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Sylvan Nephilim

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Status Updates posted by Sylvan Nephilim

  1. Why is Rhydon better than Golem?

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      He is bulkier by a little. I think Rhydon also has a slightly better movepool (but not sure on that 100% )

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Otherwise really not that much better, they both have nice desgins (I still not sure why Golem evolves from Graveler, it is kinda weird imo, but I can't say he is bad looking lol).

    3. Sylvan Nephilim

      Sylvan Nephilim

      Yea. It's kind of weird that Rhydon is better than Golem, since Rhydon has only evolved once but Golem has evolved twice.

  2. Mirror first, then Subdivision Surface, then Edge Split. And don't forget to add Mean Creases.

    1. Sylvan Nephilim

      Sylvan Nephilim

      For Smooth Shading.

  3. Blaziken is a combination of Blaze and Chicken.

    1. Chevaleresse


      And Cloyster is a combination of Oyster and, uh, Cloister.

  4. I'm at Southern Island, and I'm the only Latios there. Everyone else is either a Latias or an Egg.

  5. I wonder if the greater Toronto area is looking forward to "Ford" more years.

    1. Shanco


      I'm fine with him. He's done a lot more than people say, and the city needs to look beyond what the media feeds them.

  6. Help, I've Tumblr'd and I can't get back up!

    1. Gyaradoskiller


      Too bad. What's your Tumblr anyway?

    2. Skeleton



  7. Roses are red, violets are blue, you're pretty cool, I love you. ♥

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Diana
    3. Magus


      Roses are red

      so is the stat

      Let us be comrades

      Because you are great.

    4. Maelstrom


      Don't say you love me, you don't eve know me

  8. Playing support sucks because you get to watch a bunch of people act like idiots and die while the game slowly snowballs to an unrecoverable point.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. The Radiant Aeon

      The Radiant Aeon

      Thing about support-

      Don't unless you are patient. I'm not cut to be support main =P

    3. Neo


      If you don't think that you can carry from the position, you're doing it wrong. I've had plenty of ADCs attempt to feed, and I dragged their dumbass along with my top laner to the enemy nexus kicking and screaming. It's all about what you do when the chips are down.

    4. Amethyst


      Yasuo's crits already do reduced damage.

  9. Sweet+Savoury KFC? There is nothing sweet or savoury about the rotting carcass of a chicken twisted and crushed with cruelty. There is nothing delicious about bloodmouth carnist food. How does it feel knowing your stomach is a graveyard?

  10. I know that the human being and fish can coexist peacefully.

  11. Obey the laws here on Manaan, human.

  12. Hot Red Pepper Jelly

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