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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by ShatteredSkys

  1. Alright finally fixed patching the game. Sorry it took so long, revamping diglett tunnel took much longer than I expected. The patch doesn't fix all the bugs, there are a few minor ones I'm aware of that are still running around. I'm leaving for California soon so I don't have the time to fix them up right now. I'll have another patch within the next few days to fix those. Change log I'll have another patch soon for the other bugs, I just wanted to get this out because I'm not sure how much time I'll have over the next few days. Some changes that'll happen in the next patch -Badges -Allen disappearing during the invasion -Several Sprite issues -Grammer -Several Text issues -Proper dates for several Journals I missed -A breeder to help grind will be added Edit: Diglett Tunnel will have wild encounters and proper darkness, forgot to add these in my rush:/ If you have any bugs or suggestions to report leave them in this forum and I'll try to go over them. Download V 1.1: https://www.mediafire.com/?ew373nz84cab3uk
  2. Unfrozen, I also grabbed the item for you(it was a stardust btw) Game.rxdata
  3. Hint for finding the keys: People sometimes give nice things when you help them with there homework;) Just saying I couldn't get the salon code to work so Casy's store isn't operational. I'll fix that in the patch tomorrow.
  4. Hey Skys here! Here are my opinions on your ideas 1) Pretty cool idea, though why ghosts? Has nice potential,but I really think this idea is very dependent on how you build your crazy friend as a character if this is a story about revenge. Nice idea definetly has potential but ultimately depends on your ability to build a character. 2) Pokemon: 7th Street I like it. Makes your game pretty unique from the other ones. it also lets you explore a whole different side of a pokemon world only shown briefly in Reborn. You can explore so many different things like the black market, pokemon trading, the hood, and all kinds of crazy stuff. I think this one has highest potential. 3) Honestly it kind of reminds me of Rejuvenation with the whole save your parent thing. I know it's different but that's the vibe I'm sort of getting from the brief description your giving me. I really wouldn't go for this one, it feels kind of cliche and I don't think it has too much going for it. But then again the description is literally 2 sentences. 4) Interesting. This has potential, it's definitely a unique idea. My biggest issue that a story might be a little difficult to create. Honestly in my opinion this could be very good or a complete mess. It depends on how you execute it. I personally would go for the Pokemon: Hood Version it really has a ton of potential in my opinion. Heck thinking about the possibilities sort of makes me want scrap Revelation and work on this idea. It opens up a bunch of different things to explore and provides a really unique world to build. The betrayal one isn't bad but it really depends on how you build your crazy friend and his organization. The college isn't bad either but I honestly have no idea how your supposed to create a story from that. I wouldn't go for the save your dad one, gives me a rejuventaion vibe.
  5. I'll have the next patch out by tomorrow night. I probably would've gotten it out today but while going through Diglett's tunnel I decided it was too boring and I'm currently in the process of reworking it. Most of the major issues like the looping events and certain items not working have been fixed. Though I do have a few questions. -Revengercm umm to my knowledge there isn't a person in the pokemon center searching for a rare pokemon? -Does anyone know where the box with a pokeball is? I took a look around and couldn't find it. -To the right bottom corner of the city is a daycare. Is there a green breeder named Terry there? It's part of the daycare miniquest and I'm not sure if it's qorking correctly. Can anyone confirm? @Sparks- Feel free to keep exploring Cascadia but just keep in mind that the area is incomplete. Once you hit a certain point you'll encounter an event that'll cause your game to freeze. I haven't fixed it yet.
  6. Thanks Sparks and Ice Cream Sand Witch for finding all these bugs. I should have a fix for most of them later today. Weird.... I swear I fixed most of these especially the BLUSHARD one and the phanphy. Also your not even supposed to be able to get to Cascadia That's why every thing is buggy there. I never put the transparency nor have I defined what you can and cannot pass. It's still a work in progress. Just curious but what pokemons are you guys using? Also do you think James is too hard or easy?
