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Reborn Development Blog

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Status Replies posted by pbood2

  1. FE Fates: Boss gets critical hit, soft reset game, rinse and repeat.

  2. Time for a rant. I got points for breaking the advertising rule but I really wish they gave warning before giving points like for the signature issue I had a week ago. If they had told me, I wouldn't have advertised :( Now I have to kill this dumb 240 days (way too long if 1 or 2 gets 90 days, 4 or 5 should be 180 imo). Wish me luck killing these dumb points lol. ;)

  3. Time for a rant. I got points for breaking the advertising rule but I really wish they gave warning before giving points like for the signature issue I had a week ago. If they had told me, I wouldn't have advertised :( Now I have to kill this dumb 240 days (way too long if 1 or 2 gets 90 days, 4 or 5 should be 180 imo). Wish me luck killing these dumb points lol. ;)

  4. Coming up with names and logos sucks


  6. One hour of being muted in showdown server. Time to do the laundry. >:3

  7. Well I start my sysadmin job on Monday. Should be interesting.

  8. Want to make your own Pokemon game? Buy the program while it'seems cheap: http://store.steampowered.com/app/235900/

  9. Want to make your own Pokemon game? Buy the program while it'seems cheap: http://store.steampowered.com/app/235900/

  10. So I tried spriting and that didn't go well and I learned that I need to buy a drawing pad, which won't happen for a while 'cause my parents won't buy me one 'cause they know I don't really draw and it costs a lot of money. So, now, I'm going to do basic drawing which is drawing in real life. Give me some suggestions and I'll do my best!

  11. The Steam Summer Sale is on. Any recommendations for me? I'll take just about anything.

  12. Ok Reborn. I'm annoyed because I'm getting real sick and tired of having to constantly explain what I mean to every single person. Use some logic please and try to figure what I mean instead of assuming something about what I said because I'm tired of it honestly and I'm going to stop defending myself against accusations and just ignore you honestly and let you think what you want. I will only say it once. When I say something, unless I make it super clear I mean harm or offen...

  13. thanks a bunch to the people who kept me company during the stream!! it was a ton of fun :]

  14. Ok Reborn. I'm annoyed because I'm getting real sick and tired of having to constantly explain what I mean to every single person. Use some logic please and try to figure what I mean instead of assuming something about what I said because I'm tired of it honestly and I'm going to stop defending myself against accusations and just ignore you honestly and let you think what you want. I will only say it once. When I say something, unless I make it super clear I mean harm or offen...

  15. Ok Reborn. I'm annoyed because I'm getting real sick and tired of having to constantly explain what I mean to every single person. Use some logic please and try to figure what I mean instead of assuming something about what I said because I'm tired of it honestly and I'm going to stop defending myself against accusations and just ignore you honestly and let you think what you want. I will only say it once. When I say something, unless I make it super clear I mean harm or offen...

  16. Ok Reborn. I'm annoyed because I'm getting real sick and tired of having to constantly explain what I mean to every single person. Use some logic please and try to figure what I mean instead of assuming something about what I said because I'm tired of it honestly and I'm going to stop defending myself against accusations and just ignore you honestly and let you think what you want. I will only say it once. When I say something, unless I make it super clear I mean harm or offen...

  17. I just realized how much I've matured since coming here. I used to be so full of hatred, and now the idea of hating anyone straight up brings me to tears

  18. Ok Reborn. I'm annoyed because I'm getting real sick and tired of having to constantly explain what I mean to every single person. Use some logic please and try to figure what I mean instead of assuming something about what I said because I'm tired of it honestly and I'm going to stop defending myself against accusations and just ignore you honestly and let you think what you want. I will only say it once. When I say something, unless I make it super clear I mean harm or offen...

  19. It's official, since April i gained 6 kilos of muscular mass. FINALLY AYY

  20. Ok Reborn. I'm annoyed because I'm getting real sick and tired of having to constantly explain what I mean to every single person. Use some logic please and try to figure what I mean instead of assuming something about what I said because I'm tired of it honestly and I'm going to stop defending myself against accusations and just ignore you honestly and let you think what you want. I will only say it once. When I say something, unless I make it super clear I mean harm or offen...

  21. Mafia with Rose organizing was fun. I hope we get to do it more often in the future ;)

  22. So the UK is gonna be leaving the EU after...52% voted for it? Maybe this is just Serbian governments being weird and bad and stupid, but don't you need a bigger majority than "slightly over half" voting FOR making a big change?

  23. I just got haxed like none ever by DW and a dumb togekiss. He should meet the HeatedMo and they would be buddies for pete sakes. For those who don't know him, the heatedmo is a poketuber who is known for hax in battling lol

  24. I just got haxed like none ever by DW and a dumb togekiss. He should meet the HeatedMo and they would be buddies for pete sakes. For those who don't know him, the heatedmo is a poketuber who is known for hax in battling lol

  25. *silently plots the demise of all things anti-progress*

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