Pokemon Go, and Nitanic hasn't even so much as acknowledged it. You do realize you're continuing to release an unplayable game in country after country, right?

  13. i need to learn to guard in fighting games

  14. I'm iffy on whether Pokemon Go was a good idea or not. This is my opinion so don't hate me for it. I'm not sure it was a good idea because there are already rumours or articles about a death in Mexico and a stabbing of a teenager who didn't realize they walked into dangerous streets while playing it (could be fake but still shows the potential bad things of this app existing). I just wish and hope and pray nothing bad happens because of this app existing. :)

  15. Will I end pokenations with 100% win rate?

  16. When an innocent black man can be shot for no reason and a white woman is eligible for presidency after putting national security at risk.

  17. When an innocent black man can be shot for no reason and a white woman is eligible for presidency after putting national security at risk.

  18. Who would win: One quadrillion of those lightly seasoned breadsticks stuffed with delicious, home-grown mozzarella cheese or the Almighty Trebuchet, capable of decimating legions of soldiers all on its own?

  19. When I said this "Now I have to kill this dumb 240 days. Wish me luck killing these dumb points lol." I meant surviving the 240 days not trying to get around the rules. Sigh, I need to get better at talking. I notice I jumbled my words at a job fair today even though I tried my best but I can't talk fluently :( How do I fix this?

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