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Status Updates posted by dragoniteborntacoz

  1. Best part of the holiday season is getting to see friends that were away at college again

  2. winter is coming tomorrow

  3. no wonder so many nerds like waifus over real girls waifus are impressed by bejeweled and mahjong *sigh in disbelief*

  4. So I figured out how to turn safe search on on my phone... Now I'm getting DIFFERENT inappropriate images then before thanks google

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      *does his best Fry impression* Not sure if Google has a crappy filter... or the internet's just a horrible place.

  5. So yesterday there was rain snow hail and high winds all through out the day and today it's supposed to be warm and sunny...Michigan why mush you be so bypoler with your weather?

  6. So how the weather where you all are? Here it's cold one day and the hot the next

    1. BlueMoonIceCream


      It's always cold where I am, even when it's warm it's cold

    2. Hiroki Tatsumi

      Hiroki Tatsumi

      I should be cold, but it's hot. :/

    3. Hutch333


      Weather here has been stormy. But i seem to be the only person who likes cloudy weather. Clouds but no rain.

  7. So how the weather where you all are? Here it's cold one day and the hot the next

  8. Note to self: never look up splatoon on google images without safe search

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. foovy10


      i dont see any of that (note i didnt read what u said about the porn before i searched)

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Chiiiiiiill it's a joke lol.

    4. Grizzlybrand


      So i guess you went in without an...inkling of knowledge?

  9. i hate chatots so much

    1. zimvader42


      Chatter, boomburst, heat wave, HP fighting, NASTY PLOT... there's a reason why I nickname all my chatots "Evil"

  10. youtube needs to learn the difference between anime and abridged series with the difference being i want to watch abridged series not animu

  11. Next time someone say "what would Jesus do" flip a table because Jesus did do that

    1. KingRyan


      what verse tho? it would really help in the spur of the moment

    2. dragoniteborntacoz


      I don't remember what verse

      All I know is he walked into a temple and saw people disrespecting it by setting up shops so he flipped tables

    3. dragoniteborntacoz


      Ok I looked it up it's Matthew 21:12

  12. Ok the heck is an undertale

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Grizzlybrand


      It's a game that's gotten extremely popular, has an earthbound kinda feel of Really cute but lowkey fucked up until it gets really fucked up.

    3. Grizzlybrand


      It's a game that's all about getting as much as you put into it.

    4. dragoniteborntacoz


      ive just seen so many people excited about it here and ive never even heard of it before

  13. A weekly swing dance event is one of the only times I get to see my friends and none of them are here this week...sad face

    1. Grizzlybrand


      So i guess this time none of your pals...Swung by? -ba dum tshh-

    2. dragoniteborntacoz


      I applaud the pun

      However after I posted this one of my friends (who doesn't get to go very often) showed up

      And unlike the male nerds who didn't show up this friend is a girl so I can actually dance tonight

  14. I really wish I could do my job while continually hugging someone it would make my job a lot warmer

    1. Sutoratosu


      or... you could just invest in a good Parka

    2. dragoniteborntacoz


      Yes but hugs are so much better

      Also I have a better coat but the weather is at a point where it's too warm with that coat and too cold with my jacket

  15. anyone know what this forums timezone is? on the RWBY topic it says the last post was made by me yesterday but i made that post today and tomorrows still 3 and a half hours away for me

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sheep


      It should be set to your time zone. Mine is anyway. Have you been messing around with the date on your computer?

    3. dragoniteborntacoz


      i do mess with the date when im manipulating the weather in reborn so that might be it

    4. Solarance
  16. i love seeing how little i know about current trends

    1. Shing
    2. TimTim


      Dont need to know, cool people set their own trends

  17. when you find out dr eggman was in a porn

    1. Rot8er_ConeX


      Everything's been in a porn...everything...even a head of lettuce.

    2. dragoniteborntacoz


      i mean his voice actor was in a henti

  18. If swearing is just a normal part of your vocabulary that's fine but don't swear just to sound cool because it's not and others can tell when your faking it so you sound even more dumb

  19. Hello everyone <---I spelled that with my nose on my phone with only one mistake

  20. Butts make great ass-ets to the body

    1. zimvader42


      There's an obvious pun here involving assassins but I'm failing to come up with it.

    2. Hexagoen
    3. dragoniteborntacoz


      dont worry zim im sure you will get to the bottom of this

  21. If I ever get a girlfriend I'm going to be creative with my gifts to her instead of a bunch of flowers I'll get her a bag of flour

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Flux


      And if you marry her, her ring will just have a rock on it.

    3. BlueMoonIceCream


      Make sure the rock is huge though

    4. dragoniteborntacoz


      Nah the ring will be paper because paper beats rock

      But no scizzors or else she won't be able to run with her ring on

  22. If I ever get a girlfriend I'm going to be creative with my gifts to her instead of a bunch of flowers I'll get her a bag of flour

  23. i always hear people say how they cant get used to WASD controls on a PC and that they need a controller is there anyone else like me who started on a PC and has problems using controllers?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Etesian


      I startes witg controllers and prefer keyboards. It's more comfy for me and I just despise analog sticks.

    3. Cyaloom


      I'm in the same boat actually. I can't play with controllers at all!

    4. dragoniteborntacoz


      ahh zim that was very humerus

  24. I don't watch anime so correct me if I'm wrong but one punch man wouldn't be able to kill a pokemon with sturdy right

    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. dragoniteborntacoz


      Well I don't like it because I pefer battles won with skill like in RvB not just a guy RKOing out of everywhere

      I question things I don't care for for a few reasons

      1: I try to give things the benefit of the doute and try them so I ask questions

      2: Imy mind makes connections very easily even if there isn't one but I need to be satisfied with my thoughts

      3: most my friends are otakus so I have learned to ask questions just so I can be part of the conversation

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I'm not saying there is anything wrong, just asking. Tis' strange to me. I'm jsut not wired the same as you therefore it doesn;t make sense. ((I get it now that you've said as much lol.)), but yea I can see that, but the OPM, is sorta supposed to be that way in that it makes light of how these things work. ((p.s. I get explaining it won't probably change shiiiiiiiit, but eh I migth as well try a bit lol.))

    4. BlueMoonIceCream


      Wow, this blew up quite a lot more than I was expecting, but at the same time I'm not surprised

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