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Everything posted by KingRyan

  1. Life Update: Just got done cleaning my fucking pit of an apt bathroom, now i just gotta wait for the vim and the toilet bowl cleaner to set, then clean and put up the new shower curtain. Also, uranium has been proving enjoyable, and a bit less laggy.

  2. Maria and her damn yawning cats.

    1. Hect


      Get a Barewl, sit through it.

  3. I am loving uranium, but godDAMN is it laggy

    1. AuthorReborn


      Everyone seems to be sharing this sentiment, but I am experiencing no difficulties. I wonder what the difference is?

    2. Hect


      It's laggy in some spots, but that's about it for me.. and it's not like significant, it's just a minor framerate drop that occurs in a few tiles, mostly between cities and routes.

    3. Twilightwing


      I have yet to experience lag

  4. not gonna lie, i love the soldier 76 is dad and mercy is mom shit.

  5. Finally all moved into my new pad.

  6. SO, i read on the pokemon uranium twitter that they won't be providing any official download, but that they cant regulate people passing around save files and what not. How do i get one?

    1. Combat


      I just typed in Pokemon Uranium download and got results, so that's where I'd start. I didn't actually use any of them since I'm not intrested in Fakemon, so I can't say if they're real or not though.

    2. Hexagoen


      (also ask around here, there might be some people... More in the know than others about this sort of dealio. (pm only though)

    3. AuthorReborn
  7. Please point out any discrepancies i may have in this question that make me look stupid, but is there any way to incorporate pokemon uranium's new mons into reborn? Would that be a thing that could possible happen? And speaking of new mons how and when would gen 7 mons and mechanics get added?

    1. mde2001


      Gen 7 will be implemented slowly, but only fully added in the last episode. Uranium mons would have to be done in a user mod as they wouldn't be added.

    2. Hect


      I'm pretty sure that it would be possible, but don't quote me on that.

      I doubt that it's actually going to happen, since you have to resize all the sprites, get permission.. blah, blah.. blah.

      I guess someone who's involved into the development of a Pokémon fangame can probably explain it better.

    3. KingRyan


      Definitely makes sense. I just ask because i feel really bad that uranium got shut down by nintendo after so much time and effort went into it. Which makes me ask, why hasn't reborn been targeted yet?


  9. Drinking a smoothy that has faint hints of saw dust.....

    1. 5hift


      I'm a termite, that sounds delicious.

  10. Legion is still pretty hype.

    1. NickCrash


      I read 'religion' for some reason and was trying hard to understand...

  11. Pootispenser here. nope. Yes. no. Yes. Le No.....A SPY

    1. Combat


      The Heavy is a spy!

  12. I think that's enough legion for today. especially considering that the DDoS attacks are starting.

  13. why is mercy so pretty and likeable?

  14. I got a spare cenarius last night! so i made malygos and finished my miracle rogue deck. It features: Edwin Vancleef, Xaril, thalnos, Barnes, Emperor Thaurrisan, and Malygos. It uses malygos as a combo finisher. Thoughts?

    1. KingRyan


      Finishing this deck makes me eager for the new rogue hero, i'm betting it will be garona half-orcen or maiev shadowsong

    2. Eviora


      I have a rogue deck, too, but it isn't miracle. It's a C'Thun, N'Zoth, and Reno deck, and it's one of the most enjoyable I've ever played, though not the best. But miracle can be fun, too!

    3. Anstane


      Looks like a pretty standard Barnes MalyGod deck to me based on the minions. Should work, though don't rely on Barnes/Malygos too much.

  15. Soon. >.>....<.<......https://www.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fmedia.blizzard.com%2Fwow%2Flegion-6a153ad2%2Fimages%2Fheader-illidan-still.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fbattle.net%2Fwow%2Flegion%2F&docid=qxiB5PzSG7bMmM&tbnid=SvXfS74UMUEb6M%3A&w=2560&h=1000&client=safari&bih=712&biw=1280&ved=0ahUKEwjJiJvXj-fOAhWBqh4KHf1uDYsQMwgzKAAwAA&iact=mrc&uact=8

    1. Alex


      das a big link

  16. Wizard! Reveal yourself! Capootis Diabolis!!!

  17. New Hearthstone Rogue Hero. Garona Half-Orcen or Maiev Shadowsong? Vote Now! or if you think it should be anyone else, speak up!

  18. Why do i hate priests? (hearthstone) they fuckin twist your own dagger-in-arm and stab you in the back with your own tactic

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      They are entriely awful though so I'm surprised you've seen any.

    3. Shadow Tack

      Shadow Tack

      because you're playing heathstone, thus you hate everything

    4. Anstane


      :( I like playing Priest. It's so satisfying destroying your opponent's board with their own Lightning Storm.
  19. Why does league of legends need advertising?

    1. Shamitako


      Everything needs advertising

  20. Yo fam, i just made a new thing on my profile i call brain melt. If you love staring at art and awe, i would give it a look. i plan on expanding it more but this is as much as i could piece together in like 10 minutes b4 i go to sleep.

  21. So i have until 1pm on monday to farm up 500 crypto keys for the triple play. Cracks Knuckles. Time for a good sleep, then it's grind time all day tmw.

  22. Is there any possibility that we could have a twitch plays pokemon cameo boss battle in reborn? Maybe somewhere in the materrix, like as an easter egg thing once it is available to explore again? Like one is red with an omanyte, a pidgeot, a zapdos, a nidoking, a lapras and a venomoth, and then there could be silver with a feraligatr, a steelix, an espeon, a dragonite, a raticate and a pidgeot.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Amethyst


      none taken. but for a dead meme, i think TPP already occupies plenty of space.

    3. KingRyan
    4. Hect


      I think there's a trainer using a Charmeleon somewhere.. and he mentions something about the Helix thingy when you defeat him. I never cared about TPP, but I got that reference.

  23. Can anyone list all of the possible field moves in pokemon reborn? Or is there a forum for it? Also, can zekrom does rock climb?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Hect


      Oww, well, if that's the case, then this thread should help you.. probably:


    3. KingRyan


      Amanojaku got it right.

    4. Hect


      Mwah, can't be bothered to read every little detail at 5 AM, just wanted to help. :P

  24. Can anyone list all of the possible field moves in pokemon go? Or is there a forum for it? Also, can zekrom does rock climb?

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