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Reborn Development Blog

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Status Replies posted by Rawr-Ma-Ama

  1. geeettttttt dunked on!!!

  2. Give me sleep or give me death!!!

  3. why can't i has all the good exotics and legendaries now?

  4. why can't i has all the good exotics and legendaries now?

  5. Why so serious?

  6. And his name is...JOHN CENA!

  7. It's always impressive how long TVTropes can keep you prisoner.

  8. What are your thoughts on Triple/Rotation Battles?

  9. So I've been playing Dragon Ball Xenoverse lately and I thought of something: what happened to Frieza's army after he died?

  10. Let's face it, He-man's powers were in those lucious locks. Unfortunately, Skeletor doesn't know the wonders of loreal, because he's worth it.

  11. I thought we could only have 6 Pokemon, Why does Nyu have so many freaking Pikachu?

  12. Why people seem to dislike delphox so much?

    1. Rawr-Ma-Ama


      I don´t dislike Delphox, I think it´s pretty cool. Though I like Braixen a bit more. The kalos starter I don´t like is Greninja, even though everyone else thinks its so cool.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  13. So I'm back again. (Bloody exams :( )

  14. i can be ur ghandi from civ 5 in bed ;)

  15. I got AZ's Floette in a Random Battle O.o

  16. wake up sheeple.. obamo was lizerd men illuminati whole time

  17. I'm so close I can almost taste it! >:3

  18. Name a pokemon that has a base speed equal to your reputation points

    1. Rawr-Ma-Ama


      I have none... No Pokémon with 117 speed.


    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  19. how am play boat waifu simulator aka kancolle

  20. Lol look at this loser. http://prntscr.com/62sc4a

    1. Rawr-Ma-Ama


      Just my ´lil rant here, but I see Reborn as a great game which sets the bar for new Pokémon fangames yet to come and it inspired me to start making my own game as well. Reborn´s plot has some mean cliffhangers, tho.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  21. Lol look at this loser. http://prntscr.com/62sc4a

    1. Rawr-Ma-Ama


      Field effects are there, but I don´t call this fucking the game-mechanics, I call it pleasuring them. Shofu doesn´t even have to play it, he just wants to.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  22. Lol look at this loser. http://prntscr.com/62sc4a

    1. Rawr-Ma-Ama


      Bad troll. 0/10. Either that or apparently someone has no idea how difficult it is to make a Pokémon game. Pokémon Reborn is a well made game, even if there are bugs. Hell, every game has bugs and oversights. That´s why we should report them.

      Plot sucks? Skip the dialogue. Fuck with game mechanics? Not really.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

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