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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Cowtao

  1. Right before a alt check the server dies. Then we hear of a landshark comment. Good job Silver, you jsut killed the server for us. :\

    1. Cowtao


      I'm so mangry I spelled just wrong. That's how mangry I am. >:I (Ily doe Silver. JK. <3)

  2. Why can't I find a decent HQ cut of this that isn't VEVO?
  3. Yo, this'll come off as a bit queer but. I need some help on me finalizing a teambuild. Over the time I have been on I have made some pretty alright teams that required some work to get to it's maximum potential. I...Well. Have been trying to crack the ladder since and have gone way down to the 300s. :x I tried various things like Choice Scarf'd Lead Victini, Cloyster, everything and tried to use some other types of support to boost my team up but nothing has shown up. I need somebody to teach me the proper way to make a great team in the Reborn Meta.
  4. Huh, didn't even make a Beatles reference. I'm slightly disappointed. :\ Kiddin'. Welcome in to Reborn. Enjoy your stay~
  5. All this hate going on about GTA V man. I don't know what the hell is going on this night.

  6. Hmmm. Sound familiar. Maybe you'll find your wing in here Elliot. I've left my old communities like you in the past before but every venture is another journey. It hurts to leave, but it also leaves you more happier to see your old friends again. Maybe you'll find something that will appease to everyone in the future as well. Names Brandon but everyone calls me Cow. Welcome to Reborn and enjoy your stay~
  7. Y'know..Once you start a battle with someone that you don't respect, cheats, and does everything in his power to act like a considerable ass it doesn't feel like a fun battle. It feels like i'm forced to do good and I hate that.

    1. Shanco


      I know this feel, mostly because I get it almost every day. Sometimes twice.

  8. This made my afternoon.

  9. Lets just keep it real folks. There is a very slim chance that any mega evolution is gonna be in regular pokemon play. Even if there is, it'll be for the lesser Mega Evolutions that are gonna be balanced like Mega Ampharos. (That typing is gonna be a killer though) Besides, who said the mega evolutions were permanent before a battle?
  10. I am probably gonna be out for 1 or 2 days so sorry if you guys don't see me. ;w; Also happy birthday Jacze!

    1. Garnet.


      nooooo I just got back too!

      I wanted to talk to you, but I suppose it can wait. Have a good vacation ;^;

  11. The backup channel on Pokemon Online is on. Waiting on Swimming or etc. to bring the backup server up~

    1. Cowtao


      Nevermind~ Server is back up. Look at the post above me. owo

  12. Guise, please. Teach me how to talk to people. ;w; I suck at making skype messages to people I know almost nothing about.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Maelstrom


      take up an accent and act out a part or silly stereotype or something. You will be more comfortable and confident talking like Sean Connery than you would talking normally. As a mask, it gives you that security buffer since you can say you were merely acting the part.

    3. Maelstrom


      And as a construct, it gives you something to talk about or play around with, further extending the conversation and making things enjoyable.

    4. Maelstrom


      Was I being too serious? Well too bad, I shall continue with my stiff upper lip, top hat and monocle. For soon it shall be tea time and in the name of the queen, it shan't be interrupted. *pinkie out*

