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Posts posted by Gheist

  1. 5 hours ago, seki108 said:

    Didn't really know where UFO fit on the difficulty scale, but this is a good indication.

    They give you a TON of lives but only if you collect all the red UFOs and do some really annoying things which makes the stages way more difficult. If I didn't bother with those, I wouldn't die on any stage pre boss but if you don't get the lives, it's basically the same as dying so you pretty much have to. The boss fights aren't too bad other than some really annoying lasers which just appear and then rapidly go for you. There's like 3-4 of these on stages 5 and 6 so I just bomb them at this point (assuming I have any) because death bombing them is practically impossible and it's just not worth it trying to dodge. Super high risk, low reward.


    5 hours ago, seki108 said:

      Pretty soon you're going to have to go for the side games that are still Danmaku focused, like Great Fairy Wars, Shoot the Bullet / Double Spoiler, and Impossible Spell Card.


    Oh I played shoot the bullet already. Way too fucking hard for me. I captured 40 spell cards, got all of Youmu's and now I don't even care anymore. The mechanics of that game are terrible. But don't worry, I've still got hard/lunatic modes and Extra stages :DDDD

    I'm definitely gonna boss rush the Extra stages for practice. It's a fucking Godsend.

  2. @seki108

    I just beat TH12 (Undefined Fantastic Object) with Illusion Laser Marisa. It only took like 2 and a half days so it looks like Zun sobered up between making SA and this. I got my bombs back, I got illusion laser back and the stages aren't intolerable. I like this one so I'm probably gonna clear it with the other shot types next. After that is TH13 (YOUMU!!!!!!)

  3. Ok thanks for the answer. I've had this account since 2014 for the community releases but I was never very active on the forums so I don't know how any of these features work. So I guess there's no real purpose to the upvotes now other than just letting people know you liked the post.


    As for Nitori, she was pretty difficult for a stage 3 boss but at least in TH10 bombing once was enough to clear most spell cards. As a partner, her shot is absolutely horrid (low spread, weak and slow) but the shield is very useful since I don't have to worry about death bombing. Overall I like her as a character.



  4. 7 hours ago, seki108 said:

    Congrats!  I'm glad Nitori can at least pull through in this game series.   Funnily enough, I had about the same reaction finishing the S.A. section in FMW 3 (though that all had to do with the last stage and it's complete bullshit).  


    Thanks. She has a pretty cool bomb which gives you a shield like in PCB so I can just focus on dodging. It still does literally no damage (it just erases the bullets) and some bosses burn through those shields like paper. And it looks like something weird is going on where if I time out the midboss' first spell card, it just leaves and doesn't use the 2 harder ones. Even the regular stage enemies seem to be on a timer so a bunch don't show up if I spend a lot of time on the boss. I don't get what the idea was but if I abuse this, I can probably save like 2-3 lives on each run.


    Oh and do these upvotes do anything? Should I be using them and is there some limit per day or how does this work?

  5. @seki108

    Jesus fucking Christ that was hard but I did it for real this time with Nitori as my partner. With a life to spare at that. I got really close with Alice so I might try again with her but other than that I think I'm done with this. For a while at least, I want to play something else finally.

  6. 43 minutes ago, seki108 said:

    Okku (the nuclear crow) makes enough sense post-transformation, since it's a freaking sun god.

    Most of her attacks are easy enough to dodge. Like I said, the problem is that I deal zero damage and her spell cards last forever. Two of her barrages, I can dodge 5-6 times and she's not even down to half health. Orin is the stage 5 boss but she's still way harder if we're talking dodging individual barrages. I die to her at least 3 times but I can beat Okku with 2-3 lives easy. Even with all the bullshit.

    But looking back, I guess Youmu was similar in that regard. And Sakuya compared to Remilia. And Marisa compared to Mima. . .Christ that brings back flashbacks. I would literally get to Marisa with 6 lives (the max), die to her 4 times and still clear the game with what I had left. It was a similar thing with the low power back then. Full power actually mattered a lot because it gave you a massive boost if you had 100% compared to 99%. So if I could beat Marisa in 2 minutes at full power, it would take like 4 or more without it. And of course dying once takes your power away with no real way to get it back mid boss fight (you can if she drops something but definitely don't count on it). TH04 and TH05 had easy stage 5 bosses compared to the final boss. Those games were fun and a lot less annoying.

