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Everything posted by Wes


  2. Not all of Ezreal's skins are even, bad, though. The problem with Ezreal skins is that the only one with different particles is a skin that costs $20+ and that's more of just a blue recolor The thing with Zac is, they can basically take an approach for a skin that is gelatinous or a liquid. They may have some issues dealing with his growth as he gains health, but the ideas are there, and with the talent in Riot's design team, they should be able to come up with something.
  3. If I can quote the Bible real quick: Open the door Get on the floor Everybody Walk the dinosaur
  4. His E can be maxed to provide some good early pushing power and while it does scale decently off AP, building AP is not going to work out in the later stages of the game compared to just building standard Nasus and farming efficiently with your Q to still do significant damage.
  5. Wes

    Tony's AMA

    What sort of defensive mechanisms do you and your family have to guard yourself against the 8-legged 8-foot tall arachnid menace of the back-country wilderness? Another question. Is it true that they don't think it feel like it is, but it do?
  6. The E change is too much, especially because he's immobile, but the Q change is a good mindset towards removing toxicity from the game. I mean it's an ability that allows him to infinitely scale with ridiculously high scaling ratios, especially his ult that scales not only with his stats, but the enemies as well. Unless you're name is Galio and you have the Mage title, you're dead at level 6-8 unless you've rushed a Banshee's or zhonya's for even a chance at counterplaying it.
  7. There is no counterplay to point and click, get over yourself. He got nerfed because he was a problem. It's also not even guaranteed to happen and you're going pretty overboard despite that fact, don't you think?
  9. niteleebs ready to sell me some of that new cod action
  10. I honestly can't pick a singular favorite. Thresh and Heimerdinger are at the top of the list, despite not playing them as much lately. I just love their characters and their gameplays. Others I'd name would be Zyra, Ezreal, Corki, and Riven are up there too. It's just way too hard for me to pick only one.
  11. Excuse you, that explicitly says Squiritle and Charzard. I'm sure Squiritle wants the respect he deserves for stealing such a precious letter i.
  12. Basically what Tony said. Building an AP item with some sort of Magic Pen on her is really good, especially with Hybrid Pen marks, but building actual AP items for the sake of having more AP isn't the way to go unless you're just straight BMing.
  13. Just gotta step up and put your big boy carry pants on. That's all solo queue is, anyway. Plus, don't let Gold be a judge of skill, let alone mid to low gold. Trust me, we're shitters in that elo.
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