  13. Mael. One word. :I Please. (Now I feel bad now that I told an admin what to do. >>) Synchronized
  14. *Yawns* Another day huh? Today's somewhat special. I get to get up and get out of bed for once. I live in New Bark Town and I mostly like to stay myself inside. I mostly despise contact with everyone else and I shut myself off from the world mostly to go on the internet, watch TV, eat, take out the trash, do my homework, and sleep. Then do it all over. Not today...My mom signed me up for this stupid Pokemon program and unfortunately I am the last participant so I get a quote on quote "Special" pokemon. Special my as- "KURO! GET OUT OF BED! IT'S TIME FOR YOU TO VISIT PROFESSOR ELM~!" Kill me. I get out of bed, lazily put on my clothes, brush my hair, brush my teeth, and i'm ready to go on an amazing adventure! ...That was sarcasm by the way. I hate this. I scuffle my way downstairs to get breakfast and to head out to meet Professor Elm in his lab. My mother gave me a lot of lip but I got out of their in time to get away from her rambling. Ahh...The outside. Your breeze is like acid to my Weeaboo skin~ I manage to find Professor Elm's laboratory, which isn't too impressive to say the least. Outside of it were a bunch of signs for the Pokemon program my mother *forcefully* helpfully signed me up on. Seems more like a death trap. I walk inside and to my surprise it was actually quite spacious. Professor Elm was watching the door eagerly as if he knew I was coming and walked up to me to explain what's so "Special" about my "Special" pokemon. "Hello Mrs. Konata! I am Professor El-" "I know who you are and what you do. Can we just skip the dramatics and get to the stupid pokemon already?" "U-Uhm..N-No! I must finished what i'm saying." "Then do it." "E-Ehem...We choose you today because you are our special pokemon winner! We have a specially crafted pokemon and pokeball made for you nearby one of our idle desks we would like to show you." "Okay. Go on." [in thought] Ugh...This is gonna take longer than I thought. "Right! This pokemon has been made from our highest grade engineers into crafting what we have discovered as the very first virtual Pokemon in existence!" "Does it shoot lazer beams?" "No....M-Maybe?" "Then get to the point." "Jeez...Your mother was right. You are a bit testy. A-anyways! Right this way please!" After he voluntarily insulted me he lead me the way to said idle desk and on top was a lone Pokeball. It has stripes on the sides of it that looked slightly more graded and high tech than most pokeballs. "Pick it up please." Fine then. I pick up the pokeball and suddenly the ball opened up and out came something I have never seen before. It was digitally shaped, looked a bit like a duck, and...He looked so cute! I wish I could pet him but..He's virtual so..Yeah. That's a bit disappointing but still! "His name is Porygon. He is the virtual duck pokemon an-" "Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah. Just give me the pokemon, poke-whatever else, and send me on my way!" "U-Uhm...Here. Here is the pokedex that allows you record data of the recorded pokemon you see out there in the wild. And for you since you are the special winner you receive 10 poke balls!" "Thank you! I'll be on my way! Thanks!" "B-But! I should warn you of the dangers ahead of your journey! Your sacrifices! Your strengths! Your-" *Slam* I rushed out of there as soon as I could because not only was this trip worth it now, I got an extremely cute pokemon by my side! "Hello Porygon!" "Porygon." It aimed at me by the side, darting around me and taking a look at who his new trainer is. "Porygon." It continued to loom around as I started to walk closer to it to give a big hug. "D'awww!" "Pory-Gon." It's darted stopped and it closed it's eyes and smiled slightly in a way that digital ducks kinda smile...Which isn't very common to find a way that they do smile. And now..This begins my adventure towards being a Pokemon Trainer. Hopefully this won't be so boring after all.
  15. I literally wrote down the first lyrics of this on the chalk board of my Driver's Ed class. I got +2 extra points on my quiz.
  16. I've just been under a hail of work lately. I told myself i'd better myself in homework but now i'm barely gonna hold onto a B at this rate. I have a bunch of notecards to do, multiple homework papers, and assignments I have to do, and I have a bunch of things I don't even know if I finished or not. In short...I'm screwed. This is the punishment I get for blowing off school work for 3 days. Luckily, I have caught up for the most part and if I work hard all throughout today and tomorrow I can finally rid of myself of this tragic workload. But...I don't know if i'll make the same mistake again.
  17. You know... Makoto pretty much said all that I wanted to say so listen to him. owo
  18. Hmm...Wondering around the older threads of this site feels like a completely different place. Man....Things were a lot different before. And hell, things are still changing as I type this.

    1. Summer


      You got that right newbie. It was a better place back then.

  19. Yo! I'd like to join! And i'm gonna be fair and choose a different starter! This guy.
  20. Name: Kuro-Konata Appearance: Birthday: May 29th 1993 Things to know: Basically the anti Izumi Konata with Kuro being more mature, less loony, and more quiet and sentinel. However she does share some similar traits such as love of video games, snacks, and anime/manga. After the birth of Izumi Konata, in an alternate universe Kuro-Konata was born out of the blue representing the opposite of what Izumi is. She is a little more straight forwards to the point and hates to be tested or tricked. She cares for those that have earned it and will make sure that the people she cares for gets her support. Her goals are few and far between but she wishes to be the energetic happy girl. Unfortunately she feels she can't be that due to her being a shut-in and her own quiet and slightly timid nature. With over time, she might change into something better. Something that will let her be something she wishes she was... RP universe: Generally Animes but branches off into Pokemon into other virtual worlds. (Video Game RPs) [On a side note: Kuro-Konata is NOT my original artwork. I did however was part of a fan page on Facebook that popularized Kuro-Konata so I feel it is just to include this artist's drawing of Kuro-Konata. Just saying, not my drawing. :\
  21. TFW you are shy about singing to your parents. It's terrible when you are trying to describe a song in a different monotoned voice. ;w;

    1. Garnet.


      lolol my brother does the same thing. just try to make it funny. cx

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