  7. Sorry, like I've said before I really struggle with spriting:/ I'll try and redo several of them in the next episode. Just curious but which ones do you think are plain and cartoonish? Well you get an eevee which you can evolve into 7 different pokemon by the end of the ep I figured that was good enough diversity:/
  8. Because its actually a trade for a lombre:/ Just beat Connor with a monograss team + a meowth
  9. Btw quick question do you mind if I reference your game in my own? I've got a port area coming up in the future and I think it would be cool to have exotic objects from other regions being traded there like your overpriced pint of paint for an instamce:P
  10. Kk personally I'm trying to use spirtes/tilesets that only I made though most of them look pretty bad:/ Idk I just feel weird taking some one else work. When I was playing through rejuvenation I kind of got obsessed with grass types. When I got to the bug gym my team was half grass and I had plans to add more. I figured if the majority of my team is going to be grass I might as well do a grass monorun onn the next fangame I played. I really hope I'm not going to regreat this....
  11. So I thought it would be a good idea to do a grass mono run in this game XD Connor please have mercy. Anyway so far the game looks pretty nice:D Though I find it a bit unoriginal that a large part of your sprites seem to be taken from rejuvenation......But what you did make yourself looks pretty good.
  12. Whoops:/ In my defense I was uploading this at like 1 am last night but whoops.
  13. Yeah I'm aware of that. I'm still an absolute noob when it comes to spriting and it really makes my head spin. I plan on redoing the sprites for Allen, Freya, and the protagonists when ep2 comes out.
  14. -Yeah I know, problem is when I was writing everything I got them mixed up and apparently I can never find all the them -I'll fix that -Intentional, supposed to help get a STAB move for your eevelution, though I could make it only open later on.... -it's a waterwork but I'll look into that Thanks I'll patch these up in the next update:D
  15. Hey everyone ! Around 2/3 years ago I picked up pokemon reborn not sure really what to expect. I was absolutely amazed at the story and world that Ame had created, so much so that I started to think up my own. But I didn't have the courage to put it out so it just became something in the back of my head. it wasn't until Rejuvenation came out that i finally decided that to flesh out this world. So ladies and gentlemen I present to you after a long time of doubting myself, laziness, ripping my hair out in frustration of spriting, and a horrible case of senioritis I present to you yet another fangame that begins with re! (But seriously what's is with the re thing?) Plot: Another beginning. Another adventure. Welcome to the Haven region! Home to some of the toughest trainers you'll ever find. Here we do things a bit different from other regions ; there is no Victory Road, no Elite 4, and no Champion at the end waiting to fight you for the title(well we do have champions but it's different). Every five years the teenagers of the region are given there first pokemon and sent on a quest to obtain the 18 badges of the region to compete in the Haven Tournament. Here the trainers will duke it against each other to decided who truly is the strongest trainer in the region! Well.......That's how things normally go........... A nefarious organization has emerged and is laying wast to the region. But it doesn't seem to be just purposeless violence but it rather seems that they looking for something..... Can you traverse a new region, fight off a sinister organization, discover the events that have shaped this region, climb your to the top, and discover what the revelation truly is? A new adventure awaits you! Features -All 721 pokemon will eventually be able to catch -Custom Overworld characters and sprites -IV/EV Checker(Press enter at the stat page) -Increased Shiny rate -Music by GlitchxCity -Hopefully one day 18 gym leaders -Quick Save(D) -Toggled Running(S) Protagonists Screenshots Download Meidafire: V2.3https://www.mediafire.com/?c5diixr5fvcke4k Credits What's next? As of currently a lot of my VS sprites(especially Jame's which got removed for the ep because it was so bad) are rather....lackluster...I made them nearly a year ago and I believe I've improved a lot since then. That's why instead of working on ep 3 next it will instead be a 2.5 where I'll go back and remake all the VS sprites as well as the player sprites. Ep 2.5 however won't be a graphical update. It'll also include Cascadia Port an area which you can complete a ton of miniquests as well as trade in items found while mining for some rather nice items.
  16. Wait I can't receive Pms? And thanks looks good just wish the hair was longer but I can do that myself thanks!
  17. Yeah I understand. I'll definitely ask for some tips while im working on the sprites for ep 2 though
  18. Sawsbuck is amazing vs half her team and I kind of winged the other half
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