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Status Replies posted by rustytengo

  1. ah, the Sensai finally settling back into the RP section. Hopefully, everybody else shows up again, would be terrible to lose the small handful we already have lol.

  2. Daily obligaton becasue of my avatar.......BEWARE!!!!

  3. Daily obligaton becasue of my avatar.......BEWARE!!!!

  4. That's it. I'm taking this idea and making it real... I just know that it can succeed

  5. I am The Box Ghost....BEWARE!!!!

  6. I am The Box Ghost....BEWARE!!!!

  7. Well let’s see what anime thing I can talk about tonight (hopefully without utterly misspelling a word…). I know how come almost every time the main cast is female(or male casts as well I just seem to notice it more with female casts) people seem to assume that at least one pair (or the two characters) people say that they are in some sort of romantic relationship? It seems that people won’t just let them be close friends without assuming things. (I honestly could care less it’s just somethin...

  8. So one thing i don't get in anime and video games is the eye patch girl. i would understand if they where a pirate or something but most of the time the eyepatch just seems pointless.

  9. Darkness is gathering...

  10. About what percentage of people here are straight? 5%?

  11. So would it be worth me buying the Spice and Wolf manga?

  12. So who else here gets a really lovey cat after you get out of a shower?

  13. Welcome to the shadow realm~

  14. guess which three anime characters i have keychains for. if you get them right i will give you a cookie!

  15. guess which three anime characters i have keychains for. if you get them right i will give you a cookie!

  16. well Once Upon a Time is going to be quite interesting once it starts up agian in March.

  17. Don'tcha just hate it when you have two cats and one cat hates the other cat and they're always trying to kill each other?

  18. "its magic that means that i don't need to explain how its works."

  19. God how I hate it when I see that a person has read an important message of mine many hours ago, and still there's no reply...

  20. so i have a feeling of building a spider deck in MTG just to troll my friends who like to use flying things. given when its me and my friends i don't need to worry about what legal right now what should i put in it?

  21. so i have a feeling of building a spider deck in MTG just to troll my friends who like to use flying things. given when its me and my friends i don't need to worry about what legal right now what should i put in it?

  22. season 2 off Rozen Maiden start for me.

  23. my favorte music in x and y is the "masked heros" theam sad thing is you only hear it twice.

  24. i require more science fi anime

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