    Reisen was super weak in IN compared to either of the final bosses and even compared to either stage 4 boss. All her spell cards are just gimmicky and easy to dodge if you know how to do it.

    So I'm not the only one who thinks Eirin is more difficult than Kaguya then. I thought it was just because I wasn't as used to her but Kaguya still cost me more lives usually. I mostly bombed everything on both of them though. Since I usually have at least 5 lives by then, I could afford to dick around. That's how I beat most of the games at first. Do the first 3 levels perfectly without bombing/dying, do the 4th one maybe dying once (and usually getting it back in time for the next boss) and then just noob bomb everything else that makes me panic.

    Although not anymore since I can beat Youmu and Sakuya pretty decently now. With maybe 1-2 deaths if I miss a death bomb. Remilia too. I just have to bomb 1 card and then death bomb if I fuck something up. With Yuyuko I just bomb half her shit because I hate that fight. I hate having to rapidly navigate through shots while other shit is chasing me. And she has a bunch like that.

  7. 3 hours ago, seki108 said:

    Good luck if you decide to try it again. 


    Now that I've slept on it, I'm definitely gonna keep trying. At least to 1CC it once so I don't feel like some kind of pansy. But honestly, both the stage 5 and final bosses are so uninteresting to me that it makes me want to fight them even less. I didn't mind fighting Flan 100 times because I liked her. I DO however mind fighting these cunts 500 times.

    And those stages. God those fucking stages. Endless barrages with EVERYTHING aimed at me. Literally everything.

    Satori's great though. Should have made her the final boss. Why all her pets are stronger than her, I have no idea.

    But really, none of these spell cards are that difficult. It's just that they last forever and you are constantly at 0 power so you have to keep dodging and dodging and dodging and the longer you dodge the more chances there are for you to fuck up. The 2nd to last spell card on the final boss, I'm dodging for like 20 seconds straight without dying (it's a REALLY hard one) and she's not even down to half health yet. It's just bomb bomb, die, bomb bomb, die and the shit is still going. You'd think she is turning invincible when you bomb but that's not even it. You just do almost no damage.

  8. @seki108


    Yea, I got so pissed about not being able to clear SA that I decided to cheat and installed the boss rush patch which skips the stages and takes you directly to the bosses. Of course I easily beat it with that but I'm still so annoyed with this game. Absolute garbage. I get to stage 5 with 7 lives, lose 2 to the mid boss since bombs don't do shit, lose 3 more to the boss because she's hard as fuck and bombs don't do shit, then I die stupidly to the final boss even though I got so fucking close to beating her when I continued and just fought her with 2 lives. Then of course I spend the next 50 runs dying twice on stage 3 or 4 and on the times I clear them without dying, I die 6 times in stage 5.

    On the boss rush, I beat the first 4 bosses without dying, died 3 times to the stage 5 boss and then just fucked around on the final boss because I had 5 lives against her. This just confirms my theory that these stages are bullshit and that I would have cleared this days ago if I could save the game after stage 4. Or just give me Illusion Laser Marisa from Touhou 6/7/8 and I GUARANTEE I'd beat the final boss with 1 lives 2 bombs on my first try.


    I don't know what to do at this point. Obviously I CAN clear this normally but I'm just SO fucking tired of it. Worth Touhou game in existence. I can CASUALLY beat PCB with any shot type with 5 lives left at the end but I can't beat this shit with 2 days of non stop playing. And the continues are absolutely worthless. If I can't beat a boss on my first try, how is starting over with just 2 lives gonna help? GIVE ME BACK THE LIVES I HAD WHEN I STARTED THE STAGE ORIGINALLY. If I had 5 lives when I started stage 6 then let me start it over with 5 lives. Simple.

    Anyway sorry, I just had to vent about this. I'm definitely done for today. Gonna think about whether I want to waste any more time on this trash tomorrow.

  9. 21 hours ago, ChickenEatingKing said:

    Like I said before, the percentage that the secret is at is too low to warrant 99% overall completion. Also, Beta testing may be the last stage but realistically it would put overall completion at about 90% rather than 99% since it takes a fairly long time to do.

    Beta testing isn't included in the overall completion just like it's not on the Reborn status bar. Considering that overall completion is at 100% now, the "Secret" bar might also not be included unless it's a really small feature and Jan is rounding up from 99.5% to 100%.

