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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Rawr-Ma-Ama

  1. I want Mega-Gardevoir and Mega-Gallade, but I guess those will come a bit later than others. I think we should get Mega Bird-Jesus, Mega Heracross or Mega-Banette, they all have a few issues and aren´t that great because of it. If we get Magikarp in a future far away, we should also get Mega-Gyarados soon after that, because it really isn´t that good (Am I the only one who thinks Water/Dragon would be better? It´d have only two weaknesses.)
  2. Not so sure if I´m doin´ it right. Anyway, here are two more concepts for froslass as alternative to the black one:
  3. Banned for enjoying banning
  4. I´m probably the only one who´d be ok with a little evasion hax in the desert. I mean it´s a desert afterall, and there are some ways to hit something despite the high evasion (Though online I´ll scream insults inside of my head ^^)
  5. GATSU! Most badass hero ever, now as cute chibi (bonus for showing a happy Guts, which is nice) 10/10
  6. I know this mask represents guy fawkes and is used in the chanology movement and in that V for Vendetta movie, but at the same time, I always think of /b/tards when I see it. Damn you for ninja´ing me Kamina doesn´t care about wether it´s impossible or not.
  7. And one day I shall find the most kawaii gif ever.
  8. Anyway, I´ll throw in my Luxray-family now: Made the darkest blood a bit less colourful and made the darker and brighter parts match a little better. So you mean just like the regular froslass, only the blue part changed into something whiter?
  9. Still got that concept on my pc, luckily. I deleted the file from my attachments because space. You mean that one? I could change the colours of course, maybe make the purple parts scarlet or something, and the froslass itself whiter, if that´s possible. Oh, and as reference to my previous post: Here´s the black Froslass:
  10. Sorry for my lazyness, but somehow I gotta use that time without school. Anyway, here´s my fixed Magnezone: By the way, is Froslass done yet or does anyone have any other ideas? I think it should stay black, because Glalie is black as well, so it´s cool, because both normal formes used to be white. Rhyperior, male and female:
  11. The power of Yaoi is stronger
  12. I HAVE THE POWER! Who else has power? Nickcrash, you?
  13. DAT FACE It´s like it´s saying "Bend over and get ready" 10/10
  14. Banned for no reason at all.
  15. Actually, maybe we don´t have to. If we go down the cascade, we might end up in Reborn City and then we can just exit through the desert gate. I´d like to know how we could get into Labradorra via desert, though. Either there is something in the desert tower or we could use one of those two caves (most likely the sugiline cave) to get to the town. Though it´d make sense if there was a PULSE that causes sleep to protect the PULSE-Mime, it´d make more sense if the PULSE was in the barrier, as you said it. Guess we´ll have to infiltrate a meteor-infested town then?
  16. I hope we won´t get any legendaries until we beat the champion. Pseudo-Legendaries would depend on the pokemon, I guess. Garchomp and Dragonite should be very late though. If there are any legendaries earlier, the leaders in their rematches and meteor-bosses should have them in their best teams.
  17. I really love that remix. Feels really like something that´d go well with a desert. The desert will probably be the place for a gym-battle against Titania I think, but then again it´d be perfect for a battle against Solaris. I mean we haven´t seen his whole team, but so far it looked like something that would have an advantage in a sandstorm and a desert-field. The meteors are probably behind the derailing trains and the destroyed tracks. Gible will probably be obtainable there, but as many others said here: Endgame. Probably with Rock Climb or something. Either that or it´ll be in an area you can access only after completing the game, because we can´t have nice things. I really hope the desert will be a big area, not just small passageways or something. For all I care it can be a pain in the ass with difficult wild pokemon, Excadrill and Sandslash with Sand Rush everywhere so you can´t run. I mean it´s supposed to be a desert, and as that old man at the gate said, not a place for humans.
  18. Whoops, I tend to forget. Xe is non-binary, yeah ^^
  19. This and a few post-game battles with neckbreaking-difficulty.
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