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Ojama Yellow

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Ojama Yellow last won the day on January 17 2020

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  1. Mn7iLEi.png


    its ojama time.

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    2. Wolfox


      he's not my favorite, but he's up there for the GX era (granted most GX character had wasted potential (like Zane), so seeing someone get character development at all (that's not Jaden) usually makes them a decent character in that series. Would love to see Zane Truesdale, aka Hell Kaiser, get into duel Links tho. may his Cyber Dragons rule

    3. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      jaden had like zero character development tbh. only really in the yubel arc. maybe a little after losing to aster but other than that nothing.


      the only characters in gx that I saw with real character development were chazz, syrus, and to a lesser extent aster. the other were...really disappointing. to say in the least.


      zane was p interesting but really the only thing that balanced jaden out in s1.

    4. Wolfox


      Yeah... it took Jaden to season 3 to really get character development started, and it finished at the end of season 4. and that being some of the most character development in the show shows how much they forgot about it

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