  10. 12 hours ago, seki108 said:

    I've heard SA is one of the harder games, at least for some.  Something about it being different; it's been a while since I actually looked at it.  


    I managed to beat the 5th stage boss after changing shot types. There's actually one where bombing gives you a shield which erases all the bullets on screen if you get hit. So I can just pop that and focus on dodging. You get half of the power back if you don't get hit.

    First 3 stages are stupidly hard for the first 3 stages but still doable without dying. 4th one is annoying as fuck but the boss is great and not too difficult. 5th one is long, hard, annoying and the boss is all of those x10. She has one spell card where a bunch of dolls follow you around and if you shoot them, they blow up into a ton of pellets which are rally hard to doge. And they respawn as soon as you kill them. I kept dying because I just stood in the middle shooting and bombing like a normal person not realizing that I was suppose to NOT shoot the dolls.

    So yea, you can end up with 6 lives by the end of the 3rd stage if you don't die and I usually have around 4.5-5 by the end of the 4th one. Then 1.5-2 by the end of the 5th. The final boss has spell card that aren't too difficult to doge but she takes almost no damage so they annoyingly last forever. I'll either have to time them out or go into tryhard mode and try to chase her around while releasing shift.

    I'll get it done eventually but I really don't like this game. The stages are just so stupid even though bosses 1,2,4 and 6 are decent. Every stage past the 3rd one has shots that are aimed at you that you have to dodge while other assholes are shooting a spread shot or something that constantly covers the screen so you have to dodge the aimed ones while navigating through the large one. And they all last SO LONG. So tedious and annoying.

    13 hours ago, seki108 said:

    Good luck in whichever one you do.  


    (also, I think you can double post on club threads............at least neither I or Lexi have gotten warnings about our daily threads in the 'music/video' section.........subtle advertising)


    Yea, thanks. I don't think they enforce the double posting rule even on the main forums if you just do it once or something. Still, it would be stupid if they enforced it here. Assuming they even read the club threads. I'm sure they'd love to hear me ramble about random Touhou stages. lol

  11. 2 hours ago, ShadeStrider said:

    Rune is Madelis.


    I am not one of the beta testers, so I can't know for sure. 


    This theory came about long before.


    Don't try and subvert expectations if it detracts from the narrative. I hate when filmmakers do that.

    Rune is Madelis.PNG

    If you are a beta tester, don't try and confirm this. That would count as a spoiler.


    Wasn't Madelis just at that shop where you buy a ribbon for Melia a little while ago? She could still be Rune but I don't see how "she's been missing".

  12. 2 hours ago, seki108 said:

    Congrats.  So I guess that means EoSD is through with?  Are you going to move on to MoF or SA now?

    Well I might want to beat her with Reimu next or Marisa B (Illusion Laser) but probably not right now. As for MoF, I'm done with the regular game and I probably won't try to do the Extra stage any time soon. Suwako is cute but I have no special desire to play it. Maybe if I'm just clearing all of them and I get to it. As for the next Extra stage I would want to do, it will probably be Koishi in SA and speaking of SA, how in the fuck can I beat Flan but I can't beat the stage 5 boss in SA after hours of trying???

    I almost did it once but she just randomly flew to the corner I was trying to auto collect in and killed me right before I collected the star which would have given me another life. Just wtf? She moves to the middle and then straight into the corner without even launching anything. It's the stage that's cancerous more than anything and bombs literally don't do shit. Used to be when you bomb, it clears the screen and makes you invincible for a few seconds. Now it clears 1 line in front of you and makes you invincible for 2 whole seconds after which there's bullets literally on your hit box so I have to bomb 3 times in a row just to clear 1 spell card.


    But yea that's probably next. I might also try to beat Mokou because that's the only Extra stage where I can play as Youmu (not counting 13 since I haven't played it yet). Although I'll probably want to beat 12 so I can play 13 but I think a break is in order after this achievement. If SA keeps pissing me off, this might be the perfect time for FMW. If not, I'll probably play it anyway after I clear SA.

    Oh and I saved the replay of course so I might upload it to YouTube if I ever figure out how to do that. I had 2 retard deaths where I randomly ran down into crystals even though absolutely nothing was threatening me. I also started panicking and derping at the last 2 spell cards but all the resources I saved up and some luck helped me clear it anyway. Feels fucking good!

