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Ojama Yellow

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Ojama Yellow last won the day on January 17 2020

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  1. HbOu3aw.png


    probably this will be as high as I will be reaching this season. not too bad given I started out somewhere half from rookie 1. thank you aliens.

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    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      ya. switched around the build a bit, going balance with eight monsters, six spells and six traps. three warriors and two kids are my core monsters. kid has become more valuable than telepath in the current meta imo. I even thought about running three kids and two warriors for a while. other than that, two overlord and one telepath. telepath isnt bad, but given im running balance the deck bricks quite hard if telepath happens to be my only monster in first hand without recomb.


      for traps I just went with three powerful rebirths and three brainwashing beams. I initially dismissed the latter as kind of bad, but again, in the current meta (where alien cannot defeat yubel any other way), nothing feels better than stealing their terror incarnate or ancient gear reactor dragon and subsequently swinging for game. even managed to steal an ancient gear ultimate golem from a guy attempting to go all in turn 3 too. poor guy.


      spells is obviously three copies of the recomb device. its the core card of the deck, there is literally no reason to not run it three times. other than that, two econs because econ, and a mysterious triangle that allowed me some otks but also made me brick at times. substituting it with cosmic cyclone or forbidden chalice could have been an option but I was iffy about those.

    3. seki108


      I haven't really tried Aliens since the middle of the Fur Hire invasion  (even then Kid became an absolute must), so I'm glad they can still be used decently.  I might have to try them some next season, even though I was waiting for Amonite to come before returning to them.......who knows when that squishy boi will drop though.  

    4. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      the rise of six sams may hurt them though. aliens are very reliant on spell/trap combos, so the best thing you probably can do against them is steal their monsters before they can bring out shi en.

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