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Status Replies posted by pbood2

  1. Thank you guys so much for sticking with me through the final case! It was a ton of fun!

  2. Thank you guys so much for sticking with me through the final case! It was a ton of fun!

  3. Too much boredom in work..pffff

  4. Thanks once again for joining! Tomorrow at 4PM my time (10 am EST) we'll start on the second half of the case and hopefully get it wrapped up that evening as well, so hope to see you guys there again!

  5. Suggestion!! Start writing down everything good that happens to you and store them in a little box or container!! Then you can open it whenever and reminisce whenever you're down!!

  6. Suggestion!! Start writing down everything good that happens to you and store them in a little box or container!! Then you can open it whenever and reminisce whenever you're down!!

  7. Thanks everyone for joining the stream! (and suffering with me through my buttclench worthy playthrough of the 5th case of AA)

  8. Okay since I have mistaken sexualities quite often recently, if I assume you are straight when you are not, my bad but I'm trying to be safe by assuming you are straight unless I learn you are not. Just a heads up for the future. :) Thanks and have a great night

  9. Okay since I have mistaken sexualities quite often recently, if I assume you are straight when you are not, my bad but I'm trying to be safe by assuming you are straight unless I learn you are not. Just a heads up for the future. :) Thanks and have a great night

  10. Okay since I have mistaken sexualities quite often recently, if I assume you are straight when you are not, my bad but I'm trying to be safe by assuming you are straight unless I learn you are not. Just a heads up for the future. :) Thanks and have a great night

  11. Okay since I have mistaken sexualities quite often recently, if I assume you are straight when you are not, my bad but I'm trying to be safe by assuming you are straight unless I learn you are not. Just a heads up for the future. :) Thanks and have a great night

  12. Okay since I have mistaken sexualities quite often recently, if I assume you are straight when you are not, my bad but I'm trying to be safe by assuming you are straight unless I learn you are not. Just a heads up for the future. :) Thanks and have a great night

  13. I'm not sure if I've gotten nicer or meaner recently.

  14. I'm not sure if I've gotten nicer or meaner recently.

  15. I'm not sure if I've gotten nicer or meaner recently.

  16. I really don't like the new Pika-Clone's design... Just... Stop with the Pika-Clones...

  17. check out serebii because some potential pokemon have been leaked and the last yellow one is badass looking and I think it's a legendary imo.

  18. New pokemon leaked. I've been waiting for this!!!

  19. check out serebii because some potential pokemon have been leaked and the last yellow one is badass looking and I think it's a legendary imo.

  20. When I said this "Now I have to kill this dumb 240 days. Wish me luck killing these dumb points lol." I meant surviving the 240 days not trying to get around the rules. Sigh, I need to get better at talking. I notice I jumbled my words at a job fair today even though I tried my best but I can't talk fluently :( How do I fix this?

  21. When I said this "Now I have to kill this dumb 240 days. Wish me luck killing these dumb points lol." I meant surviving the 240 days not trying to get around the rules. Sigh, I need to get better at talking. I notice I jumbled my words at a job fair today even though I tried my best but I can't talk fluently :( How do I fix this?

  22. I hate sleeving cards it's such a chore

  23. When I said this "Now I have to kill this dumb 240 days. Wish me luck killing these dumb points lol." I meant surviving the 240 days not trying to get around the rules. Sigh, I need to get better at talking. I notice I jumbled my words at a job fair today even though I tried my best but I can't talk fluently :( How do I fix this?

  24. When I said this "Now I have to kill this dumb 240 days. Wish me luck killing these dumb points lol." I meant surviving the 240 days not trying to get around the rules. Sigh, I need to get better at talking. I notice I jumbled my words at a job fair today even though I tried my best but I can't talk fluently :( How do I fix this?

  25. Time for a rant. I got points for breaking the advertising rule but I really wish they gave warning before giving points like for the signature issue I had a week ago. If they had told me, I wouldn't have advertised :( Now I have to kill this dumb 240 days (way too long if 1 or 2 gets 90 days, 4 or 5 should be 180 imo). Wish me luck killing these dumb points lol. ;)

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