  13. On 2/9/2018 at 9:31 PM, seki108 said:

    It looks like the right specs for the first game. Well, I'll still leave links to the 2-4 here for if/when you get to them if the links for 2 and 3 don't work on that site;  like most sites, they don't seem to have 4 posted, so you can least use that one.


    The other thread does include two links for gameplay help, if you need it.  The manual should cover the basics the game doesn't explain itself, at least for the first game.    Also, if dialogue suggests one character 'talk' to another at the start of a stage, move the relevant character next to the other and a "talk/convince" option should appear.  There are two 'talk' opportunities in the first game (one exclusive to Marisa route).


    I just beat Flan with Marisa A.

  14. Made almost no progress on SA and I still can't even beat the stage 5 boss so I got pissed and went back to Flan and I got her down to ONE BAR FUCK YEA!

    I actually made a ton of progress on the stage itself and now I can have 3 lives and 2-3 bombs or even 4 lives 0 bombs by the time I actually reach her. I still have no idea how to beat the spinning clock thing but around 1 death and 2 bombs is enough to brute force it and so managed to get to her 2nd to last spell card. The one where she disappears. I even had 2 bombs just chilling after getting to it. I need to somehow clear that and I think I can actually beat her last spell card or at least I should be able to with some practice.

    I guess literally 100s of repetitions is finally showing some results. Not on SA though. They won't even let me play the 5th stage in practice mode until I beat it first. If I could beat it, I wouldn't need to PRACTICE. Christ.


    Anyway, I'm wiped for the day so I'll decide how to proceed tomorrow.

  15. I got this pre patched version from Moriya Shrine https://moriyashrine.org/fan-games/rpg/fantasy-maiden-wars-series/

    Same place I get all my Touhou games. It says version 1.1.2 and they usually have everything ready to play so I'll probably be fine.

    2 hours ago, seki108 said:

    Thought it was three fighting games, but I probably just assumed.  She's also in Double Spoiler as a boss (Stage 8 or 9 I think). 

    Yea she's in it but that game is like Shoot the Bullet meaning she uses 4 spell cards with no dialogue and that's that. I don't like fighting games in general so I haven't touched those yet but I might have to eventually.

    Anyway, I just finished MoF with all shot types and I'm about to pass out so I'll probably continue with Subterranean Animism tomorrow and then FMW either when I beat that or need a break. I'll check out that page if I need any help.

  16. 1 hour ago, seki108 said:

    Have to give props to Fantasy Maiden Wars for their rendition of the situation, and the events before Flan becomes a playable character in the third game.


    Well that just pushed Fantasy Maiden Wars way up my list. I don't think she's overrated but she's really awesome from what I've seen. That design with the wings is also really iconic and really just marks Touhou in the eyes of many. I know she was the most memorable character for me before I started playing. Her and Remilia really.

    But holy shit that animation is awesome. Stuff like that is probably exactly why they keep her locked up. She says she's stronger than her sister but her power is way more destructive.

    There's also speculation about her wings, why she has Lævateinn and so much other shit Zun could do with her character.

    1 hour ago, seki108 said:

    I didn't ever see that Mystia was playable though.

    I literally just unlocked her. Pretty sure she's playable.


    2 hours ago, seki108 said:

    Koishi is definitely overrated because of official appearance overexposure. 

    Huh? She is also in literally nothing except the Extra stage and the 2 fighting games. I don't know about the print works but her situation seems pretty similar to Flan's from what I see. If you want an overrated character that is getting overexposure, turn your attention to Cirno.

    Anyway, I can't even get to the boss in Subterranean Animism yet so it will be a few days before I can encounter Koishi. No idea what her story is about yet so I can't comment on it. I did beat her sister though. They're both really cute.


    2 hours ago, seki108 said:

    Youmu is definitely a fun character see, with good themes.  If you want to see her animations (and hear her theme remixes) from Fantasy Maiden Wars, see below.


    Yea that seems about right. Apparently she can slash at 1/4 of the speed of light. I'd believe it considering she sometimes moves across the screen instantly from my perspective.

    Anyway, I have to beat MoF with 2 more shot types and then I'm either gonna finish TH09 or try to beat Subterranean Animism. I'm downloading Fantasy Maiden Wars right now so that's definitely next. Although I might do other things in between. Thanks for letting me know about it. The game seems very interesting.


