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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Status Replies posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. So, I did some thinking. And the conculsion I came to is that there is one thing that I absolutely can not stand: False Hope. Like, if you're gonna let someone down with one thing or another, why first build up the hope that you might not let them down? It only increases the hit that the letting down in the first place!

  2. So, I did some thinking. And the conculsion I came to is that there is one thing that I absolutely can not stand: False Hope. Like, if you're gonna let someone down with one thing or another, why first build up the hope that you might not let them down? It only increases the hit that the letting down in the first place!

  3. Since you've been posting Jojo so much, I'll show you the closest thing Touhou has to a Stand user, Ichirin,  and a Stand, Unzan.    Technically, they are their own beings and are partners, but the Stand comparisons can be made.


    Posted the FMW version for best comparison (and the original game stage, though it doesn't illustrate the comparison quite as well).







    Fun fact, Zun (Touhou's creator) only made Ichirin so Unzan (the actual boss of the stage) would have a normal hitbox.  Really turns the Stand comparison around there.  Unzan is also one of the only two male Touhou characters with any relevance (and even his isn't much).

  4. Since you've been posting Jojo so much, I'll show you the closest thing Touhou has to a Stand user, Ichirin,  and a Stand, Unzan.    Technically, they are their own beings and are partners, but the Stand comparisons can be made.


    Posted the FMW version for best comparison (and the original game stage, though it doesn't illustrate the comparison quite as well).







    Fun fact, Zun (Touhou's creator) only made Ichirin so Unzan (the actual boss of the stage) would have a normal hitbox.  Really turns the Stand comparison around there.  Unzan is also one of the only two male Touhou characters with any relevance (and even his isn't much).

  5. Since you've been posting Jojo so much, I'll show you the closest thing Touhou has to a Stand user, Ichirin,  and a Stand, Unzan.    Technically, they are their own beings and are partners, but the Stand comparisons can be made.


    Posted the FMW version for best comparison (and the original game stage, though it doesn't illustrate the comparison quite as well).







    Fun fact, Zun (Touhou's creator) only made Ichirin so Unzan (the actual boss of the stage) would have a normal hitbox.  Really turns the Stand comparison around there.  Unzan is also one of the only two male Touhou characters with any relevance (and even his isn't much).

  6. So I didn't know Initial D when I watched Lucky Star.



  7. So I didn't know Initial D when I watched Lucky Star.



  8. So I didn't know Initial D when I watched Lucky Star.



  9. Why people hate Ash-Greninja? Is it because of the design or because the concept of trainer-Pokemon sync is bad?

  10. Can I ask the ignorant question of where your profile pic is from?

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      l'm just lazy and usually have a browser up so it's only really for convienance.

    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  11. Can I ask the ignorant question of where your profile pic is from?

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      mine lazylist is... about 400? and that's just vids l click like too on Youtube.

    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  12. Can I ask the ignorant question of where your profile pic is from?

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      XD a challenge as in to post more music and make it really a playist.  ((l got a few odd 100 songs)) :P

    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  13. Can I ask the ignorant question of where your profile pic is from?

  14. Would someone explain to me how people can hate Incineroar only because it walks on 2 legs? Like, they don't use it, they don't look into the lore behind it or anything. And for what reason? "It's another Bipedal Fire Starter and those SUCK!"

  15. For whoever gave me Rep 70... thank you. my rep's been sitting on 69 for like... a week now and it was buggin' me.

    ~~probably was @seki108~~

  16. Here's something that few who're here might remember:

    When I joined the forums here I was 16 years old. And let's just say that I was not the brightest... While I dont think you can see it anymore, my first status update was "Heracross". Why Heracross? Because I though the status bar was the search bar...

  17. Here's something that few who're here might remember:

    When I joined the forums here I was 16 years old. And let's just say that I was not the brightest... While I dont think you can see it anymore, my first status update was "Heracross". Why Heracross? Because I though the status bar was the search bar...

  18. Would someone explain to me how people can hate Incineroar only because it walks on 2 legs? Like, they don't use it, they don't look into the lore behind it or anything. And for what reason? "It's another Bipedal Fire Starter and those SUCK!"

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      lt's not that too many are it that's most of them are pretty much in a row. ((cause all 3 Fire/Fight are and lnfernape while capable of mixed is still pretty similar to the others just having a bit better a time using special.))

      There was the break of Delphox, which was definitely a much needed change of pace. But going right back to a similar concept probably just reintroduces the fatigue of it to some. ~~cause even if dark it's still, thematically, in a similar area as a fighting type.~~

      ls it good reason? *shrugs* but people are allowed to dislike things, so called bad reasons or not. 

    2. (See 37 other replies to this status update)

  19. *Groan* Why is attaining a female Popplio so difficult? I've had no luck for an hour now....

  20. Would someone explain to me how people can hate Incineroar only because it walks on 2 legs? Like, they don't use it, they don't look into the lore behind it or anything. And for what reason? "It's another Bipedal Fire Starter and those SUCK!"

  21. Would someone explain to me how people can hate Incineroar only because it walks on 2 legs? Like, they don't use it, they don't look into the lore behind it or anything. And for what reason? "It's another Bipedal Fire Starter and those SUCK!"

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      ye people were a bit overly salt about the "Fire/Fighting" bait and switch. And while l'll admit l'm really not a fan of it's design... lt's not really too do with the fact it's bipedal.

      l dunno l just l couldn't put my finger on why l dislike it.

    2. (See 37 other replies to this status update)

  22. *Groan* Why is attaining a female Popplio so difficult? I've had no luck for an hour now....

  23. Can I ask the ignorant question of where your profile pic is from?

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Ah, here's the Demetori piece l was looking for.~



      Another fav of mine, CROW'SCLAW, they do alot of solid metal stuff as well. ~~apologies if l post Luna Dial a lot it just translates to Metal REALLY WELL.~~ The seond song is also their version of Strawberry Crisis.




      another metaly/rocky version Luna Dial ((l'm sorry okay? ;~;)) this time from the Circle, S.H.O ((don't remember what that stand for but... S.H.O is how you'll find them anyway.))



      and no problem Seki~

    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  24. Can I ask the ignorant question of where your profile pic is from?

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      most of the stuff l listen to is stuff from Demetori ((metal/heavy rock circle.)) l'd have to really dig through my playlist though to get to it.

      Also, this one's not Demetori but one of my favs.




    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  25. Can I ask the ignorant question of where your profile pic is from?

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      @seki108 l tried mang ;~; 

      but ye Touhou's not much in my wheelhouse l jsut know bits from friends and l listen to the music ((msotly remixes etc...)) and that's about it XD

    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

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