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Reborn Development Blog

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Status Updates posted by Lits

  1. First Battle with the new pokemon and this happens http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen7ou-491549604

  2. http://prntscr.com/cma1xd <<< I'm so bad at dis gaem send halp
  3. http://prnt.sc/cg6nj8 <<< Did I get a shiny cresselia in random? And does it happen often?
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      It's shiny. Normally Cresselia has a blue and yellow body with pink rings.

    3. krim


      It's shiny. And getting shinies in random battles is rare but I don't think it's nearly as rare as the actual shiny chance.

    4. Lits


      Weird, My friends keep saying I'm a walking cheat code cause I usually get shinies or just OP teams in random battles

  4. Mob Psycho 100, just what I expect from the creator of One Punch Man. decent comedy and story

  5. Random League lobby with arcana rush and Arkhidon

  6. Holy Shit, RE:Zero is way too hype right now

  7. Changed my name on DevPro to FunnyValentine

  8. "Killer Queen has already touched that doorknob"
  9. Feels bad having to bury a very sweet and faithful dog. What a Terrible day for rain.

    1. BlueMoonIceCream


      I know that feeling. As long as the dog had a happy life that's all that matters

    2. Red_Chaos


      its sucks, buried one about 3 weeks ago

    3. doombotmecha


      lost 2 cats the a few weeks ago, my condlences

  10. How to deal with seeing ghosts: Claim you're just seeing someone elses Stand ability

  11. I'm so salty at the new YGO banlist

    1. Shadow Roxas

      Shadow Roxas

      Because of the Kozmo strike?

  12. I finally learned today what Bibs is: the name of an enemy stand.

    1. Ojama Yellow
    2. Cobalt996


      It stands for every meme he's breathed, and every Pokemon hack he's played.

      And Order & Chaos

    3. SilverJakler
  13. http://prnt.sc/c5siwl "Lits is a walking hack" "Man is a living cheat code" "Lits is literally RNJesus" -my friends
  14. Second playthrough on reborn, and I just LOVE the theme that plays when you enter ametrine city, its so good. Need more themes like this in my opinion.

  15. I have a gripe about one for all on league, they removed the interaction between ziggs and his satchel charge affecting over ziggs on the map. I loved to bounce my teammates into the enemy base or baron pit then aggro it. Good Times.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Amethyst


      and here we see why it was removed..

    3. Shamitako


      Aww, but interactions between champ abilities that effect themselves are fun

      Like mass-healing Illaoi

    4. Felicity


      and playing with syndras balls

  16. Go to 13:09, and hopefully you laugh when it happens, ends at 13:22
  17. ITS BACK! Why did I just now find out about this?! It's Mahvel time baby
  18. make crobat use brave bird, and as its rising then proceeds to swoop, yell "I am the night!"

    1. Combat


      I named my Brobat Crobat-Man. Take that fantasy game!

  19. http://prnt.sc/byn8c8 Started a new game in reborn, Didn't even try for it either.
  20. Dude, RE:Zero is insane

  21. What a beautiful Dunkong
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