  17. I only got into Touhou around a year ago although I've been familiar with it and liked some of the artwork for years. I beat EoSD, SoEW and PCB back when first I started then took a rather long break but now I'm absolutely addicted to the games and am playing at least something pretty much every day. I went back to TH09 today just because Youmu is in it and actually got fairly decent despite not liking that game at all. Now I've 1CCed it with 3 characters. Oh and I also played some STB and cleared 2/4 of Youmu's spell cards. That game is stupidly hard. The individual spell cards are way harder than even Flan but the problem there is that she uses 10 spell cards in a row and I only get 2-3 lives depending on how well I do on the stage.

    If I had 5 or so lives like I usually end up having by the time I reach a regular final boss, I'd have beaten Flan months ago.

    Anyway, Fantasy Maiden Wars sounds really interesting. I'll definitely check that out at some point.

    20 hours ago, seki108 said:

    I was planning on re-starting with either PCB  or IN, since I heard they were two of the easiest.

    They're both really good and both have Youmu in them so I can guarantee their quality. PCB is really easy if you use Sakuya and want to just spam bombs like a noob because she gets 4 for each life. IN is easier if you actually want to dodge things though. Especially the stage 5 boss (rabbit girl) is stupidly easy for a stage 5 boss. I think I like IN more overall but the Marisa/Alice team is bad IMO because that laser does zero damage. Reimu team is probably the easiest but I spammed Youmu/Yuyuko so much that I'm probably better with it at this point.

    So play either Sakuya on PCB or Reimu on IN would be my advice. Although the easiest Touhou game I've played so far would be TH04 which is Lotus Land Story. I 1CCed that on my first try with Marisa and it's the only game I've 1CCed on hard so far.

    21 hours ago, seki108 said:

    Yomu's good, but she's no Marisa or Mouku.  I have to admit, going by my votes in the 14th popularity poll, I'm definitely biased toward the SDM crew.  Both Meiling and Patchi got my votes there.   Zun bring Mima back.    


    Did you mean Fujiwara no Mokou? The immortal girl who keeps respawning? Nothing comes up for "Mouku" on the characters wiki. My only interaction with her was facing 2 of her spell cards just for fun. On that note, Flan has absolutely nothing other than being the Extra boss. Just wtf? So many forgettable characters and she's locked away in a mansion for 10 games. I mean even Mystia, Tewi and those 3 girls who guard the Netherworld gate get to be playable in TH09. Why???

    On the bright side it looks Youmu is playable in TH13 so I can look forward to that.


    Before I played IN (so including the long break), Remilia was my favouire character but I always liked Patchouli and Marisa too. Now Flan and Alice are somewhere up there but Youmu takes the crown. Both of her themes from PCB are also amazing. As she deserves of course. Check out this epic remix by Magnum Opus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKcMMIlEKfI Just wow.

    Marisa's still usually my favourite playable character though as long as she has her laser and Youmu isn't an option. There's also Koishi who's stupidly cute in the artwork but I haven't run into her yet. TH11 Extra boss apparently. Which just happens to be the next game on my list. I think it might play it tomorrow actually.


    I wonder if I've said Youmu enough times in this post. . .Blame Zun for making her so good.


  18. 19 hours ago, seki108 said:

    Welcome!  I'm not sure how I missed this when you first posted.  I swear one day I will actually sit down and complete a real Touhou game.  One time I got to Stage 5 (or maybe just near the end of stage 4) before my eyes started hurting.  It's been years and I have better glasses (and maybe more patience).

    lol that's pretty interesting. So I guess you just like the character designs or maybe the stories from the print works? If you're just starting out with the actual games, I recommend checking out Moedan which is a Touhou fangame meant to teach new players how to play. Also, when you're playing the main series games, play on normal no matter how tempting switching to easy might be because you'll never improve otherwise. My first one was Embodiment of Scarlet Devil. It took me like 2 weeks before I could 1CC it. But DAMN was it worth it when I finally did. I recommend either that or Perfect Cherry Blossom for your first one.


    Youmu is best girl but there's so many great characters in this universe. Flan, Remilia, Patchouli, Alice, Marisa. Man I love Touhou.

    Oh and since my last post I cleared TH02 and TH07 on normal with the remaining shot types and TH10 with Marisa's High Power Shot. Not sure whether I should move on to the next game or go get raped by Flan another 1000 times until I have a chance at beating her.

