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Reborn Development Blog

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Status Replies posted by rustytengo

  1. so its like almost 1:40 am where i am and i have to workat 8:30 am so i need to be up by 7:20 am so i can get ready and stuff cause i have to travel 13 miles to get to work in snow covered roads part of the ways and here i am still up and on the site....damn it all.

  2. Just finished Pokémon Y. The ending, and the story was satisfying. But... The final battles? They left a lot to be desired.

  3. i feel so out of place here sometimes becasue i have no intrest in the competive side of pokemon.

  4. i feel so out of place here sometimes becasue i have no intrest in the competive side of pokemon.

  5. i feel so out of place here sometimes becasue i have no intrest in the competive side of pokemon.

  6. Hey every one i'm back! Not that anyone cares anyway.

  7. Lonely Inkay with Contrary in Wonder Trade. Let the birth of the evil squid of doom begin.

  8. Once upon a midnight dreary..

  9. Editing is hard work QAQ

  10. I really like the opening of Rozen Maiden. I actuallly don't skip it after the first time watching it which i do with almost every other anime i watch.

  11. So I just watched the first four episods of Rozen Maiden......Its actually seem quite interesting going to give the rest of it a shot.


  13. Tell me story someone

  14. Apparently, marrying Maribelle is a far bigger occasion than finally killing off Gangrel...this game perplexes me.

  15. New girl sits next to you in Biology. Thinks she's hot. Tries to imagine her in a maid outfit.

  16. Ame! Roleplaying section on forums yes? :D

  17. so would i be considered bad because i liked Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt more then alot of the animes out there?

  18. so curiosity to something that popped in to my head when i watch an anime for the most of them i tend to make up characters for it so teh question is how many other people do that cause for the most part the people i know don't do it

  19. My save file for Reborn has just completely disappeared... I'm in shock, denial, disbelief, and can't believe I have to go through the whole game AGAIN. My luck just sucks...

  20. so curiosity to something that popped in to my head when i watch an anime for the most of them i tend to make up characters for it so teh question is how many other people do that cause for the most part the people i know don't do it

  21. So I was going to go out tonight but I don't feel very good. For now though,I got my wine and video games so I'm good! ♥

  22. one thing that has bothered me why for art of x and y the boy male character is with the x well the female is with the y the x x is what makes female and xy is what makes male in gentics if i remember right anyway right

  23. one thing that has bothered me why for art of x and y the boy male character is with the x well the female is with the y the x x is what makes female and xy is what makes male in gentics if i remember right anyway right

  24. who thinks x and y should be called y and z

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