  19. Hello, I appreciate Touhou so I figured I'd join this club but whether I'm any good or not is suspect.

    Here are my current Touhou exploits:


    TH01 Cleared on normal. No way am I attempting 1CC on this.
    TH02 1CC normal with Reimu type B and all endings seen. Extra stage, got to the boss. I'm not even gonna think about attempting this. Hardest extra boss overall from what I've seen.
    TH03 Got to the boss but the fire mashing hurts my fingers. Terrible mechanics, I don't think I can play this.
    TH04 1CC hard with Homing Amulet and 1CC normal with all shots. Got 1CC normal on my first run with Illusion Laser actually. Easiest Touhou game so far. Got to the boss on Extra. Not very interested in trying to beat her.
    TH05 1CC normal with all characters. Got to the boss. It's Alice. . .I might actually attempt beating her some day.
    TH06 1CC normal with all shots. Got Flan down to 2 bars in Extra. Definitely want to try beating her. My favourite Touhou game so far.
    TH07 1CC normal with Sakuya homing shot, Marisa both shots, Reimu persuasion needle. Got to Ran in Extra.
    TH08 1CC normal with all teams. Single mode unlocked. Favourite team is definitely Youmu/Yuyuko. Got to the boss in Extra.
    TH09 I actually beat this with Youmu and then my game crashed right before the ending. I don't even care, this game is bad.

    Moedan Gold medals on all spell cards


    So yea, my current goals are are finishing PCB with the remaining 2 shot types, beating Flan in EoSD and overall improving. I've also played some MoF and STB.

  20. 1 minute ago, Wolfox said:

    please explain how I did, because I do not see it

    Not you, the other guy. That's why I told him to go fuck himself and told you to pound salt. See the difference?


    2 minutes ago, CrimsonDragon21 said:

    That's passive aggressive for all i know. You started it.


    If you want to talk about being passive aggressive, I could argue that Wolfox originally started that but I don't see any rule against it so I don't care at this point.


    2 minutes ago, Dragoknight said:

    End this now. If you have anything to discuss, in can be done so by pm.


    Yea, I'm gonna go talk to 5 people via pm now because you told me to.

    3 minutes ago, Sayia said:

    But you are disrespectful. So stop it. Please and thank you.


    I am. So are they. I don't hate you yet and I would stop but I can't at this point until I'm done.

  21. Just now, walpurgis said:

    honestly, piss off already

    we were discussing things relevant to the hurt and heal and you complained, but now here you are still arguing with a person that had already apologized and being straight up disrespectful

    Hahahahahaha yea and then he took it back. Go fuck yourself.

  22. 41 minutes ago, Wolfox said:

    if you get "Piss Off" from "If you don't like it maybe you shouldn't play" then I believe I might have to take my apology back. while I never meant saying that I never said anything that could be taken as "Piss Off" without twisting some words mentally

    Go pound salt.

  23. 2 hours ago, Wolfox said:

    if that is how I came over I have to apologize as that was never my intention. I was trying to bring my point of view across while explaining why it was how I saw it like that. I never said I was good with words. Sorry that I overstepped my boundaries

    I was just annoyed but don't worry about it. Apology accepted.



    Absolutely unnecessary. Your comment was fine otherwise I would have called it out. I have no issue with people simply disagreeing with me.



    Ohhhh, now I remember you. I don't know whether I should gloat about being right last time, ignore you and move on, or respond to what you just wrote.

    Nah, it's pretty obvious I'm gonna respond either way.

    43 minutes ago, Jess said:

    I didn't see where @Wolfox told you to piss off.

    Jesus Christ. Obviously he didn't use those exact words but that's what I got from his posts. I don't like pussyfooting around things like this. If I think somebody is trying to insult me while sitting on their high horse and hiding behind nice words, I'm gonna call them out and figure out what's going on. I have no interest in playing these little words games.


    55 minutes ago, Jess said:

    I've argued with you before and I have come to the conclusion that you get quite opinionated and hot-tempered when people don't share your opinion

    Oh yea, that's an understatement. 9 years on the YouTube comment section will do that to you. But I guess that's not where I am so fine, I'll try to keep it civil. Maybe I can just insult people by using sarcasm or something. No promises though.


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